Holy pallies so funny :)

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Live by your own rules. You demanded respect as a hunter because you are an individual and not the same as everyone else. I have lost any respect for you I had for turning around and making generalizations the moment paladins were ruined by MoP prepatch changes. I feel disappointed that someone I was friendly with would lash out with insulting generalizations like that.

This. What happened to "I've always been a hunter, its been my class since BC and I'd play one no matter how strong they were"?

Also, hunter damage is competitive now, . There's 40% base resil damage is down across the board (outside of pallies). My p2p mage's frostbolt hits around 200, crits under 500 with 3 stacks (frostbolt has a stacking damage debuff now), when I was seeing shatters around 1k before. Don't misinterpret holy being OP as hunters being underpowered, they seem well-tuned.
The bracket is more broken now then it was before with hunters,it's funny and pityfull at the same time watching ppl playing only god mode palas/druids now...........

That speaks a lot of ppl's character,also to ppl that are enjoying themselves right now : enjoy while it lasts, cause it's only a matter of time when it will be balanced out.Then be sure to QQ about it just like any other scrub........( scrubs = ppl that confuse nerfing with ''normalizing'' and ''balancing'' classes out )

Soon it will be back to skill,then we'll see all the same scrubs failing like usual................

And all those who feel they aren't being buffed enough by this new patch,just try playing a warrior............

I had both Pally and Druid well before patch hit so I did not just make mine to faceroll.
Paladins are really strong right now. And I have seen people in Bg's who were Rets before now switched to Holy. The only People that I can tell that were Holy BEFORE MoP are the ones that are wearing the Stockades Shield (at least for alliance).
This. What happened to "I've always been a hunter, its been my class since BC and I'd play one no matter how strong they were"?

Also, hunter damage is competitive now, . There's 40% base resil damage is down across the board (outside of pallies). My p2p mage's frostbolt hits around 200, crits under 500 with 3 stacks (frostbolt has a stacking damage debuff now), when I was seeing shatters around 1k before. Don't misinterpret holy being OP as hunters being underpowered, they seem well-tuned.

If I was the only dps that was saying I felt nerfed I'd understand this but seeing no1 can even touch a Hpal then ya they are just alittle OP and if you question that they are do a couple bgs.. I can only speak for 2 bgs but attacking for 10s then having one flash of light cast and boom back to full hp is rediculous.. I was being outhealed by a balance HoTs by alot..

Not sure how you define competitive and idk about the other dps classes but they are having trouble to it seems against any healer. Also I am staying on my hunt I'll just take the 9 other healers hks as I cant do anything vs healers and thats all this bracket is going to be unless major nerfs. I did say I would make a hpal to shut all the rerolling people up but didnt say I would quit my hunter? Lil will always be my main
Live by your own rules. You demanded respect as a hunter because you are an individual and not the same as everyone else. I have lost any respect for you I had for turning around and making generalizations the moment paladins were ruined by MoP prepatch changes. I feel disappointed that someone I was friendly with would lash out with insulting generalizations like that.
I'm sorry you feel this way? please show me a generalization I made in my post? I mentioned the pallies from the first page talking about how OP they are now, talked about the huge number of people rerolling Hpal in this bracket all of a sudden. Not sure where the generalization was as I maybe missing something unless you mean me saying how people complained about hunts all MoP. If this was what you're talking about then sry for that generalization.. 99% of people complained about hunts all MoP. If one person saying one thing you don't like made you so mad to lose the respect of them imagine going through it day after day..

Kinda surprised you 2 of anyone would come after me like I felt you did but idc really.. There is a major problem with this bracket and alot of people are just going to add to that problem so I voiced how I felt about these new Hpal rerolls
BiS prot hybird(Those that stack intellect/hpals have always been able to solo a BiS hunter in cata...iits just people never bitched about it because you were able to do alot of damage (which usually got healed back up) and it seemed you were doing fine until 2k mana almost infinite flashes of light/holy shocks.You always needed to pile 2-3 dps on those ''things''. its like 500th times worse now.
balanced this balanced that..... blizz won't fix it, just like every patch.
If I was the only dps that was saying I felt nerfed I'd understand this but seeing no1 can even touch a Hpal then ya they are just alittle OP and if you question that they are do a couple bgs.. I can only speak for 2 bgs but attacking for 10s then having one flash of light cast and boom back to full hp is rediculous.. I was being outhealed by a balance HoTs by alot..

Not sure how you define competitive and idk about the other dps classes but they are having trouble to it seems against any healer. Also I am staying on my hunt I'll just take the 9 other healers hks as I cant do anything vs healers and thats all this bracket is going to be unless major nerfs. I did say I would make a hpal to shut all the rerolling people up but didnt say I would quit my hunter? Lil will always be my main

I'm going to chime in since I've been testing my different alts tonight.

Hunters do feel competitive to me. But I can see why someone would feel nerfed (my white hits are hitting ~200 less than before). I can't run out and wreck everyone I encounter. But that's the way it should be. It really is ^_^. Can I kill healers? Yes. Can I focus dump and kill healers still? No. It requires CC and timing. But it really can be done. Adaptation! You'll be a better player for it.

Are Holy pals a menace? You betcha. Are they invincible? No.

Also, as far as DPS goes, Rogues are beasts. It is the one class I'm not worried about facing a healer with.

