Hillary banning guns?

the reason for crime in Chiraq is all bad n shit is bc they grew up having to protect themselves and the only way to do that is to get a a gun or some shit niggas have to fight for their lives, not in like the south where they shoot for sports and shit in ghetto ass places you don't fight fücking animals tryna eat yo damn steroid filled cows and shit but they fight niggas with ak's and automatic glocks and shit let's drop you Guys that are against guns in Chiraq and see if you can survive without a gun. Gun laws have nothing to do with violence rates lmao sometimes guns are way cheaper when bought illegally and having guns illegal in a place like Chicago wouldn't change shit bc they don't care if that shits illegal to get or not that's like making weed illegal, everyone would just go to the home growers and big drug dealers
Banning guns isn't going to keep psychos from finding a way to get them.

The only thing I see as a hazard with guns being available is how someone may not know they're a psycho until they have the tool to kill.

But the pros outweigh the cons with guns. Everyone should have the ability to defend themselves. That said, nobody really needs an AK-47 for anything outside recreational use.

There are countries that do fine without guns, but the U.S. isn't as civilized as we think we are.
It is factually correct, but his statement is untrue. Meaning that it is false, in so far as the logic is wrong.

He is implying that guns cannot be the problem if Chicago, which he wrongly purports as having the strictest gun control laws in the nation. That is not true, nor is it particularly relevant. Regardless of whether or not Chicago has strict gun laws, the argument for regulation of firearms has nothing to do with crime rates in Chicago. There is no logical link between those two phenomenon.

You try to come across as an intelligent and mature person, Ally, but the more you post on these forums the more I truly begin to doubt that. You use baity, troll tactics rather than logic and reason. I used to think it was because you were simply a troll, but now I'm unsure if you're capable of higher thought. I'll leave you to your echo box :)

Oh lawd sweet Jesus! Isn't anyone here allowed have fun? Everyone can have fun except me...

A logical link could possibly be that Chicago has had nearly a century of Democratic control. One of the longest in the nation. Each city that has been historically Democratically controlled has similar issues. i.e. Chicago, Detroit, New Oreleans, Baltimore, St. Louis to name a few. In fact, of the highest 20 crime rate cities in the US, 16 are Democratic controlled. My own city is Democratic controlled.
Oh lawd sweet Jesus! Isn't anyone here allowed have fun? Everyone can have fun except me...

A logical link could possibly be that Chicago has had nearly a century of Democratic control. One of the longest in the nation. Each city that has been historically Democratically controlled has similar issues. i.e. Chicago, Detroit, New Oreleans, Baltimore, St. Louis to name a few. In fact, of the highest 20 crime rate cities in the US, 16 are Democratic controlled. My own city is Democratic controlled.

Butchered logic. Political preference has no link with violence.

I'm wasting my time.
Oh lawd sweet Jesus! Isn't anyone here allowed have fun? Everyone can have fun except me...

A logical link could possibly be that Chicago has had nearly a century of Democratic control. One of the longest in the nation. Each city that has been historically Democratically controlled has similar issues. i.e. Chicago, Detroit, New Oreleans, Baltimore, St. Louis to name a few. In fact, of the highest 20 crime rate cities in the US, 16 are Democratic controlled. My own city is Democratic controlled.
Crime rate is not a measurement of gun-related fatalities.
You mentioned earlier that more Americans died in Chicago than in Afghanistan. That's about as useful as saying that more Chinese died in Hong Kong than in Jamaica. The statement lacks context. How many fatalities were due to gunshot wounds and how many were related to cats suffocating babies? You don't know.
A democratically run city would have citizens voting directly on laws instead of having elected officials to go through. Chicago does not have this system.
Well if murica wants their guns that's fine but they could probably standardise what kind of gun you can own... Cuz I don't see the need for a civilian to own, say, an assault rifle that fires high explosive rounds.
Anyways, it will be interesting to see how this affects her campaign.

Let's just hope she doesn't ban servers, servers be putting people under FBI investigation and sheeit. Cough* hillery Cough*
The mainstream media in our country is the head of the snake so to speak. We have shows like law and order, movies and music that constantly spread the message that gangsters, terrorists, and crazy hobos are constantly around you and are a real threat. Fearmongering is everywhere if you actually stop and start looking for it. Most people are subconsciously trained to be afraid.

Movies about gangsters make me feel like there are gangsters around me.

Presidents can't ban guns but acting like there isn't a systematic effort from the left to attack the second amendment and its integrity is foolishness. Now don't get me wrong, i'm no conservative and i'm not an NRA fan boy but I think there are some vital aspects of the 2nd amendment which are ignored by law makers.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Well if murica wants their guns that's fine but they could probably standardise what kind of gun you can own... Cuz I don't see the need for a civilian to own, say, an assault rifle that fires high explosive rounds.

Americans can't purchase high explosive rounds legally. Americans can't sell armor/transport piercing bullets either, but they can buy them(how does one buy something that no one can sell or transport?).... Legally...
That is the catch... Legally...
All those murderers using guns to kill people are not too concerned with the legality of it. That is what makes them criminals after all.
A person could get anything they wanted on the black market, legal or not, if you had enough money.(doesn't buying black market make it defacto illegal BTW?) Drug cartel members are often better armed the Mexican government.
If Hillary were to become president and ban guns, would that mean that hunters wouldn't be allowed to use guns in next years Twink Cup?
It would literally take an act of Congress to change the 2nd Amendment. That would be political suicide that no politician wants to commit.
Congress would not touch the Bill of Rights with a thirty nine and a half foot pole.
Yes obviously but that doesn't mean they can't pass laws making it harder and harder to get guns.
We live in a nice neighborhood. Its at a deadend street and normally extremly quite down here. But last night 4 thugs robbed Verizon store at gun point and took off and somehow ended up in our area. They ditched the cars and took off. The police had the entire section closed, 2 helicopters, canines, DPS, city and county police. After 2 hours of lock down I went and cleared the back yard with the shot gun. Luckily nothing, but I sure am glad I had something to protect my family with. We all slept better knowing.

Its all about control boys and girls, that's what they are after. This stuff doesn't get reversed, they don't give up power. Look at the NSA, its stronger than ever. Make sure you understand what you're voting for.

lol this is the dumbest thing ive read today, congrats

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