Hunters lol

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Flyblowsion said:
ive never seen so much suk in 1 thread but i still love u all


^horde randoms last night.
It's incredibly frustrating to know basic mechanics of WoW and to play consistently with others who have no idea that these mechanics exist- despite me mentioning it over and again. They never take the time to go research how these mechanics work on their own, and then are offended when I flame them for being lazy.

Everything you listed earlier that I am 'bad' at is completely optional. Doing them doesn't make the difference between being a pro and being a scrub. Some people *gasp* don't need to use focus macros to play well. Some people don't need to spin around in a BG every 6 seconds to make sure their six is clear (in fact most people don't, including high rated players). Some people don't need to make an assist macro so they can target the guy that's being focused.

See, I have an addon that shows me whos on the other team, down in a little box on my UI. It shows me their spec, class, and how many people on my team are targeting them. It allows me to accurately account for human error in that when people decide to focus someone, I can assist them simply by looking down at that box and clicking the person who's being focused (since my mouse hand isn't doing much else anyway). It saves time because I don't have to wait for a call out, and it saves keybinds because I don't have to make yet another macro to be able to target someone.

I have another addon that shows me the healthbars, debuffs, and cast bars of everyone, over their head. I don't need a focus macro because I can just click the person I want to CC, interrupt, or dispel (since my mouse hand isn't doing much else anyway) and then press the appropriate button. It saves time because I don't have to constantly update who my focus is, and I don't have to set up yet another macro to keep track of. My left had works the movement keys and spells, while my right hand works the camera and target selection.

The simple fact of the matter is that you have an opinion of what you think is 'basic wow mechanics which everyone should know period' and your using that opinion to decide who's good and who's not. You're then using your judgement of others to decide that you need to 'flame' them for not sharing the same opinion as you. This is why you're a waste of space and a detriment to any team. Last night games went great, even though not many of them were close and hard fought, but at least we didn't have the Negative Nancy constantly berating us the whole game from his tower of pretentious. I wasn't going to post anything in response to Daydra's post about you, despite the fact I don't agree with her summary, but just now I felt it was necessary to set the record straight after reading your wall of text.

There are a great number of 29s that have no idea how to implement these things into gameplay. You and I know how to use them effectively, but we both make mistakes. My qualm is not with us, it's with the players that don't take the time to learn how these mechanics works and implement them into their gameplay.

The simple fact is that there are a great number of 29s that simply don't need to play the way that you do in order to be successful in game or have fun. Again, your opinion of 'how to play the game right' isn't remotely relevant to anything when others are happy and content with what they do. You weren't around last night, and games went well. If you had been, we wouldn't have won the games that we did end up winning against the DH kids with our 'mediocrity.'

Get bent.
Dorigon said:
not sure y u all even communicate with donteven, hes a vain and vile excuse for a person

does things like talk shit on vent that id only expect from the most childish of wow players

Have we ever had a conversation? Who have I "talked shit" on? And what was the topic of the shit talking?
Willyshatner said:
Everything you listed earlier that I am 'bad' at is completely optional.

Certainly, if the option you would like is suboptimal play.

Willyshatner said:
Doing them doesn't make the difference between being a pro and being a scrub.

Yes it does. As a non user, how could you possibly know the extra capabilities it gives you? You can't. Instead you speak out of scrubly ignorance.

Willyshatner said:
Some people don't need to make an assist macro so they can target the guy that's being focused.

It's not about needing. It's a matter of optimal play. You are mediocre. I don't expect you to understand this.

Willyshatner said:
'basic wow mechanics which everyone should know period'

They are basic mechanics. Everyone who considers themself a pvper should know them. You are making yourself look extremely new. I don't even have to help you :)

Willyshatner said:
Get bent.

Do the same.
Willyshatner said:
The simple fact is that there are a great number of 29s that simply don't need to play the way that you do in order to be successful in game or have fun. Again, your opinion of 'how to play the game right' isn't remotely relevant to anything when others are happy and content with what they do.You weren't around last night, and games went well. If you had been, we wouldn't have won the games that we did end up winning against the DH kids with our 'mediocrity.'

Nastay helped me set up my UI, a few binds, and some macro's. He got me on my way, and now I enjoy playing much more. Before his help, I realized what I needed to do, but just couldn't do it. Now it is possible to focus shear, mouseover heal, and do it without dropping target. Something a new player simply doesn't know is possible. For those who didn't have someone to teach them the game, how long did it take for you to know there was a "Focus" or to know how to use it? I am more effective and have more fun playing because I knew how to take advice, rather than shrugging off help because "I have fun w/ my clicking."

'Mediocrity' WOULD be able to beat a team that has been playing their new toons for like a week and a half? Most are still undergeared, but they do coordinate well. However, we are talking about how you play the game, not vent usage.

Getting bent would be the DH "mediocrity" gear beating Hordeside "finished" gear all night... I BET THEY KNOW HOW TO PLAY RIGHT, EH?

