FC - Pagle
I understand where you're coming from, but I would like to mostly disagree. Sure, knowledge of the class, etc whatever, but what I'm getting at is there's a less variety of abilities, meaning stat priorities are way different, and at level 29 you don't have things like double bop or double freedom, matyr etc to crutch on.
I play mostly surv hunter at end game, so this is purely an example. But if holy shock is bad at end game, that doesn't mean that it's bad at lower levels because the scaling of abilities is vastly different. Holy shock at this level, no proc, but it heals for almost as much as a flash of light but with way less mana and it's instant cast. There's 100% a huge difference, and that's also why people who main twinks beat endgame gladiators in the TC more often than not.
That's because endgame players are unfarmiliar with twink playstyle. I've done RBGs this season where I've repicked flags from our FC, executed a few minor walljumps and blew the mind of hero/gladiator players. They can learn a TON from twinks, just like twinks can learn a TON from gladiators. Yes, I do agree that stat priority is different, as are spells (by the way, HORRIBLE reference* as holy shock heals for 40ks right now @120). Overall, for you to say playing at what is considered high skill-level of endgame is inconclusive. I cant speak for everyone, but i'd rather have that multi 2600+ player on my team than some rat league twink who doesn't know what a dispel is.
As someone that has been playing Hpal for 10+ years I can tell you that nerf was needed... To be real with you. It wasn't even that good. Other than the double sac it wasn't really amazing. Now just Hpals are going to have to play ultimate sac every game to make up for the loss of 2 sacs. I still think Hpal will be a top tier healer at max 100%. Will it be as good? No. But we will for sure see new comps and a new play style to adapt to this change.
I dont know. This is my first PVP season, and I am playing a 110 boosted character. The consequences of having bad hand of sacs will 100% be noticed, and I think it just knocked Hpal out of mid tier to rat tier