How are trials now that Mop has settled in?

c[_];609887 said:
lil makes the point all hunters make. you face rolled whole of cata, now others are doing it, and you cant you're QQing. the only people that wants to forget about cata seems to be hunters.

Notice the people who are still bitching about hunts in cata are the same people who bitched in cata about hunts? Not everyone bitched about hunts in cata cause some people could counter them. Those that couldnt whined nonstop all day and night and they are STILL whining day and night. I was one to bitch about healers alot when MoP came out but I lived to deal with it.

I don't make every post I make QQ'ing about healers like fran QQ's about hunts STILL. But I'm not going to be blind or stupid to the fact that healers are OP and they are the same as cata hunts. They control the game and who wins or loses. They may not burst you down in 3 shots but the good ones are basically unkillable 1v1 and when you put 5 good ones together thats like an auto win.

The OP wanted to know how MoP is now and I simply said that MoP healers are the cata version of hunts. If you disagree then fine you must not PvP much in this bracket.

Also somewhat OT but not every hunt wants cata back. I like MoP and the challenge it brings to get kills vs bad healers now. I liked the ease of killing people in cata but MoP is overall more fun but that doesn't mean healers aren't OP and doesn't mean I'm not going to point it out.
Lil' I have to disagree with a few things you said there: nothing countered (ftp)hunters in cata... maybe some classes could kill a hunter now and then, but not counter. And second, a healer being unkillable in 1v1 is not OP or imba (atleast ever since blizz decided to not try and balance 2s and focus on 3s)
Other than those 2 nit-picky points, I tottally agree with you tho
Notice the people who are still bitching about hunts in cata are the same people who bitched in cata about hunts? Not everyone bitched about hunts in cata cause some people could counter them. Those that couldnt whined nonstop all day and night and they are STILL whining day and night. I was one to bitch about healers alot when MoP came out but I lived to deal with it.

I don't make every post I make QQ'ing about healers like fran QQ's about hunts STILL. But I'm not going to be blind or stupid to the fact that healers are OP and they are the same as cata hunts. They control the game and who wins or loses. They may not burst you down in 3 shots but the good ones are basically unkillable 1v1 and when you put 5 good ones together thats like an auto win.

The OP wanted to know how MoP is now and I simply said that MoP healers are the cata version of hunts. If you disagree then fine you must not PvP much in this bracket.

Also somewhat OT but not every hunt wants cata back. I like MoP and the challenge it brings to get kills vs bad healers now. I liked the ease of killing people in cata but MoP is overall more fun but that doesn't mean healers aren't OP and doesn't mean I'm not going to point it out.

but none of that deals with the fact healers are doing no more than cata hunters. why would they care when hunters (your self included) didn't? stop moralizing, idc what you play. but healers are doing like hunters was less than a year ago. no pity from me, sorry.
c[_];609908 said:
but none of that deals with the fact healers are doing no more than cata hunters. why would they care when hunters (your self included) didn't? stop moralizing, idc what you play. but healers are doing like hunters was less than a year ago. no pity from me, sorry.

Ok if you don't care what I say why do you keep replying? You say you know about hunts 1-90 so please link your F2P hunt because I'm interested.

I'm not asking to be pitied... When have I ever said that? I'm not asking anything from anyone. I played a hunt in cata and I play one in MoP as well. People like you and fran are so bent out of shape over anyone playing a cata hunt that you won't accept that MoP healers are OP so I ask you what expansion will you stfu bout cata hunts and admit there are new OP classes? I just don't understand how cata hunts got so much crap and still are but MoP healers aren't called names or aren't insulted or anything honestly.. I'm not trying to be pitied but I would just like to understand why MoP healers are getting off scott free when hunts went through so much shit everyday
i liek mop its fun i would suggest trying out new classes and specs you might like them alot ^_^ and killing the average healer isnt as hard as people are making it sound
I think the point of healers is to heal otherwise they shouldn't be a healer heal = life healers are meant to stay alive sorry to point the obvious

ps I'm not arguing with anyone I'm just putting it out there
pss I used the term degrading correctly to describe the fall from grace that hunters at odds with hunters brings to the stigma of the class in general thought we were supposed to be united
I don't think you are qualified enough to suggest what it takes to play a hunter properly or not.

