Hunters lol

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rubikz said:

I have a gif of him now where did i put it oh there it is.

Mouseover macros aren't all that awesome. He possibly did what I did, and glanced at the macro without realizing it was mouseover. You are trying too hard.

In other news he isn't telling people to do things that he isn't willing to do, its not like he is saying EVERYONE USE FOCUS MACROS when he doesn't... He is telling people to get in vent and listen at the least, or get in vent and talk at the most. Something he most certainly does every game night he is on.

This isn't some novel ****ing concept, I've had alliance ask "are horde normally that quiet during games? They are barely calling anything". I wish I saved the mind blowing gif for this post instead, here is this

And refusing to step up your game to a lvl you claim to be capable of while complaining about others not getting in vent coordinating or focusing targets is pathetic.

Coming from the guy who was literally having a meltdown last night because there were a few people on our team not in vent.

Willy you flat out refuse to do things that will improve your game play, i show you a macro that you should be able to understand the value or atelast the use of if you can play at the lvl you claim you can and you respond as if i told you to take flameshock out of your spell book and put it on your bars.

I am not sure what to say to you anymore franchi. You were either a little too drunk last night, or you are simply retarded. I was the one who called out the rogue inc, because he sapped me. I told you I couldn't get a dot up on him.... because I was sapped. You respond by saying 'lol flame shock mouse over macro r u stoopid?' Or maybe you're just dumb enough to think that I am clicker who just wasn't fast enough to click target and click my action bar...

Taken nearly 2 weeks ago.

why am i the only one seeing an issue here????

Because you're a ****ing moron who's constantly looking for a fight.
Ohai said:
Mouseover macros aren't all that awesome. He possibly did what I did, and glanced at the macro without realizing it was mouseover. You are trying too hard.

In other news he isn't telling people to do things that he isn't willing to do, its not like he is saying EVERYONE USE FOCUS MACROS when he doesn't... He is telling people to get in vent and listen at the least, or get in vent and talk at the most. Something he most certainly does every game night he is on.

This isn't some novel ****ing concept, I've had alliance ask "are horde normally that quiet during games? They are barely calling anything". I wish I saved the mind blowing gif for this post instead, here is this

Again, i was spamming vent info in bg's long before he bothered to make a macro, nasty despite being a dick in vent was the most vocal horde about calling out cc and focus targets, also the most vocal about calling for interrupts and heals he was also the most vocal about telling people to shift to o intercept support (whatever). No it's not a mind blowing concept, but its not like its a new idea that willy introduced to 29's either.

For further consideration since you ignored it the first 5 or so times

What percentage of players that use focus macros and focus frames in arenas don't use them in bg's?

I don't have a problem with players that lack skill, hell I'm ONE OF THEM. I have a problem with willy claiming to be this awesome highly experienced pvper, bagging on nasty constantly for anything and everything all while playing like someone that has never seen the inside of an arena.
Willyshatner said:
Coming from the guy who was literally having a meltdown last night because there were a few people on our team not in vent.
A few not in vent would generally mean we have more than half our team in vent we did not, i know semantics but we did have less than half the people in that gulch in vent. If by melt down you mean spamming my vent macro waaaaaaaaaay to much, then yes I had a melt down sorry about that i got a little tired of listening to you drone on on the forums about getting people in vent when I and not you was the one who actually HAD a vent macro. As to what i said in vent, and my bitching about those not in vent, sorry but staring across the field at Doomhammer, and knowing it was gonna be a roll and that we had atleast 5 not in vent was not how I wanted to start my night.

Nice clean UI, where is all the clutter that prevents the use of a focus frame?

Because you're a ****ing moron who's constantly looking for a fight.

And now we get back to you and your basic dishonesty, spam that report button hard on folks who use foul language when it can result in a ban, but by all means use it yourself when you think it cannot. That is the main reason I don't like you, not the reporting (well that kinda bugs me) or the trolling but the base dishonesty you exhibit in the difference between your actions and your words.
Again, i was spamming vent info in bg's long before he bothered to make a macro,

Who cares? Why does it matter how long you've been spamming vent info?

nasty despite being a dick in vent was the most vocal horde about calling out cc and focus targets, also the most vocal about calling for interrupts and heals he was also the most vocal about telling people to shift to o intercept support (whatever).

