Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

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If you are bad enough to think that managing as few skills as we have at this lvl is hard I guess.

Skillcap is the difference that skill makes between a good and a bad player. For a hunter, there is little difference. For a Warrior there is a huge amount. I play both classes. This is just a fact. Deal with it. Hunters use very little timing and movement is easy for them. Hence low skillcap because movement and timing are hard, deciding which ability to use is simple.
Read this article in order to understand the real meaning of skill cap and skill floor. I think the description is pretty accurate.
Read this article in order to understand the real meaning of skill cap and skill floor. I think the description is pretty accurate.

1. That's his definition. (not saying it's a bad one or anything, but it's still one man's definition)

2. It's written on an Arena site for discussions within the context of arena play. As such, a lot will read that and assume that arena is the only context that you can discuss skill caps (i.e. feral is for turretting).

3. It's still a very shallow definition of skill cap, basically restricting its definition of a skill cap to the number of different buttons a player can push.
1. That's his definition. (not saying it's a bad one or anything, but it's still one man's definition)

2. It's written on an Arena site for discussions within the context of arena play. As such, a lot will read that and assume that arena is the only context that you can discuss skill caps (i.e. feral is for turretting).

3. It's still a very shallow definition of skill cap, basically restricting its definition of a skill cap to the number of different buttons a player can push.
I've only shown this article to him to point out his view wasn't correct.

And yes, it clearly is too narrow to call it a full definition of the concept.
I've only shown this article to him to point out his view wasn't correct.

And yes, it clearly is too narrow to call it a full definition of the concept.

That's why, early on in this discussion, I outlined what I thought a skill cap meant. That way, anyone who disagreed would at least know what definition I was going by. I expect other people to have slightly different definitions because there is no authoritative source on this particular concept.
I still want to know more ranks of class skill caps please. Seems my Mage, War, Priest and Lock aren't doing so well lol.
1. That's his definition. (not saying it's a bad one or anything, but it's still one man's definition)

2. It's written on an Arena site for discussions within the context of arena play. As such, a lot will read that and assume that arena is the only context that you can discuss skill caps (i.e. feral is for turretting).

3. It's still a very shallow definition of skill cap, basically restricting its definition of a skill cap to the number of different buttons a player can push.

The top RBG players were comprised of the best arena players, before they got bored of imbalanced BG zergs and went back to more enjoyable PvP. A good arena player will always be better at all aspects of PvP (BG included) than your average BG hero. You made the mistake of not rolling on AP and relinquished the ability to F2P arena, stop being bitter towards arena players for your negligence.
The top RBG players were comprised of the best arena players, before they got bored of imbalanced BG zergs and went back to more enjoyable PvP. A good arena player will always be better at all aspects of PvP (BG included) than your average BG hero. You made the mistake of not rolling on AP and relinquished the ability to F2P arena, stop being bitter towards arena players for your negligence.

QFT. I remember at the onset of Cata SO many BG heroes coming out and saying "finally, we're going to show all the arena players how good we are at "real" PvP." At the end of the first season you couldn't find a top 100 team that didn't have mostly arena players. The top ten teams were all rank 1 players.
The top RBG players were comprised of the best arena players, before they got bored of imbalanced BG zergs and went back to more enjoyable PvP. A good arena player will always be better at all aspects of PvP (BG included) than your average BG hero. You made the mistake of not rolling on AP and relinquished the ability to F2P arena, stop being bitter towards arena players for your negligence.


Quit acting butthurt that I'm not sucking up to the elite pro skills that you developed in a controlled, instanced, and narrow pvp setting in a previous expansion with a completely different level cap and skill set. That a talented arena player who coordinates on Vent with his friends is also successful in BGs (or raids) is NO SURPRISE, as talent in this game boils down to understanding class mechanics and situational awareness.

You bot to avoid playing in BGs and then say patently stupid shit like roots are useless for druids and ferals should only turret, so how can anyone take your pro skills seriously outside of the context of arena.

We are talking about different pvp environments, where different skill sets are important and so therefore the skill caps are different. Your arena-pvp-fits-all attitude is just your ego talking.
"elite pro skills that you developed in a controlled, instanced, and narrow pvp setting in a previous expansion with a completely different level cap and skill set"


Quit acting butthurt that I'm not sucking up to the elite pro skills that you developed in a controlled, instanced, and narrow pvp setting in a previous expansion with a completely different level cap and skill set. That a talented arena player who coordinates on Vent with his friends is also successful in BGs (or raids) is NO SURPRISE, as talent in this game boils down to understanding class mechanics and situational awareness.

You bot to avoid playing in BGs and then say patently stupid shit like roots are useless for druids and ferals should only turret, so how can anyone take your pro skills seriously outside of the context of arena.

We are talking about different pvp environments, where different skill sets are important and so therefore the skill caps are different. Your arena-pvp-fits-all attitude is just your ego talking.
Well, the fact he prefers Arenas over BG's is pretty obvious. Or BG's are stupidly aggravating or so boring, both not being fun. While arenas are mostly balanced.
Out of curiosity, has anyone tested the wargames 5v5 wsg option? Or possibly, queueing as a raid for a wsg wargames? I just have never heard of anyone trying it.

Also, the reason people consider arena requires more skill is because when one makes a serious flaw they have the ability to throw the game for the whole team. In a BG they just go back to the spirit healer and rinse and repeat. Both are valid forms of PvP and enjoyment. It's just that in arena you are absolutely required to work as a team whereas in BGs 2-3 of the players can often carry and affect the outcome of the game. Arenas require more skill, attention, and awareness - to say anything else is just wrong. That's not to say one can't be an extremely effective and influential BG player.
Out of curiosity, has anyone tested the wargames 5v5 wsg option? Or possibly, queueing as a raid for a wsg wargames? I just have never heard of anyone trying it.
Tested and not working.
This thread is confuzzling :'(
lol this guy who really hates arenas is soooo over the top

the good players gravitate toward arena because it is more competitive, more fun, and more balanced than BGs. because all the good players gravitate toward arena, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and BGs are left devoid of anything but noobs and comically self-righteous people like you who enjoy beating up on noobs and thinking that you are good.

being good in BGs and being good in arenas takes the exact same skill set - but i love how you write:

That a talented arena player who coordinates on Vent with his friends is also successful in BGs (or raids) is NO SURPRISE, as talent in this game boils down to understanding class mechanics and situational awareness.

and then later in literally the same post:

We are talking about different pvp environments, where different skill sets are important and so therefore the skill caps are different.

what? so which one is it? here, i'll help you out: they take the exact same skills and experience to be good at. which is way it should come as no surprise to you that arena players are also better than you at BGs - because we all started out doing BGs, got tired of them, and moved on to greener pastures
lol this guy who really hates arenas is soooo over the top

the good players gravitate toward arena because it is more competitive, more fun, and more balanced than BGs. because all the good players gravitate toward arena, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and BGs are left devoid of anything but noobs and comically self-righteous people like you who enjoy beating up on noobs and thinking that you are good.

being good in BGs and being good in arenas takes the exact same skill set - but i love how you write:

and then later in literally the same post:

what? so which one is it? here, i'll help you out: they take the exact same skills and experience to be good at. which is way it should come as no surprise to you that arena players are also better than you at BGs - because we all started out doing BGs, got tired of them, and moved on to greener pastures

But Cotus i liek to run teh flag :<
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