Since, you know, you don't play one.

Francisko @ Aggramar - Community - World of Warcraft

Try harder next time. And Healers are fairly easy to deal with, but i guess you two can't play anything that requires timing or some degree of skill. I suggest Lill and you to roll a Rogue or a Resto Druid. Lacking skill is not my problem.

I don't think it's a coincidence that two hunters with over 100,000 hks are complaining about healers. People who obviously use their hunters regularly.

Yeah you are right, two bad Hunters bonding together in a silly attempt to make a riot to make Hunters look underpowered and make Healers look like the folks like you who camped grayevards all day long for 100k hk's and perhaps more. For point 2, if you really play Hunter that much, you ought to get some skill...or roll another Class, or just get another hobby.

Trolls be trolling trolls, i can't even think of serious answers anymore in this silly argument of baddies. But i just diagnosed you with chronic baddiness, which infests this bracket.
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Francisko @ Aggramar - Community - World of Warcraft

Try harder next time. And Healers are fairly easy to deal with, but i guess you two can't play anything that requires timing or some degree of skill. I suggest Lill and you to roll a Rogue or a Resto Druid. Lacking skill is not my problem.

Yeah you are right, two bad Hunters bonding together in a silly attempt to make a riot to make Hunters look underpowered and make Healers look like the folks like you who camped grayevards all day long for 100k hk's and perhaps more. For point 2, if you really play Hunter that much, you ought to get some skill...or roll another Class, or just get another hobby.

Trolls be trolling trolls, i can't even think of serious answers anymore in this silly argument of baddies. But i just diagnosed you with chronic baddiness, which infests this bracket.
Okay, so let me get this straight. You think because you play a hunter in like 5 ~ 10 bgs. You're qualified more than two hunters that have played bgs in around the thousands?

Dude, you missed the frickin point. It was never about whether you had a hunter or not, it was about whether you were more qualified than us when it came to the hunter class. And, you, aren't.

Yes, two bad hunters. Because you're so incredible good at your hunter that you blow each of us out the water. Listen, I've never even seen your hunter. But I'll put it in a little notepad, so the next time I see you in a bg and you fall flat in your face I can chuckle once or twice and then get on with my life.

I am not going to toot my own horn. But there have been plenty of people in this forum who have said Lil was a good hunter. I don't know because I haven't seen Lil play. But are you saying that these people are wrong?

Oh brother. Who said hunters were underpowered? Did you even read what we had posted? Of course not. I said healers are too powerful, I did not say hunters were underpowered. To say hunters are underpowered would mean that I want hunters to be buffed specifically over even melee classes of which happen to be weaker than us. Note: I don't want nor do I need this. So you can, y'know, relax. I don't need some like a extra dmg boost to kick your warriors ass.

Oh yeah, because, I obviously camp graveyards a lot. Why don't you ask everybody in Europe whether I fucking camp graveyards. You dunno wtf you're talking about. My 100k hks is 100k hks of dedication, of which I'm not sure I'm proud of, but dedication.. and NOT GY CAMPING. Maybe you should learn the difference between these two things because I don't think that simply using my character and camping the graveyard is synonymous. Although you might like to think it is.

Make healers look like me? What you mean the classes that were powerful enough to actually stand up to hunters in the past? And the classes that are more powerful than hunters are now? Yeah, poor healers. Being compared to hunters.

Listen, don't tell me anything. All I see is a person who thinks he knows two shits about hunters but doesn't really, and also thinks he's Spider-man.
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F2P section used to be worth reading.

Now it's filled with a bunch of little nerd fites.
It was always full of nerdfights we just had more style back in the day.

Thread remarks (with apologies to OP):

Healing is super strong now and hybrid specs are gawdmode.
Cata Hunter Counters (IMO) = Shadowstep Rogue, Boomkin and Protadin.
Hunters rerolling - who gives a f what people decide to play?
Reminder - this is a game amigos - chillax. Y'all are getting a lil crazy up in hee-yaarrr.
Listen, don't tell me anything. All I see is a person who thinks he knows two shits about hunters but doesn't really, and also thinks he's Spider-man.

