How is your [classic] twink coming along?

its because he has "no friends" so he choose a BOE for the Leg enchant that he can farm it for himself

That was it yes, but I made the final twink on a second account (to carry it) and got now BiS pieces i needed: Blackened defias chest, seal of wrynn, pants of the fangs from WC.

Just dinged lvl 18 so i will go and get the Dartol's Rod of Transformation. Then level fishing and finished until phase 3.
Have been busy farming and raiding on my main but got a decent stock of twink items.. some to sell, some for potential twinks.

Hoping to roll a Rogue/Priest/War with the gear i've accumulated. Haven't made any crazy snipes on the AH but I can afford most items as trib runs as a hunter = cash money.


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Have been busy farming and raiding on my main but got a decent stock of twink items.. some to sell, some for potential twinks.

Hoping to roll a Rogue/Priest/War with the gear i've accumulated. Haven't made any crazy snipes on the AH but I can afford most items as trib runs as a hunter = cash money.
Sell those Mindthrust Bracers. You won't be needing them
I've slowly amassed the following collection:
Antipodean Rod 1
Bristlebark Bindings 1
Bristlebark Gloves 1
Burning War Axe 1
Dark Leather Pants 1
Darkweave Breeches 1
Defender Spaulders 1
Face Smasher 1
Forest Leather Bracers 2
Hillborne Axe of Agility 1
Keller’s Girdle 1
Lambert Scale Cloak 1
Lil Timmy’s Peashooter 6
Magefist Gloves 1
Prospector’s Chestpiece 1
Redbeard Crest 3
Scouting Gloves of the Monkey (+3agi, +4sta) 1
Scouting Gloves of the Monkey (+4agi, +4sta) 1
Scouting Trousers of the Bear (+5sta, +5str) 1
Serpent’s Shoulders 1
Staff of Conjuring 1
Thorbia’s Gauntlets 1
Wrangler’s Wristbands of the Monkey (+2agi, +3sta) 1
Wranglers Leggings of Arcane Wrath 1
Wranglers Wristbands of the Monkey (+3agi, +2sta) 1

The numbers are how many of each item I have.

I plan on rolling a 19 rogue.

Please could everyone highlight any of the other gear that is BiS (or second best/close enough) for other classes? ie something I could also consider making, be it a priest/mage/warrior etc, as I may already be part-way there. Also is there anything that's trash that I should just flip now and not wait for WSG.

Failing that, I just plan on selling it on the AH or giving to other twinkers on my server, as I got it all for good prices or from lucky drops.
finished my hunter besides 4 stats to westfall tunic, kinda fucked up and forgot to lvl all my pets and got too much rested xp so I could only get boar to 19. wind serpent and the rake at 18, 1313hp unbuffed.
Is +2 Standard Scope the best you can do at 19?

I think so. Tried to enchant the BoE gun with my lvl60 for the +7 scope, but it would not let me (item level is too low). I am not sure if it is a bug though.
Finally been 60 for awhile now so i got to farm SFK and gold for my twinks.

Rogue: planning on playing backstab / ambush rogue. I mirror my original gnome twink from back then with double lifesteal double assassin's blade. Will switch to Lifestealing MH and +15 agi off hand come p3
AGM: gave up really early. It was impossible to aquire as the server is too big and 5+ high lvl logging in the middle of the night as well.
Weapons: got my 2 Assassin's Blade (farmed them with my main 60 druid) 6 str 8 agi (2x Lifestealing)
Head: Green googles (+100 health enchant)
Neck: - empty- (will be WSG trinket)
Shoulders: going for white leather (scouting) ones as i will enchant later on.
Clack: Sentry Cloak 4 agi 5 stam (+3 agi enchant)
Chest: Tunic of Westfall 11 agi 5 stam (+4 all stats) - got Blackened Defias as well now
Wrist: Forest leather 5 agi (+9 stam)
Gloves: Scouting 4 agi 4 stam (+7 agi)
Belt: Deviate 5 agi 6 stam
Legs: Scouting of the monkey 5 agi 5 stam (+100 health enchant). - edit: got Deviate legs now.
Feet: Feet of the Lynx (minor speed)
Ring 1: meadow ring of the tiger 3 str 3 agi
Ring 2: seal of wrynn 3 str 3 agi 4 stam
Trinket1: minor rocombobulator
Trinket 2: goblin cables (until pvp trinket)

I also have a starshard priest meme pretty much BiS ready beside the obvious (AGM).

Why in the world are you doing a backstab build at 19? Going stealth in this bracket is generally a huge waste of time; I can't really imagine you landing many ambushes. Double Lifesteal is terrible, specially on a dagger rogue. +5 dmg / +15 agi is the only sane choice for an insane build.
It isn't as bad as you think it is as long as you play the spec correctly (around gouge). But it is not the most braindead way to play a rogue at 19, i will give you that. It's a CC heavy spec with burst potencial against FC.
Double lifesteal or lifesteal + 15 agi (remember +15agi is not available atm) is actually really good against other rogues or warriors. That is why you play it. +5 damage is really good as well for your burst + backstab but won't help you with anything while kited / against another melee.
But at the end of the day, you play what you want to play. Like i said: for me, it's a nostalgia trip and i have countless hours of exp with this dagger rogue spec.

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