~ Huge Changes! Tearing open Twinking! ~

so you pick a talent in sublety like camouflage and get shadowstep?
New skills are great. Whats not so great is that certain classes look likely to have burst damage capable of dropping another player in a few seconds.
This should help balancing the 19s actually, currently classes are OP or UP because they have either an early or late growth spurt. Giving us more depth and abilities should help eliminate some of that.
sounds good I just hope 19's don't turn into everyone becoming a glass cannon being able to 3 shot each other.... I'm presuming shadow priests will get VT as there spell whcih would mean priests would bring replemishment to the bg I wonder how they will change things....
zidsal said:
sounds good I just hope 19's don't turn into everyone becoming a glass cannon being able to 3 shot each other.... I'm presuming shadow priests will get VT as there spell whcih would mean priests would bring replemishment to the bg I wonder how they will change things....

shadow priests get mind flay
shadow priests get mind flay

what is you're source for this, I'm presuming its VT because data mined vt on mmo-champion's database and wow head it was a level 1 requiment which doesn't make much sence for 1 of shadow's core talents.

I hope Shamans get Riptide. O_O
zidsal said:
what is you're source for this, I'm presuming its VT because data mined vt on mmo-champion's database and wow head it was a level 1 requiment which doesn't make much sence for 1 of shadow's core talents.

All talented abilities when datamined have a lvl req of 1 because they have a talent point req, not a lvl req.
4. Can we get a sneak peek at which other abilities are becoming base line? Moonkin Form, Tree of Life, Hammer of Righteousness, Bestial Wrath?

We're not ready to announce them all yet, but I will give you a hint that you're 0 for 4 with the ones you mentioned. :)

No moonkins, no loltrees, and no immune hunters, quoted from about halfway down that thread.

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