How I Plan To Use Veteran F2P Account Status

I'll be leaving my starter account alone, but I probably wont use it again. The way it stands, BGs and arenas are not even fun to play with 29 p2p BM monks in everything.

Hopefully I can use my lapsed account to play 19s, if not, maybe veteran perks will be enough to make it possible to play 20's again. I don't mind minor disadvantage, but being 1 shot by keg smash gets old quick.
Preferred scenario:

Access to the level 19 bracket on the veteran account. Too bad for my starter edition 20's, but BG's without mounts are my thing. I'm confident that the queues wouldn't be as bad as they are now.

If that's not the case then my veteran account has no use for me. If certain communities form specific guilds I would consider it, but if not, nope.

In any case I will look forward to the BOA tab, that way I can quickly gear new characters and BG through 10-19 in the exp-on bracket.
I plan on not upgrading to a 'veteran' account, I've been f2p for 4 years and I'm not going to start paying now.

If I wanted to p2p, I would make a lvl 29, BiS gear it, and then make it veteran, but I enjoy the challenge of f2p.

+ I do not want to discredit all the hard work iv'e done on my f2p, buy simply upgrading it and using the AH etc.
Well I obviously will remain as a pure f2per as I can be in US since I am a EU player.
One question though: Is there a possiblity to continue playing on my EU p2p 100 lvl pally when it lapses on this new ''vet account'', since I haven't bought the game time from blizzard site but in local store.

Edit: Nvm I got the answer
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Well I obviously will remain as a pure f2per as I can be in US since I am a EU player.
One question though: Is there a possiblity to continue playing on my EU p2p 100 lvl pally when it lapses on this new ''vet account'', since I haven't bought the game time from blizzard site but in local store.

Hmm no one knows for sure how veteran accounts will work, but some think it could be applied only to accounts until MoP. As I said, no one is certain of that, so you could still play your 100, or not at all... :( . Btw, how do you get time in a local store? I'm curious. Do you order it and pay it in cash in that store? or through cards? :O
Hmm no one knows for sure how veteran accounts will work, but some think it could be applied only to accounts until MoP. As I said, no one is certain of that, so you could still play your 100, or not at all... :( . Btw, how do you get time in a local store? I'm curious. Do you order it and pay it in cash in that store? or through cards? :O

We are certain. Blue posts and tweets confirm characters above 20 will be locked out if your sub is not active.
Hmm no one knows for sure how veteran accounts will work, but some think it could be applied only to accounts until MoP. As I said, no one is certain of that, so you could still play your 100, or not at all... :( . Btw, how do you get time in a local store? I'm curious. Do you order it and pay it in cash in that store? or through cards? :O
Yes I pay it in cash.
I'm kinda tired of 45 minute queues for 4.5 minutes...

Agreed. Queues too long. Games too terrible.

I will probably just stick to playing 90 every few months when they give out free trials. I will check out the BoA tab, and maybe make a few characters to test out, but I would be surprised if any of the low level XP off brackets would interest me.
My unlinked is staying the way it is. Unlinked with no plans to upgrade.
My linked is staying the way it is, with no plans to upgrade.

1) I've put too much time into these characters,
2) I upgraded an account in the past, and regret it tremendously.

Edit: some helpful advice for you guys trying to farm guild heirlooms: run TBC heroics until you are exalted with Shat'ar. There's a guild vendor in Shattrath that gives rep discount. Shouldn't take more than a few days, and you can full clear all those dungeons in like 5 minutes each if you're lvl 100.

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I'm going to use my original account as veteran in the 20-29 bracket, as I feel this bracket will get a huge influx of new members.

Every deactivated account will now be a free to play account, so there is likely to be plenty of returning players with heirlooms waiting. And also, expect more like me that don't have the time to PvP at 100 and would rather not waste the money.

I'll still be targeting the 29s first, but with veterans running around in (possibly) higher numbers than true-f2ps, we'll have a fighting chance at winning against 2+ BM monks.
I will remain a traditional F2P, no upgrading.
No need to. :)
I will leave my unlinked F2P as is just because.

I will then sub for 1 month on my old p2p account with all the heirlooms and dust off my only 19 twink plus make some more 19's and 20's and pray that either 19 xp off will work or that veteran p2p 20's (did I get that lingo right?) can at least have a shot versus all the FOTM 29 BMs. I will also make sure to join my old guild on my veteran p2p account.
they instead will remain open with all the same Starter Account restrictions, including the chat, gold, and level 20 restrictions.
Just one thing, what would happen to all my gold that I already have on my character when I am going to play it when it has a 10 gold cap and what will happen to my professions at the moment I log in? or xp-locking, my 10s-19s could ding?

I highly doubt there will be any gold, prof, xp-lock restrictions for veteran accounts if Im asking myself these questions.

Looking forward to this and glad I never leveld any of my 20s on my p2p account ;-)
I am having a hard time understanding "Veteran F2P".. Right now, I am sporting a P2P account with no twinks whatsoever and a linked F2P account. So when my gametime expires, my P2P account will have the same restrictions as a F2P account whereas I can make new chars and level them to 20 and play much like a F2P atm. But what are the advantages here? And why are people talking about going into the 19 bracket instead? Haha, and I guess.. what should I do to have the most fun and actually playing PvP in a bracket where I don't feel gimped or where long queue times aren't a problem? I would like some advice and I will follow the flow of TI to get myself my WoW PvP need.
You are correct how it works. The advantage is you could create lvl 20 fully enchanted and loomed characters while your sub is active and then play them when it is not. These characters will have all the f2p restrictions (no AH, no mail, etc) except will be able to join guilds as long as you have other characters in said guild.

It is unclear yet whether you would be able to lock xp at 19 while subbed and then it stay locked when your sub expires. There were some f2p that locked at 19 back in 2011 until Blizz implemented a fix that now longer allows access to the NPCs who do this. This fix also forced xp back on for them.

So it depends how that code was written and whether it gets ported over to veteran accounts.

Edit for source:
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I wonder if an unsubbed veteran account can use the guild bank. What happens to the Guild if the guild master unsubs? If you put all your veteran account twinks in a personal guild the guild bank wouldn't have a 10g cap would it?
You are correct how it works. The advantage is you could create lvl 20 fully enchanted and loomed characters while your sub is active and then play them when it is not. These characters will have all the f2p restrictions (no AH, no mail, etc) except will be able to join guilds as long as you have other characters in said guild.

It is unclear yet whether you would be able to lock xp at 19 while subbed and then it stay locked when your sub expires. There were some f2p that locked at 19 back in 2011 until Blizz implemented a fix that now longer allows access to the NPCs who do this. This fix also forced xp back on for them.

So it depends how that code was written and whether it gets ported over to veteran accounts.

Edit for source:

Thank you for the quick and informing reply! I actually just read the 26 pages long thread about the 6.1 veteran accounts (the discussion about morals was excruciating).. but you summed it up quite nicely here! I would then either upgrade my f2p account with $5 or pay 1 month of gametime on main account... I would then sport a 20 leveled veteran f2p with full bis in regards to enchants and guildlooms, but I would love to play a 19 twink to even the playing field further!

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