Just stop.. Fran makes no good points and only arguement can be calling us bad. Idk you but I know fran and I know her warrior is NOTHING special at all and that hunt link is some half assed 2 hour reroll. We both know how healers are currently so once we say it once if OP sees it no reason to argue with someone who isn't the OP. Don't keep making yourself look stupid arguing with this troll who bitches non stop in every post.

Post History
Ok if you don't care what I say why do you keep replying? You say you know about hunts 1-90 so please link your F2P hunt because I'm interested.

I'm not asking to be pitied... When have I ever said that? I'm not asking anything from anyone. I played a hunt in cata and I play one in MoP as well. People like you and fran are so bent out of shape over anyone playing a cata hunt that you won't accept that MoP healers are OP so I ask you what expansion will you stfu bout cata hunts and admit there are new OP classes? I just don't understand how cata hunts got so much crap and still are but MoP healers aren't called names or aren't insulted or anything honestly.. I'm not trying to be pitied but I would just like to understand why MoP healers are getting off scott free when hunts went through so much shit everyday

i didn't say idc what you say, i said idc what you play. if you go bk through my posts i said healers are OP, but they're not here moaning, but two people who did the same as what they're doing now, are though. and honestly, you need to stop caring what people say about you on an online game. you played catas FotM, they're playing mops, who's to say they shouldn't? stop the crusade against everyone who you disagree with, no one really cares. c[_] <------- carecup
c[_];610258 said:
i didn't say idc what you say, i said idc what you play. if you go bk through my posts i said healers are OP, but they're not here moaning, but two people who did the same as what they're doing now, are though. and honestly, you need to stop caring what people say about you on an online game. you played catas FotM, they're playing mops, who's to say they shouldn't? stop the crusade against everyone who you disagree with, no one really cares. c[_] <------- carecup

Ya I misread that.. Unlike fran you can make an arguement more then just lawl you bad me pro. I guess I just want MoP healers to go through what cata hunts went through day by day but I guess everyone is more accepting with the way heals are with being able to atleast 1v2 most things but didn't like the way hunts could burst back in cata.. It's 2 different types of OPness but none the less both are annoying and makes it more annoying how only one OPness has gotten complained about.
Ya I misread that.. Unlike fran you can make an arguement more then just lawl you bad me pro. I guess I just want MoP healers to go through what cata hunts went through day by day but I guess everyone is more accepting with the way heals are with being able to atleast 1v2 most things but didn't like the way hunts could burst back in cata.. It's 2 different types of OPness but none the less both are annoying and makes it more annoying how only one OPness has gotten complained about.

Because Healers cannot heal you to death, thus you can still DPS. Hunters just swarmed with 7-10 of them in every WSG/AB and made it incredibly frustrating. You and Garrett are so butthurt now you are balanced, its laughworthy.
Because Healers cannot heal you to death, thus you can still DPS. Hunters just swarmed with 7-10 of them in every WSG/AB and made it incredibly frustrating. You and Garrett are so butthurt now you are balanced, its laughworthy.

Again with your typical reply. When did me or garrett complain ONCE that we are balanced? I doubt you even read anything and just retort the same 5 random replies you have copy and pasted. Healers can still dps and some healers have better dps then dps classes do. I'm honestly done though you are the same reply over and over and are a waste of time to argue with.
Because Healers cannot heal you to death, thus you can still DPS. Hunters just swarmed with 7-10 of them in every WSG/AB and made it incredibly frustrating. You and Garrett are so butthurt now you are balanced, its laughworthy.

Ofc they can heal you to death, have you seen hpalies lately? They do nothing but throw yellow laser beams at you and instantly top all their 2k hp with 1 global - kthxbai
Ofc they can heal you to death, have you seen hpalies lately? They do nothing but throw yellow laser beams at you and instantly top all their 2k hp with 1 global - kthxbai

hybrids are op and healers are op. so thats most classes, what else should people play?

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