~ Huge Changes! Tearing open Twinking! ~

Amg I mite play my ret pally again :> Crusader strike and Divine storm :DDDDDDDDDDD
Nexxis said:
sounds like lvl 19 has become similar to 80 gameplay...great, no more relying on skill

Wow, I was literally unable to get to a computer yesterday so this is the first I'm hearing about it. This is absolutely nuts and completely changes most things we knew about cataclysm as far as class changes were concerned. The main things I took away from the GC's blue posts. Every conclusion I make is directly from MMO-Champion BlueTracker | 31pt Talent Trees

1. everyclass will get ONE signature ability at level 10 (the point of specialization)

2. enhancement shamans get dual wield!!!!..... elemental shamans would not get dual wield

3. vengence mastery (lvl 10) will scale with health and incoming damage and will be available to prot tree classes warrior and paladins

This will really balance out the bracket and every class should feel excited about the new abilities that are coming into the bracket. The one thing I would be worried about is the fact that twinks usually stack stam and one other stat through the roof. GC said that +20% fire damage at lvl 10 would be like 20 But i would argue that if fire mages get +20% fire damage that could be much much higher than 20 in the twinking world
Soberlolz said:
Amg I mite play my ret pally again :> Crusader strike and Divine storm :DDDDDDDDDDD

every class is getting signature abilities at a very low level. Ret paladins do get a nice abilitiy but they are also losing hand of freedom so they will easily be slowed by most classes. I would be more worried about a shaman with dual wield.
Ardent said:
Its already been said the enhance skill @10 will be dual-wield

I don't think i remember reading what the enhance skill will be
Worried that 19s will end up being like an 80 RvR; Whoever opens wins. Damage being scaled down ofc; but it seems like fights are no longer 2-5 minutes of trying to LoS timing bandages + throws. Its most probably going to be smash #1 till the enemies dead.
will be interesting to see what frost mages get.....shatter? or deep freeze? as their core ability

blink and evocation are not core abilities and we're still getting those
water elemental wasnt it?
examinerEU said:
water elemental wasnt it?

yeah i just read that too, water elemental does feel like a core ability but w/e cc is going to be nuts with an extra ranged freeze i guess.
Ardent said:
Its already been said the enhance skill @10 will be dual-wield

It's actually been demonstrated that classes will receive a host of passive effects that are core to a spec in addition to their core ability. Arms is getting 2h weapon damage, that one rage regen talent to go along with the mortal strike. Shaman are getting DW to go along with lava lash.
Conrose said:
It's actually been demonstrated that classes will receive a host of passive effects that are core to a spec in addition to their core ability. Arms is getting 2h weapon damage, that one rage regen talent to go along with the mortal strike. Shaman are getting DW to go along with lava lash.

And Blizz has stated multiple times that they do not want all shamans getting dual-wield. Furthermore, they're removing wf/wf and forcing you to only use a weapon enchant once. But they're taking the icd out of wf.
Chibils said:
And Blizz has stated multiple times that they do not want all shamans getting dual-wield. Furthermore, they're removing wf/wf and forcing you to only use a weapon enchant once. But they're taking the icd out of wf.

Yes Blizzard don't want all shamans getting dual wield. That's why if you spec into dual wield (and specifically enhancement) you can't spec into another tree until you've spend 31 points in it.
Grabco said:
yeah i just read that too, water elemental does feel like a core ability but w/e cc is going to be nuts with an extra ranged freeze i guess.

Nobody said it would be a water elemtnal with a ranged freeze at level 10
Make sure to think about this in light of the gear changes. It would seem that we will also all get a lot more HP to go along with the new abilities, I would still expect 19s to be a slow-paced bracket, I think 39s and 49s are the ones that will be seeing the biggest changes in terms of pace.
lindenkron said:
We all might as well roll 60 now lols.

Lol. 60's are going Bye Bye. ZG, MC, BWL to 80-85. QQ now I might make my pre-bc account to a BC account.

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