Hpal Hotfix

I want to see how "good" these healers are now.
Steamrolling battlegrounds with your multibox cata hunters isn't an achievement any more than punching kittens. Stooping lower than the people your sending a message to (hunters) isn't a perticularly effective strategy. It just reflects poorly on you and your attitude to the game. It's as simple as that.

As for your priests and "experience", it doesn't change a thing, sorry. You need to quit whining and adapt. If you can't do that, go play CoD or something :)

It is true i used to be a fan of CoD 4/Halo CE/2/3. My shaman is even named spetsnaz.But thats not the point.

Not always is it steamrolling. There have been games were ive faced with 6-9 24s and me and my pocket being the only 24s and the rest ofcourse being dead weight. Sure id lose flags but to me only kills mattered. I had to ft5 every single known member in this bracket. That was my goal. I saw alot of these '''godlike dieties'' popping up from thos AP/critster/duopaladin premades.I wanted to bring them down to my level to make them feel not so immortal again. Specifically those critster/duopaldin groups. As long as each one of them died by my hand, thats what mattered to me.And i was done with you.Since there were so many people to depride yes ive afkd out of games when im at full hp cuz you no longer interest me.The p2ps though i had a special bone to pick with them i made sure each one of them died the most.
And multiboxing steamrolling?Lol. There is a reason why i can only think of two other people in this bracket that multiboxed..It aint as easy as u think. Does it feel easy to me now?Yes it feels as if and i wish i wouldve done it sooner and used more p2p accounts that 3 f2p hunters for even more carnage.
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So farming people on a multiboxing 24 hunter dethrones them? k

My opinion on this thread: Healing is still boring as hell
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I want to see how "good" these healers are now.

thats the point as it it wasnt easy before now its even easier healers just go in with their 40%dmg reduction+reduced DPS..and can lousily cast their heals and nobody still dying.The fast paced cata fights were alot more entertaining.It was more kill or get killed.

So farming people on a multiboxing 24 hunter dethrones them? k

You cant farm anything that has 3+24s..or anyone premading 7+people they are usually unfarmable learned the hard way just midfight and make em release spirits one at a time.
Yes.See WoW is quite new to me i started playing when it went f2p.

Im used to CoD/ Diablo 2 style duels.
Oh and ft5..
I enjoyed most of today, what with many WSGs being much more equal. Would have been happier with a bit of a reduction in healing/mana though.

Then, the 24s came out in force...
All of you defending healing are just plain wrong.

Mana regen is broken. It doesn't matter how well you fear/CS/poly/so on against an enemy healer because the second they use a CC of their own they can heal to full and have no loss of mana. Conceptually, it makes sense to whittle healers mana bars down with your damage, causing your cooldown CC spells to actually be purposeful and well-placed.

Healers or hybrids should NEVER do more damage than a pure DPS class such as a mage or warlock. They currently do. Or, to offset that, pure DPS classes should have abundance of CC on shorter cooldowns, which they do not.

It simply doesn't make sense for a hard cast spell like Pyroblast to be forgotten in a single rejuvenation tick or Holy Shock heal. There should be a reward for sitting and casting for so long, as it makes you vulnerable. Alternatively, a combination of Unstable Affliction and Corruption DoTs should not be wiped away by a single HoT tick.

In an ideal world, EVERY class should be even in a 1v1. As it stands, it takes multiple people to kill a healer. That is not balance. I recognize that the new changes encourage use of CC, which I applaud. BUT they should not make healers invincible unless an entire group coordinates their CC.

Long story short, healing should require just as much skill and ability as use of CC. It does not. Therefore, healers are not on an even playing ground with DPS classes. Anyone suggesting otherwise has not actually played through a BG on a mage or warlock. The thing that has frustrated me most about this patch is that when I die I don't think "what could I have done better?". With the exception of a few cases, every death I've had has been inevitable due to the overwhelming impossibility of killing healers and the reduction of spells with which to do so.

When I die or lose a fight, I should be forced to consider what I could have done differently to win the fight. That is not the case with 5.04; it is not a balanced game.
On a lighter note , I would love to see the cap bug be fixed , just cost me a game.
Everyone would love to see it fixed. Tickets I've sent over a good few years tell Blizz I would love to see it fixed. But it's a PvP​ bug, and therefore it will probably never be fixed.
All of you defending healing are just plain wrong.
Long story short, healing should require just as much skill and ability as use of CC. It does not. Therefore, healers are not on an even playing ground with DPS classes. Anyone suggesting otherwise has not actually played through a BG on a mage or warlock. The thing that has frustrated me most about this patch is that when I die I don't think "what could I have done better?". With the exception of a few cases, every death I've had has been inevitable due to the overwhelming impossibility of killing healers and the reduction of spells with which to do so.

If only people read these instead of just saying lawl healers are fun they should be able to 1v3 people then as soon as they are under 25% hp casting 1 spell back to full hp. 5-8s of being hit on then under 2s to get back up to full hp doesnt seem fair to me? idk maybe its just me since I don't main a healer.

I am incapable of understanding how this is how healers are supposed to be or how nerfing dmg while buffing heals makes any sense when healers could hold their own before. I guess all DPS is supposed to get perfect cc on a healer everytime and hope for 1-2 other people to get more cc once theirs run out just to get a kill on a healer and with the amount of people defending this idea must enjoy running their healers and never have to worry about dying.

Someone instead of just thinking to yourself about how stupid I am for not agreeing with you please explain how healing is balanced compared to dps instead of L2 use CC bads which ive heard like 10 times now
If only people read these instead of just saying lawl healers are fun they should be able to 1v3 people then as soon as they are under 25% hp casting 1 spell back to full hp. 5-8s of being hit on then under 2s to get back up to full hp doesnt seem fair to me? idk maybe its just me since I don't main a healer.

I am incapable of understanding how this is how healers are supposed to be or how nerfing dmg while buffing heals makes any sense when healers could hold their own before. I guess all DPS is supposed to get perfect cc on a healer everytime and hope for 1-2 other people to get more cc once theirs run out just to get a kill on a healer and with the amount of people defending this idea must enjoy running their healers and never have to worry about dying.

Someone instead of just thinking to yourself about how stupid I am for not agreeing with you please explain how healing is balanced compared to dps instead of L2 use CC bads which ive heard like 10 times now

I haven't played one game in the past 24 hours that ended in a 0-0 tie so someone is killing someone in these games.
Hpaladins are still super hard to kill. so we are still in a bind. And hunters take no skill currently, it cost them nothing to just backpeddle the whole fight
I think it's funny when they spec into posthaste, and then backpedal after disengaging.

Ah well its my fault. Feral druids are still ridiculously squishy, even with armor kits. Im too used to playing heavily armored classes like warriors I guess.
Inoobupro, you're wrong. Everything you say is wrong. It's all just wrong. Really wrong. Wrong.

eh but least unlike you when you came with ur ''vasji premades'' against ''horde invasions'' or holy crit' or even sanctuary horde side and ''valiantly died'' and rezed to get exploited for honor.Unlike you who then goes to the 20-24 forums to troll them with useless words that is music to their ears. But do something about it instead..I did.You may not like what i stand for ingame/beliefs but to each their own

Ontopic-healing is so bad.Did one bg on my shaman this moring and that was enough.

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