How I Plan To Use Veteran F2P Account Status

So basically let me see if i understand this, heres what i get that is happening:

All accounts will be turned into a veteran account and there will no longer be p2p or f2p just people who are subbed at the moment whos benefits will also be counted for the level 20's on their account, and those who are not subbed and even tho they might have higher level toons they can only use up to level 20 with basic f2p restrictions untill they pay again.

This means everyone will have the opportunity to keep their account "f2p" by not paying for any time or leveling a toon past 20 to reap more achieves, pets, mounts, etc. Those who do that tho can always stop paying and enjoy "f2p" gameplay with whatever they got from their previous account access type added to them, technically not being "f2p" but "veteran"

I'm hoping that we'll be able to lock, and stay locked at 19. I don't see why we wouldn't, turning on xp for veteran accounts would be the same as unlocking xp for every twink that lets his subscription lapse for one second. While this sort of A-hole move isn't beyond Blizzard, if they do that, they might as well just remove the ability to lock xp, for all the headaches, and tickets, it's going to cause everybody.

Beyond that, I plan on keeping my current f2ps the way they are, to troll the 29s and whatnot. If I make a p2p 20s, I'll just drag-and-drop some new ones. Though, if the whole 19s thing works out, I don't see how p2p at the bottom of the 29 bracket would be anyway superior to 19s, especially if enough people do it, which I'm sure they will, if vet accounts are able to.

What really intrigues me though, is what Latin America is going to do, since the jajas are the real keystone species in this bracket.
Well, I have two unsubbed p2p accounts both with linked trial accounts. I think I'll leave the f2p accounts alone but will at least sub one of the p2p accounts for a month just to collect looms and maybe roll a BiS vet 20 (complete with a guild and whatever enchants I can get my little hands on, muahahaha... sorry...). IF we can xp lock at 19 I might do one of those as well.

I don't see this changing the bracket too much other than maybe making queues a bit faster, we're just going to have a middle ground rather than either top or bottom of the food chain. You'll have top and bottom and the middle which could get eaten by either but also could maybe eat either, if that makes sense? I think for those of us that have frozen p2p accounts that don't mind shelling out the $15 for a month of gearing a char or two it'll just give us a few more toys to play with. I wonder what those nifty inscription shoulders will scale to...
I've got no intention of changing anything. A big part of what I enjoy about F2P is working within the existing limitations. At least for me, having to bother with farming all the guild heirlooms and other BIS gear on my old, dusty P2P characters would take some of the fun out of it.

In other words, it ain't broke so I'm not gonna try to fix it. Remaining unlinked/Starter.
Ima leave my f2p acc alone and make a bis crit stacking fire Mage on a veteran account cause I want to play fire
What really intrigues me though, is what Latin America is going to do, since the jajas are the real keystone species in this bracket.

It scares me that you're not entirely sarcastic. I'll probably wait until I have a large chunk of time and then upgrade for a month and make some p2p 20 gear sets.
It scares me that you're not entirely sarcastic. I'll probably wait until I have a large chunk of time and then upgrade for a month and make some p2p 20 gear sets.
I'm rarely entirely sarcastic, but I'm always srs. Haha. Anyway, what I mean about the jajas, is that if they don't get on board, then there will be a real big dichotomy in the bracket between 29, 20 vet, on one side, and traditional f2p on the other. It depends on the class, but the only real difference between a 20 and a 29 are some abilities, a major and minor glyph, and some dungeon gear that may itemize better. The abilities and glyphs are going to be a bigger deal for some classes than others, so you're probably going to see 20 vet accounts funnel into the ones that work better.

My point is that 20 vets will be much closer to 29s than f2ps, if only just because of the enchants. I suppose this isn't really any different than what we have currently. One can always lock at 20, but since they changed the scaling, there isn't really any benefit to it, anymore. So, I"m not really sure where I'm going with this, or whether I think it's good or bad. Just some observations to ponder.
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Could you explain me how to get Veteran Edition accont and how does it works pls. :3

When 6.1 is released, all paid accounts will gain the ability to still be playable at Starter Edition restrictions, whenever the account is not being paid for. The name we're giving to paid accounts who currently aren't subscribed is "Veteran F2P".
It's not ruined by any means. Also, there's no confirmation 19s will be available, due to the status on XP lock.

And 29's would require a maintained sub, that defeats the purpose.

I'll be maintaining my F2P as a starter, yet also utilizing 20s on my P2P when Im not paying for it, for veterans.
And 29's would require a maintained sub, that defeats the purpose.

This actually made me stop and wonder if there will be any people who currently play 29, who will instead go to Veteran F2P since they will be able to have the same enchants and guild BoAs and not have to pay every month, for only the loss of whatever extra abilities they miss out on. I bet for at least some, the loss of those abilities is worth not having to pay money every month.
Well if there's one thing that could get me back into WoW... it's this.
I plan on keeping my starter account. I have an active p2p subscription, and at the very most I will end up enchanting some pieces through the heirloom tab. I will probably keep my p2p heirlooms handy for facing 29s as well.
Seems pretty neat how a lot of us are in the same boat here.
Personally, I feel like I enjoy the aspect of self-reliance on my starter too much to upgrade my current 20s on my starter.

It will be neat to give some old 19-20s with GF'd gear some shine time though on my p2p.
I'm kinda tired of 45 minute queues for 4.5 minutes of 29 farming, if that. As if it weren't pathetic enough that they choose the only unbalanced bracket and utilize every paid advantage, they also role the most OP specs. Where did all of our MoP spriests go?! The only thing for bullies is to stop playing with them...

If possible, I'll start all over for 19s.

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