How are trials now that Mop has settled in?

Healing class's are still OP but people are learning how to kill them now, but in general they arent as bad as when MoP first started with Hpallys 1 shocking everything. AP is still a strong community and I guess Vashj is making a 'comeback', but not srue because I dont play on Vashj. I would suggest at least trying out whatever you like playing again.
Like it's supposed to:

It requires 2 People(at least 1 DPS) to down 1 Healer.

Off Healing is doing a little bit too much, but I wouldn't be surprised if they planned on nerfing that somehow in a future patch; this is because it's an issue at endgame as well.

Prot Paladins are fairly strong and Rogues's 5point finisher does 700 crit and their initial burst w/ their owner is fairly strong. Prot DPS needs to be nerfed and the rogues 5point finishing move and opener could use a slight nerf.

Mages could use a buff.
Enhance Could use a buff.
Ret Could use a buff(mainly with TV)
FB from Druids could use a nerf. (Resto Druids can crit for nearly 600 dmg with FB)
I think Locks and Hunters are in the same boat. They aren't OP, but in the hands of a good player they will look like godmode.
Spriests arent bad, they just dont have any abilities. I think giving them Devouring Plague would be enough to make them a great support class without making them too overpowered.

Other than that, everything is pretty balanced right now.
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Ty, and I am surprised to hear the phrase "pretty balanced" used! I might have to start playing again.

Yea its well worth it, I stoped playing then refilled and have loved it, also mage are also OP with their high crits and so on :)
[Locks] aren't OP, but in the hands of a good player they will look like godmode.

Very unsure what your definition of godmode is. Locks are in need of a serious buff!

mage are also OP with their high crits and so on :)

I have no words for this.

Buuuuuuut generally I would say the bracket is in an okay spot. Off-healing needs to be toned down, healer damage needs to be toned down, and some DPS classes need more damage.
Very unsure what your definition of godmode is. Locks are in need of a serious buff!

I have no words for this.

actually locks arent too bad, they could use buffs to dots and curse of weakness imo, but overall its not too bad. i can 1v1 most classes as demo with exceptions to healers, as destro i can 1v1 most classes with exception to rogues and good hunters

mages arent rly OP but hes right about the great burst mages have, as arcane once i build up 6 charges you can get two shatter crits from one nova which gives about a 1k burst. if mages had purge they would be so great lol
actually locks arent too bad, they could use buffs to dots and curse of weakness imo, but overall its not too bad. i can 1v1 most classes as demo with exceptions to healers, as destro i can 1v1 most classes with exception to rogues and good hunters

Warlocks really need a damage boost - right now their mechanics are great, they just hit like wet noodles. Full dots+shadowbolt spam can be nullified by a single rejuvenation. We're in an okay spot for group battles (because of our control) but struggle to make the kind of damage that, say, a rogue can make. Conceptually, we should do slightly less damage than a rogue - in reality we do far less.

mages arent rly OP but hes right about the great burst mages have, as arcane once i build up 6 charges you can get two shatter crits from one nova which gives about a 1k burst. if mages had purge they would be so great lol

I would argue that mages are the worst class in the entire bracket right now. Arcane barrage does a lot of damage when charged but you need to stand still for 12 seconds (8 in 5.2) in order to get 6 (4) charges. Any serious opponent would not let you spam arcane blast freely. I'm happy to see the buff to frostbolt in 5.2 but they will still need a whole lot more damage. And fire.... Pyroblast hits for 300 and crits for 600 - that's ridiculous, that's all I'm going to say on that matter.
What? Arcane bursts for 600, and where are you getting 2 shatters from one nova?

once you nova them you start up an arcane blast then an arcane barrage right after, the shatter counts for both of them. 6 charges blast crits for about 400-500 and barrage is about 700
once you nova them you start up an arcane blast then an arcane barrage right after, the shatter counts for both of them. 6 charges blast crits for about 400-500 and barrage is about 700

This doesn't work if you stand too far away from your target as the Barrage has a travel time (it's max 0.75 seconds, but that still doesn't give you 2 shatter crits if you're like >10m away...) you're right about the damage though - Arcane, if played correctly, has pretty good damage and with the changes in 5.2 (4 charges, 50% more dmg and 150% more mana cost per charge) at least ARCANE will get a pretty nice buff (and with Scorch being affected by the Charges' dmg and mana cost increase, it may become viable for Arcane, although it sadly doesn't create the charges itself).

Frost could possibly get an overall nerf with the Frostbolt changes: Sure, FB will deal 24% more dmg, but if you actively use your Elemental's Waterbolt you may lose out on more dmg than you gain (I haven't done the math yet, but the possibility is still there)

And personally, I would like to see a slight buff to Fire, dmgwise and mechanicwise - I'll trade Fireball for Inferno Blast, kk? ;)
Warlocks really need a damage boost - right now their mechanics are great, they just hit like wet noodles. Full dots+shadowbolt spam can be nullified by a single rejuvenation. We're in an okay spot for group battles (because of our control) but struggle to make the kind of damage that, say, a rogue can make. Conceptually, we should do slightly less damage than a rogue - in reality we do far less.

as far as demo spec goes i would agree with you, the damage is too gradual to combat healers. although being able to take on hunters and rogues is nice. destro spec keeps up with druid heals pretty well though. if you havent tried it, its not too bad.

I would argue that mages are the worst class in the entire bracket right now. Arcane barrage does a lot of damage when charged but you need to stand still for 12 seconds (8 in 5.2) in order to get 6 (4) charges. Any serious opponent would not let you spam arcane blast freely. I'm happy to see the buff to frostbolt in 5.2 but they will still need a whole lot more damage. And fire.... Pyroblast hits for 300 and crits for 600 - that's ridiculous, that's all I'm going to say on that matter.

building charges isnt as bad as you make it sound actually. arcane explosion refreshes and has a chance to grant a charge so once you get the charges you can keep them relatively easily if you want to save them. 1v1 mage wont shine, but in a bg situation nothing compares to the control you have.
The pink dot army has exploded to due them being the only class that can compete with all the 24's that are bored with mist and get there kicks killing f2p.
So if you dont mind getting hammered of jusitced to denouce spam. its great other wise . it is what is , a bracket to feed the insecurity of paying 24s .

sashå ap

and dont try and say pallys are not a problem when im the only class other than a shadow priest in a group of 8 pallys in wsg.

i get it , sprint , god mode, a stun, endless mana, whats not to like but it doesnt make for fun pvp when pink dots mob around in a pack of 8 on roads or in the middle of the map.
pally are op druids are op restro shammys are op but everything else is pretty balanced.
mages are gonna be good fun next patch and so will warriors. hunters are awsome as usualy, locks are getting nurfed in 5.2 so put them in the cupboard rouges have lovely big crits and preist suck at damage but who would role a preist to go shadow? there healing is good though

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