How are priests atm?

imo f2p is not playable in the gulch solo anymore..
only way to actually win is have a solid premade, just do not pug anymore its retarded with all the 24s now.
i see a 24twink coming out of ur ass soon.

i play all levels of WoW. i play f2p and i also occasionally play my not-bis 24 rogue but lately i have pulled the plug on her since its sooooo boring.. i really want to play a f2p enh shamy but the dmg is poop :(
i hope they make em good again in the new xpac.
Wooh getting off topic here!
OP: premade or die.
Shaman purge is a hard counter to priest bubble... They might not be able to burst a priest down, but the hunter standing next to them can and will.

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The second your bubble goes down pop AGM, by the time that's up your bubble will be back up. GG. And that's so true. Shamans Purge is to busy fucking with paladins.
I just don't see the point in stacking stam on a priest. Sure, you gain a few 100 extra HP, but your heals are smaller, your bubbles are weaker and it only helps you. I'd rather max out my heals and bubbles so I can help out the 8 people in front of me, as opposed to only myself. Just my own opinion and not to be taken seriously. Just my play style.
I just don't see the point in stacking stam on a priest. Sure, you gain a few 100 extra HP, but your heals are smaller, your bubbles are weaker and it only helps you. I'd rather max out my heals and bubbles so I can help out the 8 people in front of me, as opposed to only myself. Just my own opinion and not to be taken seriously. Just my play style.

cant heal if youre dead
cant heal if youre dead

Yes, this is the argument for that extra health, but I think if you've blown through your shield and your CD's and your pots, then that extra 200 HP isn't going to matter much. More often than not, you're throwing heals and bubbles to 9 other people and the larger heals, crits and bubbles will help keep your teammates alive so the enemy doesn't reach you in the first place.

I think they are equally valid as playstyles, this is just the one I prefer.
The second your bubble goes down pop AGM, by the time that's up your bubble will be back up. GG.

that's actually a good idea. i think i read in the patch notes purge has 15min cd now...
imo you can't stack enough stam on a f2p to make the loss of other stats worthwhile.
The second your bubble goes down pop AGM, by the time that's up your bubble will be back up. GG. And that's so true. Shamans Purge is to busy fucking with paladins.

Purge AGM...?


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