How are priests atm?

Priest is good. End of discussion. Tier 1 in every F2P activity you can do.
oh god, again? seriously?

angel, you're so caught up trying to troll you've forgotten what the discussion was even about. my OP....

to which i've been proven right, end of discussion.

Can't apply maths to PVP cuz you can't predict what the guy gonna do in front of you.

End of your bad point 0/10.
Wow ye i cant even buy clothes without getting embarassed i mean cmon mom this is public humiliation and now im getting burned on a forum

Like honestly u try to insult me 4 smth irl n u bring up my family but its still the worst insult lmao ur beyond pathetic

lol you replied! Gz on growing up and not running to the mods like you used to kiddo ;)
I wasn't trying to insult you, just clarify Why ppl shouldn't put a lot of emphasis on your opinion.. if I wanted to insult you I would have been banned long ago my little friend :)

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