Get raped.
allahkazam said:
game of the night had to be that last stand for horde on the alliance ramp with homerpimpson carrying. seemed like the whole team was around him and he still got dropped and alliance came back from 2-0 down to cap with about 10 seconds left to win.

i should have had all 9 players hugging me with 2 mins left in the game. we had most of our dps going after the efc in the last minute and our healers ranging me, ya we deserved to lose. there's just no way i should die to an undergeared mage and 1 rogue with 3 healers near me it was pretty sad yet hilarious at the same time.
Certainly, if the option you would like is suboptimal play.

Yes, because the difference between sub optimal play and optimal play is clearly the method of reaching a goal, not whether you reached it or not, right? If I get a flag return when I click it, versus scrolling for it, yet both methods would yield the exact same results, how could one possibly be suboptimal?

If I click a player to Wind Shear/Purge vs setting up a macro to create a mouse over keybind, then another macro to Wind Shear/Purge them, how is that sub optimal when it yields the exact same results?

If I click my addon to focus fire a player vs creating an assist macro (which is completely dependent on targeting the right teammate to begin with), how is that sub optimal when it yields the exact same results?

Yes it does. As a non user, how could you possibly know the extra capabilities it gives you? You can't. Instead you speak out of scrubly ignorance.

What extra capabilities? When the results are the exact same, there aren't any. You're basically arguing that by choosing to drive to work in a 1979 Gremlin I am sub optimal vs someone who's driving to work in 1980 Lincoln Continental. Semantics? I do believe so.

It's not about needing. It's a matter of optimal play. You are mediocre. I don't expect you to understand this.

If we have a team of players who are coordinating and playing well enough to complete the objectives of the BG before the other team, tell me exactly what else that teams needs? Do you want me to link you videos of Glads who click? By your own statement, keybinds and macros are the only correct way to play because they are supposedly optimal and vastly superior compared to any other. Well, it doesn't get much better than gladiator, and if a clicker can get glad without using keybinds and macros, or spin jumping all day long like a retard, then why is it important to have/do those things?

Oh, that's right, because those things are completely optional, and only people who need them to be optimal would use them.

They are basic mechanics. Everyone who considers themself a pvper should know them.

You mean the people who can't think outside the box or be remotely positive even a fraction of the time? It's okay, keep clinging to your dumb shit elitism and we'll continue to enjoy games without you.

Highest rated clicker? - Forums - World of Warcraft
Homerpimpson said:
i should have had all 9 players hugging me with 2 mins left in the game. we had most of our dps going after the efc in the last minute and our healers ranging me, ya we deserved to lose. there's just no way i should die to an undergeared mage and 1 rogue with 3 healers near me it was pretty sad yet hilarious at the same time.

yep. i said in vent you guys were all on ramp and i came around from that one side. everyone had their backs to the ramp entrance so i popped icy veins/lifeblood and just started to unload. i saw you down to 1k hp and then reddit got the ambush and return. definitely a fun game. i can't wait until my mage is fully geared :)
holy shit I missed a lot of gif opportunities, but I will say that image from igotoparties is one of my personal favorites. As for the rest of the thread:

See what I mean Hail. How can you possibly reconcile with someone who actually believes that kind of play is on equal footing?

It's understandable if we never reconcile. You can't see the forest for the trees, and many people have already agreed with me on the coordination thing. Last nights coordination was the best I have ever seen it (for a few games at least), and you simply weren't there. I find it hard to reconcile with people who insist on speaking without an accurate frame of reference to the subject at hand.

I also find it hard to agree with you on anything considering the vast difference between alliance and horde in games where alliance has a good team, has always been the level of communication that horde lacks. I'm sorry, but it doesn't take a lot of skill or gear to kill people when you have an entire offense focusing that person down. It's not hard to see why a team does so well when they can FF correctly against teams that don't FF at all. I'm 99% sure it has nothing to do with focus macros or spin jumping, and everything to do with a player calling out a target to kill in vent, and the other players in vent targeting that person (together) and killing it.

I'm also 99% sure that a team who isn't focusing anything down, or staying together as a group, is going to lose simply because of that, barring any amount of individual skill present. 5 v 1 anyone?
the whole point of focus is so you can use your abilities quickly without clicking to change targets and change back. while you may have "learned" how to react quickly enough without using focus at all, other players aren't going to be as talented (personally, i disagree that people can click fast enough to make focus not worthwhile). horde communication is lacking in general, but focus cc is a big part of killing targets as well.

this is a retarded subset of the discussion anyway since willy's individual use of focus is not the end-be-all problem of the horde team. additionally, even if the entire horde team uses brand new focus macros, coordination will still be necessary to make any progress.
What grave would that be? The way I see it, you're not playing games because your shitty attitude and opinions keep you from doing so. On the other hand I AM playing games and having a good time. I'm the one winning here, not you.
Willy take a look at your screen shots from last night you know how often we actually beat MB? not once, every game with 5 of them regardless of our vent communication we lost.

They are playing on a lvl that you and many other horde cannot be bothered to even attempt, they are playing on a lvl well above me and I am tryign to get better, where as you insist that mediocrity is ok.
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