Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

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ok interesting thread indeed but!
F2P bracket is far too easy compared to P2P pvp skill cap
meaning no matter how hard or easy a class/spec is, it barely makes a difference compared to the full game.

( i have Druid, Hunter, Rogue, Warlock that are geared but i played every class to lvl 20)

BM hunter is has the highest skill cap? ... it might be the possibility but its still so easy!!
whats so special? all you need to do is spam 123 execpt for your conc shot, scatter shot, disengage, and pet comtrols. (probably wrong)
kiting as a hunter is NOT hard
there is really no orders required for hunters execpt for CCs and disengage maybe
its really easy

Feral Druid is not the easiest indeed but its still easy lol

I think Warlocks are overrated.... as a warlock, all you really need to worry about is when to fear your target (which can require some thinking but still easy) and probably LoS for some soul harvest heals)

Rogue is i think just about where they are.. its one of the easiest for me
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ok interesting thread indeed but!
F2P bracket is far too easy compared to P2P pvp skill cap
meaning no matter how hard or easy a class/spec is, it barely makes a difference compared to the full game.

( i have Druid, Hunter, Rogue, Warlock that are geared but i played every class to lvl 20)

BM hunter is has the highest skill cap? ... it might be the possibility but its still so easy!!
whats so special? all you need to do is spam 123 execpt for your conc shot, scatter shot, disengage, and pet comtrols. (probably wrong)
kiting as a hunter is NOT hard
there is really no orders required for hunters execpt for CCs and disengage maybe
its really easy

Feral Druid is not the easiest indeed but its still easy lol

I think Warlocks are overrated.... as a warlock, all you really need to worry about is when to fear your target (which can require some thinking but still easy) and probably LoS for some soul harvest heals)

Rogue is i think just about where they are.. its one of the easiest for me

You talk like you know. But do you REALLY know? You know?
lol this guy who really hates arenas is soooo over the top

the good players gravitate toward arena because it is more competitive, more fun, and more balanced than BGs. because all the good players gravitate toward arena, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and BGs are left devoid of anything but noobs and comically self-righteous people like you who enjoy beating up on noobs and thinking that you are good.

being good in BGs and being good in arenas takes the exact same skill set - but i love how you write:

and then later in literally the same post:

what? so which one is it? here, i'll help you out: they take the exact same skills and experience to be good at. which is way it should come as no surprise to you that arena players are also better than you at BGs - because we all started out doing BGs, got tired of them, and moved on to greener pastures

C O T U S - you make alot of false conclusions and build much of your arguments on sand. Not all good players gravitate towards the arena. You don't know all good players and their habits. You consistently talk in absolutes and assumptions and make yourself look foolish. Most people don't say anything because you are a well known figure in the AP community and on these forums. You're obviously a great player and know the game well but have much to learn about being a reasonable human (at least on the forums - don't know about your RL persona). Word o' advice - this is a video game and you have no reason to feel superior to anyone in this millieu or try to talk down to those you see as lesser (noobs). If you do then you should re-evaluate your standards and refocus on the grander things in life. You're an odd duck as you are trying to gain more arena players yet you alienate people on the forums by coming off as elitist blowhard.

If you will respond with a witty scathing riposte downplaying my viability in WoW or RL - don't bother. This is about you, not me, and I doubt I'll even read it.

Good luck, have fun, and mad hugs to all.

PS - I don't even dislike you, so we are clear. And I'm not terribly concerned if you like me. But I believe you need to be reigned in a bit for the greater good as you obviously have much more to offer the f2p community than forum d-baggery (e.g. arenas, advice, etc.) Will this comment reign you in? Can't tell. Likely not, but it's sage advice and worth saying even if it falls on deaf ears.
i find it pretty strange that you chose to quote a post of mine that doesn't actually have any false conclusions.....there are plenty of other posts you could have chosen instead where i say things that are quite a stretch.

the best players do, always, gravitate toward arenas in this game. i'm sorry, this is an easily verifiable fact.

people who hang out in BGs beating up on noobs are, in fact, doing BGs so they can beat up on noobs who are worse than them. this is also true whether you want to admit it or not. in the real world, we call these kind of people "bullies". many of you forget that a lot of the people who do F2P battlegrounds are new players who have never even played wow before, or have extremely limited game experience. i've also found it pretty amusing that F2P players always complain about 24s being "unfair", when they themselves are seeking out extremely imbalanced gameplay by queuing against people that they know are new and/or suck at pvp.

