Holy pallies so funny :)

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So I logged on my ret pally... Switched to holy.. Threw on what int gear I had... First time EVeR that hunters saw me and ran... 1200 holy shock at 40 yards hahaha not tryin to be a jerk but it felt good seeing hunters getting mop'd up the whole BG. I came out 21-0 and 85k DMG. So all I wanna say is come on all you noob hunters... PLeASe come into BGs 4-5 hunters deep...
While it does make me happy to see hunters unable to just faceroll people into the group games where the ally are turtling with 2 disc priest, 2 hpallys and a mage kinda sucks....
i found that a disc isnt that OP vs Pally if i get Judgement, Holy Shock, Stun, Denounce,Denounce, Holy Shock.... dead priest. I know a nerf will come soon to Hpally but for the moment they are a ton of fun to play AND have utility that hunters didnt have.. i.e. god mode heals for the group :) so in one patch hpallys became better and more OP than a hunter EVER was... and i like it. Other than that im gonna QQ about my fury warrior... i had such high expectations... now i hit for like 200 dmg.... crit.. lol
I promise you. No one can kill my resto Druid. Be looking out for healroot.. Went 9-0 in games last night 0 deaths. Lil op if u ask me but I'm not complaining. I just run right into the group at the start.. No worries. Going to make a vid of it soon.
i.e. god mode heals for the group
God mode is no fun at all. :(
HPals aren't simply OP, they're completely broken, in my opinion.
i was looking forward to some seriously balanced pvp.... call me stupid but i looked over all the talent tree's and spells... and thought wow.. theres gonna be some serious DMG and Heals in BGs.... i was so wrong lol Im thinking of getting my warrior to 38 just to see what TG is feeling like...
The bracket is more broken now then it was before with hunters,it's funny and pityfull at the same time watching ppl playing only god mode palas/druids now...........

That speaks a lot of ppl's character,also to ppl that are enjoying themselves right now : enjoy while it lasts, cause it's only a matter of time when it will be balanced out.Then be sure to QQ about it just like any other scrub........( scrubs = ppl that confuse nerfing with ''normalizing'' and ''balancing'' classes out )

Soon it will be back to skill,then we'll see all the same scrubs failing like usual................

And all those who feel they aren't being buffed enough by this new patch,just try playing a warrior............
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Play correctly and you will have nothing to complain about. Tested out my warr, Druid and Mage last night. I have no complaints.
Love the pallies talking shit in this thread like you were underpowered in MoP.. You could still give hunts a run for their money unless you couldn't play your class. Stop acting like you needed a buff AT ALL as you were EASILY the 2nd most OP class in MoP right behind hunters. Enjoy all the rerolls and the "revenge on those hunts HAHAHA" as we were not even 1/4th as bad as Hpallies are currently. I made a hunter to stop being farmed by baddy 24 hunts and if this stays live for another week id like to warn all you re-roll baddies that I will also re-roll a Hpal to shut up the people who think they are good for rolling a Hpal for a couple bgs then Ill go back on my hunt and soak up the hks getting my 60 crit ES ticks.

Consider this my start to QQ'ing about Hpals as people have QQ'd about hunts all MoP.
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Love the pallies talking shit in this thread like you were underpowered in MoP.. You could still give hunts a run for their money unless you couldn't play your class. Stop acting like you needed a buff AT ALL as you were EASILY the 2nd most OP class in MoP right behind hunters. Enjoy all the rerolls and the "revenge on those hunts HAHAHA" as we were not even 1/4th as bad as Hpallies are currently. I made a hunter to stop being farmed by baddy 24 hunts and if this stays live for another week id like to warn all you re-roll baddies that I will also re-roll a Hpal to shut up the people who think they are good for rolling a Hpal for a couple bgs then Ill go back on my hunt and soak up the hks getting my 60 crit ES ticks.

Consider this my start to QQ'ing about Hpals as people have QQ'd about hunts all MoP.
Live by your own rules. You demanded respect as a hunter because you are an individual and not the same as everyone else. I have lost any respect for you I had for turning around and making generalizations the moment paladins were ruined by MoP prepatch changes. I feel disappointed that someone I was friendly with would lash out with insulting generalizations like that.
baddies who mained huntards are now rolling hpalas.
hope they fix hshock/healing in general, it could actually be a balanced bracket.
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