And druids, god druids....

All in all, I'm still enjoying the bracket, on all my chars. Give it another shot, maybe. Just try things differently.
Hunters do feel competitive to me. But I can see why someone would feel nerfed (my white hits are hitting ~200 less than before). I can't run out and wreck everyone I encounter. But that's the way it should be. It really is ^_^. Can I kill healers? Yes. Can I focus dump and kill healers still? No. It requires CC and timing. But it really can be done. Adaptation! You'll be a better player for it.
Are Holy pals a menace? You betcha. Are they invincible? No.
And druids, god druids....
All in all, I'm still enjoying the bracket, on all my chars. Give it another shot, maybe. Just try things differently.

I understand we needed to be nerfed but i don't understand why people are happy or think Hpals or any healers really deserved any buffs.. I'm interested in how you can possibly kill a healer just with cc and timing if its 1v1. Assuming you are bm for max cc with a moth specifically for healers: facing a 1.7k lv 20 Hpal, Open with KC hit like 200ish or maybe a lucky 400 crit then arcane then intimidation as they start to cast FoL getting another KC in with lets say 250 dmg and by now Hpal should have around 900 health left, then get in another arcane shot as intimidation is still up and this will probably be countered with a holy shock healing past the AS dmg and healing back up to 1.5k then maybe a FoL if they try to get back to 100% and you then throw in a serenity to stop spell cast and hit a KC to get down to 1k maybe then immediately scatter while waiting for a KC to come back up then using it again to maybe get down to 600 at best. no more cc a 600 hp pally casting FoL to get back to 100% and the fight is now restarted without any of the hunts cc.

That is just an example of max cc as bm (I'm not good in bm so the rotation maybe off) but I fail to see how any hunt can even come close to 1v1 any Hpal or healer. Can't understand how the most OP class getting nerfed dmg wise severely but the 2nd most OP class got buffed so severely in healing and dmg even is good for competitiveness. I understand in a week or however long this info maybe irrelevant as a nerf is hopefully inc to all heals.
First off, I'm going to go out on a limb and say the people you have directly replied to aren't of the belief that hunters needed a nerf AND healers needed a buff. Not at all. Hunters needed to be toned done, certainly. But that isn't related to the buffs or nerfs of any other classes. I'm not *happy* we exchanged one derp class for another. Just so we are on the same page here.

By competitiveness, I meant as a greater whole. Hunter damage is more in line with some other classes. It evens things out a bit. I'm not comparing Hunters to Holy Pals, nor would I care to, I'm saying they are more in sync with many other DPS specs. That may be a point of contention (I'm sure ^_^). I am not saying all DPS specs are equal. Because they are not.

Finally, I try to avoid hypothetical armchair chess matches because you can spin it many ways. Can you beat a healer? Yes. Is he/she the biggest derp in the bracket to lose to you? Probably. Are you a support/utility class now? Absolutely.
If you only knew how many things you said wrong there.........................................

It wasn't completely wrong as you make it out to be. The first sentence was a claim and while not all agree 100% - more on that below. The last part was his/her personal experience and thus 100% correct.

Warriors are now more viable than they used to be. If you sticked with them before then I'd say you have reason to be happier now.

Druids have many reasons to be happy and should indeed be very happy unless they feel uncomfortable being a tad too strong.

Mage gameplay has also improved slightly: The bracket is less bursty, making their CC (sheep, snare, root, silence) more important. Also, arcane is less dumb now. That's also good, right?
i Think Hunters are fine, u can play cc class BM or can play MM that still does good damage... btw aimed shot dmg was increased today from 275%weapon damage to 280% :O ...xD

Some ppl say bracket is more balanced then be4... i dont think thats true.
Why are you talking about MoP in the past tense?

because it hasnt been released yet? this is only the pre-patch to MoP.

Prepatch is always awful, give it a month or 2 and blizz should fix things.

Foooorrrrr example in cata when rogues where one shotting, they nerfed the dmg within days. relax something will be done about hpala dmg and priest shields.
because it hasnt been released yet? this is only the pre-patch to MoP.

Prepatch is always awful, give it a month or 2 and blizz should fix things.

Foooorrrrr example in cata when rogues where one shotting, they nerfed the dmg within days. relax something will be done about hpala dmg and priest shields.
Pallies are now 3 times more faceroll then MoP hunts ever were, like they shouldn't be
Confuses me even more
My Hpally has always been an Hpally so ill my gear is amazing. I went 38-0, Top DPS at 98k and Top heals at 50k... and now i can jump into horde spawn stand there and literally spam denounce and holy shock... I literally charge 3 people at once and absolutely shit on them. And the speed buff i use "Pursuit of Justice" and you cant run from me along with stoneform and cleanse im a fuking tank... My name is Thingonee any1 heard of him?
My Hpally has always been an Hpally so ill my gear is amazing. I went 38-0, Top DPS at 98k and Top heals at 50k... and now i can jump into horde spawn stand there and literally spam denounce and holy shock... I literally charge 3 people at once and absolutely shit on them. And the speed buff i use "Pursuit of Justice" and you cant run from me along with stoneform and cleanse im a fuking tank... My name is Thingonee any1 heard of him?

thingonee? didnt heard of u, only heard of holytard, gaydin and god mode
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