I agree he's been the most vocal, but at the same time his calls are few and far between. Calling out for an O once or twice in a 25 min game. Calling out for a peel or calling out his CC once or twice a game. The guy literally spends more time and energy berating people than he does discussing anything remotely related to the actual game at hand.

No it's not a mind blowing concept, but its not like its a new idea that willy introduced to 29's either.

No where did I say I introduced the concept to the 29s. I simply looked at what was going on in games, from both sides of the field, and assessed what was happening on alliance that wasn't happening on horde. Something that the Almighty Nastay won't do for some reason.

For further consideration since you ignored it the first 5 or so times

What percentage of players that use focus macros and focus frames in arenas don't use them in bg's?

Maybe it's something that's unique to me? Maybe it's like that because Arena is a much simpler format of pvp, where I can use focus macros much more effectively? Whereas BGs are largely chaotic and bursty, making it hard for me to use focus macros? Maybe I've figured out a way that works much better for me personally, without losing much of what others gain by using a different method?

Maybe you're just blowing shit out of proportion like usual?

I don't have a problem with players that lack skill, hell I'm ONE OF THEM. I have a problem with willy claiming to be this awesome highly experienced pvper, bagging on nasty constantly for anything and everything all while playing like someone that has never seen the inside of an arena.

I never claimed to be awesome. I did however claim to be experienced, because I am. I bag on nasty because of the way he unnecessarily treats people that are supposed to be potential new members of the community. What I do is counter productive to trying to help him improve his behavior, but it doesn't matter because he doesn't want to improve. He's one of those few people that won't fix his problems until someone beats him at his own game, which is something will happen sooner or later.

You can question my game experience and skill all you want to. I honestly don't care. You're one of those people that has to feel justified in whatever you do, and you won't feel justified until I've conceded whatever it is you think I owe you. I don't owe you shit, and I won't concede. You can drop this whole bullshit argument if you want to, or you can keep it up. It's all the same to me, and I can go for as long as the mods let us. Maybe you should realize I am trying to help our bracket in a positive manner, and I am willing to lead by example if that's what it takes. We can butt heads all day, or we can help each other.

It's up to you.
Maybe I've figured out a way that works much better for me personally, without losing much of what others gain by using a different method?

Could you explain this different method that you use? I am intrigued.
Could you explain this different method that you use? I am intrigued.

Here's an example of what my UI might look like in a BG with several targets in front of me.

Everyone of those enemy players are under the map, this is a shot of my camera pointed at the ground on my 70 sham. That addon, which shows the health bars, class colors, cast bars, and debuffs of the enemies, is called Tidy Plates. When I am within interrupt range of someone casting a spell that I don't want them to get off, I can click the nameplate above their head, quickly cast my interrupt/CC, then click back to my original target to resume whatever it is I was doing before. I am sorta stuck playing this way because I play a healer as a MS at level 85, and I am constantly clicking my healing targets, so it's just natural to me.

For arena, I have focus CC macros that are setup to target specific arena frames, and I have them keybound so I don't have to click targets for CCing/interrupts. This season, I have yet to arena seriously, but last season it worked well for me up to 2k in 3s. I didn't go further because my HD died and my partners replaced me while I was sorting it out. This season I just don't have an interest in arena. I'd much rather do rated BGs, and they've been very enjoyable.
franchi you need to stfu it's getting to the point where it's absolutely embarrassing to be associated with you
Fcftw said:
hard to take this comment seriously considering.. oh.. the last 20 pages or so

lol yeah that's why i added that comment. i tried using tidy plates once, it kept crashing wow for me just wondering if i should give it a shot again as it comes highly recommended for pvp and pve tanking, but the pics on curse don't really show what i want to see.

and the last 8 pages are me being a stupid ass and my fault sure, the last 20 not so much.
Holy smokes has this thread blown up. I'm not even going to start reading this thread.
the mods haven't locked us, let the looting continue
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