Holy pallies so funny :)

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My Hpally has always been an Hpally so ill my gear is amazing. I went 38-0, Top DPS at 98k and Top heals at 50k... and now i can jump into horde spawn stand there and literally spam denounce and holy shock... I literally charge 3 people at once and absolutely shit on them. And the speed buff i use "Pursuit of Justice" and you cant run from me along with stoneform and cleanse im a fuking tank... My name is Thingonee any1 heard of him?
You disgust me
My Hpally has always been an Hpally so ill my gear is amazing. I went 38-0, Top DPS at 98k and Top heals at 50k... and now i can jump into horde spawn stand there and literally spam denounce and holy shock... I literally charge 3 people at once and absolutely shit on them. And the speed buff i use "Pursuit of Justice" and you cant run from me along with stoneform and cleanse im a fuking tank... My name is Thingonee any1 heard of him?

You are amazing.
Of course I have heard of you!
Unleashing your holy fury, you are feared by the Horde!

Decent is an understatement when describing you.
It's more accurate to call you a hero!

My words fail me.
Every day I will try to be a Holy Paladin just like you.

EDIT: O: Veinte reading my mind!
With the mix of insults/trolling/flaming/off topic posts in this thread, this really shouldn't be a surprise.

For the OP, next time you want to make a thread commenting on the changes your class has gone through, try to make your point without insulting other classes.
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