How are priests atm?

Had the urge to roll one, but I don't want to spend time perfecting a twink that'd get shat on by scrubs just because of how class balance is right now.

So my question is, do disc/holy priests get eaten easily by warrs / rogues / hunters / etc? I mean, I am aware that some specs get shat on by total shitters no matter what you do, so I want to know if priest is like that atm.

Would especially appreciate replies by people who have played some f2p priest in the current patch. Thanks in advance!
Im still gearing my priest but i find it challenging and alot of fun when people protect you :)
If u just stay in the back of the pack and keep everybody shielded and penace ppl to death or alive you will do fine.
If you get caught by more than a few enemies tho you are pretty much toast even if u get them feared off you chances r they r just gonna trinket right out of it and come beat your ass, sometimes your shield gets absorbed so fast you wonder if u even cast it :)
On a 1 vs 1 basis they r tremendous fun imo. (Having AGM and lifebloom saved my ass countless times) Currently working on my 2nd AGM and getting loom mace and offhand for lols.
(Priest in sig.)
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Nevermind, I'll just roll one and try it out for myself. Thanks for the effort on replying Tanktaonic :)

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DiscPr's were not really good in terms of survivability in 5.3, but were really offensive with penance, only HPalas with denounce were even more horrible. As far as I remember there were no great changes to priests in 5.4, so yes, DiscPr's are fine.
As far as I remember there were no great changes to priests in 5.4, so yes, DiscPr's are fine.

No big changes to the class/spec itself, but battle fatigue effect was increased by 15% and the biggest fotmroflclasses and p2ps got a big buff to burst, so I am quite concerned about the survability, but I'll see how it turns out to be.
No big changes to the class/spec itself, but battle fatigue effect was increased by 15% and the biggest fotmroflclasses and p2ps got a big buff to burst, so I am quite concerned about the survability, but I'll see how it turns out to be.
Well, sucks to be you, then.
Priest was the easiest healer to kill 1v1 (burst during moth silence), even elemshama was better, with hunter buff and +15% BF things are pretty wild I guess.
Priests are insane.. always will be, don't let anyone tell you any wise. There survivability is just incredible plus they got very good dmg to go with it. Honestly if you roll one, gear it well, and learn to actually play it and not be a derp.. you have no real class your weak against. There very good. Don't worry about there survivability right now, it's still way Overpowered. You'd do great in the 20/24's. Roll disc spec though, a lot better then shadow.
Priests are insane.. always will be, don't let anyone tell you any wise. There survivability is just incredible plus they got very good dmg to go with it. Honestly if you roll one, gear it well, and learn to actually play it and not be a derp.. you have no real class your weak against. There very good. Don't worry about there survivability right now, it's still way Overpowered. You'd do great in the 20/24's. Roll disc spec though, a lot better then shadow.

Are you playing the same game as we ? In other word, stop telling fake bullshit please
Are you playing the same game as we ? In other word, stop telling fake bullshit please

LMFAO!!!! Stop telling fake bullshit? Obviously if this isn't the same for you then you sir.. fail miserably and should probably quit wow. :,) rofl!
don't make a healer if you're gonna solo Q, no one peels.
Yep the utility of a priest is insane but they are usually over shadowed by other classes .
Penance doesnt hit nearly as hard as it used to so yes, priests have changed since the last few patches.

Disc is all I've toyed with but yes their dmg and healing is nerfed a bit. Priests lack mobility so goblin rocket jump would be a nice thing to have. Still a powerful class just not OP as they used to be. I'd say they're middle of the pack or slightly higher since theyre still a healer, which is almost always powerful in BGs.
Priests are insane.. always will be, don't let anyone tell you any wise. There survivability is just incredible plus they got very good dmg to go with it. Honestly if you roll one, gear it well, and learn to actually play it and not be a derp.. you have no real class your weak against. There very good. Don't worry about there survivability right now, it's still way Overpowered. You'd do great in the 20/24's. Roll disc spec though, a lot better then shadow.

Shaman purge is a hard counter to priest bubble... They might not be able to burst a priest down, but the hunter standing next to them can and will.

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Shaman purge is a hard counter to priest bubble... They might not be able to burst a priest down, but the hunter standing next to them can and will.

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the few shamans out there are all busy purgeing sols of male belf/human paladins.

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