~ Huge Changes! Tearing open Twinking! ~

Whole Blackrock Mountains are getting redone Rag hasn't released his full power yet... have you watched the Cata vids on youtube.com? And ZG I'm assuming is going because the trolls join forces with some stuff I forgot. AQ's are staying as far as I know.
Conrose said:
As near as I can tell, the old raids will still be accessible while new instances will be opened up for the new raids which will have some old bosses making new appearances... sorta like Anub'arak.

Well ONY and Naxx... I also think this because look at what they are doing, they are finally admitting the old Devs are better. They are making almost all Pre-BC content at 80-85 and converting back to 31 point talent tree.
Twinkin said:
Well ONY and Naxx... I also think this because look at what they are doing, they are finally admitting the old Devs are better. They are making almost all Pre-BC content at 80-85 and converting back to 31 point talent tree.

I would doubt that they are taking that sort of approach to the Blackrock and the Rag raid for Cataclysm, Onyxia and Naxx were merely recycling an old raid by upping the damage and adding or removing certain mechanics. Blizz has stated that they want raid tiers to have what, 12 bosses max split across several raids? To recycle MC, that's 10 bosses right there, and BWL is 8 Bosses (6 if you consider the drakes as the same boss). Additionally, I believe that Onyxia and Nefarian models as undead were datamined from the Cata Beta. I'd expect that if Cataclysm raids/instances should appear in the blackrock region, I suspect they'll use a different entrance. Afterall, there have been images released of the Blackrock Caverns instance.
Conrose said:
I would doubt that they are taking that sort of approach to the Blackrock and the Rag raid for Cataclysm, Onyxia and Naxx were merely recycling an old raid by upping the damage and adding or removing certain mechanics. Blizz has stated that they want raid tiers to have what, 12 bosses max split across several raids? To recycle MC, that's 10 bosses right there, and BWL is 8 Bosses (6 if you consider the drakes as the same boss). Additionally, I believe that Onyxia and Nefarian models as undead were datamined from the Cata Beta. I'd expect that if Cataclysm raids/instances should appear in the blackrock region, I suspect they'll use a different entrance. Afterall, there have been images released of the Blackrock Caverns instance.

ZG is still there.

Sorry for thte random info but i found some of it interesting.

Gurubashi Arena – mobs behind arena have been changed (uncertain where Tethis is now); new PvP quest added

no word on if the new pvp quest replaces the AGM. I think we already new about the new pvp quest though right?

Rewards from Archaeology will be something "like": a skeletal T-Rex non-combat pet or the ability to teleport to a dungeon you've been to before

- Two types of artifacts: Common - more lore-oriented; and Rare - when combined will create usable items, sometimes even weapons

Heirloom items for the guild are expected to encompass every slot

Guild Tax System - will be available so that a certain portion of the gold looted by every member will go into the Guild Bank
Tbh mages wont be that op in cata even though they get water elemental and priests cant dispell their CC, since they no longer will be able to cast 1 sec frost bolts cuz there wont be any rank 1,2 and 3 etc. We will only have one rank of frostbolt, which dmg scales with lvl and so does its speed.
After further reflection, we don't think Divine Storm makes a good level 10 Ret ability. It really wants to be an AE attack, and it's just hard to make an AE attack a signature ability usable in as many situations as a signature attack deserves to be.

Lol ouch 9 10
Gravíty said:
Tbh mages wont be that op in cata even though they get water elemental and priests cant dispell their CC, since they no longer will be able to cast 1 sec frost bolts cuz there wont be any rank 1,2 and 3 etc. We will only have one rank of frostbolt, which dmg scales with lvl and so does its speed.

This is true, however Nova will be just as useful as it always was and the ele will be a great boost for the CC, regardless of cast times. Also in cata there will be far more opportunities to gear up for haste rating, and with blink and evocation a CC mage will probably feel comfortable enough to gear for less stam and int.

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