you guys don't like hearing this stuff because you don't like hearing the truth. i was actually originally banned from this website a few years ago by repeatedly trolling the previous site owner (Drayner) by calling him out for glorifying non-twink noob-stomping in BGs (this was back before xp-on/off BGs). i would call him out for being only interested in rolling over bads in BGs to feel good about himself, he would get angry and argue back, and this went on and on for a while until he finally came out and admitted that yes, he twinked to stomp noobs, and he enjoyed it (he then banned me, i guess to "teach me a lesson" about calling people out). at least he was honest in the end!

you guys aren't fooling anybody by constructing an alternative narrative - we see right through you. you're noob griefers, nothing more, nothing less.
Just relax, man. I started pvp'ing to STOP noob griefers. Becoming one is the absolute last thing I would do. EVER.

That's how exactly 100% wrong you are.

like i said, you are not fooling me, my friend! i've seen it all before, many times. you guys are always the same - and don't think that you're not easy to identify in real life, too.
Every time I read C O T U S I think its coitus and i think of Sheldon, just felt like sharing.

Really? I always thought is was an acronym:

Crap Of The United States.
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Wait a second, correct me if I'm wrong because I very well could be(shit I can't even spell) but doesn't this guy Imirak queue with 24's?

Yes, there are 24s in our group. Is that a problem? Who do you think forms the parties?

There are generally 3-5 24s in every alliance team we face. That means, just to be balanced, we need to queue two 24s in our 5-man pugs. Considering that there are 3 regular F2P's in the group, that's generally how it works out.
Wait a second, correct me if I'm wrong because I very well could be(shit I can't even spell) but doesn't this guy Imirak queue with 24's?

You are correct.

OT: Once again people skill cap is not how easy it is to play a class well. It is how difficult it is to play a class perfectly. Not how many spells a class has, not how hard it is to kill an enemy on a class and not the difference in dps within the same class. It is about how hard it is to preform the role you are playing flawlessly. For instance the difference between a skillcapped warrior in dps and a reasonable warrior was by far not as big as the difference between a good and a reasonable arcane mage. Meanwhile the arcane mage had a little more knowledge then the other mage, while the warrior had his entire rotation changd and was changing stances and all the rage that comes with doing it. Skillcap is nearly impossible to predict since there is so much more behind it then people think. You must take all things that give even the slightest of utility and add them all together and I dont believe anybody in the world is fully skillcapped, since there are so many little increases to be had that people just dont know about yet.
Another example is the choice between earth shock and flame shock. If i were a good player i would calculate when my flameshock does more damage then my earthshock, by knowing how much damage both spells do, predicting how long the enemy will live, of course calculating the fail rate when fighting a night elf and most likely alot more. This is two spells and even if they were my only spells i couldn't do it right. I don't think anybody including me exactly knows what skillcap is or how to reach it, but I do know that you can't decide it by looking at a few classes and thinking hard rotation means high skillcap. (Except for palla's they are easy:p, yet how manyprot pala's have a 2h when he isn't being focused while killing a healer in the spell downtime they have?)
Yes, there are 24s in our group. Is that a problem? Who do you think forms the parties?

There are generally 3-5 24s in every alliance team we face. That means, just to be balanced, we need to queue two 24s in our 5-man pugs. Considering that there are 3 regular F2P's in the group, that's generally how it works out.
I never queue with 24s, godawful win rate right there in my sig.
Yes, there are 24s in our group. Is that a problem? Who do you think forms the parties?

There are generally 3-5 24s in every alliance team we face. That means, just to be balanced, we need to queue two 24s in our 5-man pugs. Considering that there are 3 regular F2P's in the group, that's generally how it works out.

In my opinion this practically invalidates anything you have to say about queueing bgs to stomp noobs. Sorry

Jk not really
Saying you don't wanna grief people but play with two to four 24s is just hysterical.

From the looks of it, you're on the road to becoming the late-2011 kahr. Lololol, have fun.
Haha in case you didn't know Imirak nobody liked Kahr for a long time. Soo that means people might not like you :(

Seriously though you are the biggest clown in this thread right now haha I can't believe you preach about -not- being that bloodthirsty noob hunter when you really queue with 24s. Are you serious? I queued into a bg today and we had 0 24s on our team. This is alliance side mind you. Guess how many horde side had? Oh wait they had 4. So this bullshit about 2-3 24s may be right some times but there aren't that many 24s in -every- bg on alliance side.
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