Here's an idea.

no they dont, thats why i support f2p but i'm also gonna support 24s, if i can enjoy both i dont see why others cant and for the guys who dont have a p2p account then you cant blame 24s for that.

Kudos to you.

The 24's that I don't like are the ones who created the 24 for the sole purpose of driving off the F2P's, the only thing this would accomplish is destroy this bracket. Thats what I don't understand. Why pay $15 a month to ruin the game you pay for? These types are also the ones who are the first to complain about Queue times, low pop servers, and faction imbalances.


Dear lord, those armor legs on udoros. Thats gonna be the first thing I transmog! lol.
Kudos to you.

The 24's that I don't like are the ones who created the 24 for the sole purpose of driving off the F2P's, the only thing this would accomplish is destroy this bracket. Thats what I don't understand. Why pay $15 a month to ruin the game you pay for? These types are also the ones who are the first to complain about Queue times, low pop servers, and faction imbalances.


Dear lord, those armor legs on udoros. Thats gonna be the first thing I transmog! lol.

simple theres always assholes in every bracket look at how many 19 hunters they are.
Why pay $15 a month to ruin the game you pay for?

[font=times new roman,times,serif]Another good point. But I would like to pose a few to you: At the end of the day, everyone knows that it boils down to several indisputable facts.[/font]

[font=times new roman,times,serif]- WoW was created to make money. If it wasn't there wouldn't be a 15 dollar a month subscription.

- The point of twinking is to have an advantage over the competition.

[font=times new roman,times,serif]- Trial accounts was invented as a cheap marketing tool to get people to subscribe; a teaser.[/font]

[font=times new roman,times,serif]- There are other free MMO's to play that have the ability to pay for advantages for those who want an edge. (Which brings up another issue. If people did quit using the f2p accounts and went to another game, what would stop the complaints against those who pay for advantages on those other sites?)[/font]

[font=times new roman,times,serif]- At the end of the day, some people are just sore losers and can't stand the reality that nothing in life is fair.[/font]

[font=times new roman,times,serif]Quoted from Wikipedia - "A competitor who exhibits poor sportsmanship after losing a game or contest is often called a "sore loser" Behavior includes blaming others, not taking responsibility for personal actions, reacting immaturely or improperly, making excuses for one's loss, referring to unfavorable conditions or other petty issues."[/font]
would you though consider a 19s hunter a twink for taking advantage of everything hes got?

personally i would but theres just too much of em to enjoy the 19s bracket nowadays
would you though consider a 19s hunter a twink for taking advantage of everything hes got?

personally i would but theres just too much of em to enjoy the 19s bracket nowadays

[font=times new roman,times,serif]If he's taking advantage of what's available to him, then yes, he would be a twink.[/font]
Great post Litho.

I forgot to add, I find it ironic when 24's complain then about multiboxers saying that they are paying for an advantage. Irony is so ironic.

multiboxers dont pay extra its basically 1 24 + 3 f2p 20s

too bad my computer cant run 4 wows at once
Great post Litho.

I forgot to add, I find it ironic when 24's complain then about multiboxers saying that they are paying for an advantage. Irony is so ironic.

[font=times new roman,times,serif]I used to think that multiboxing was so cheap. But instead of getting worked up about it, I figured out several ways on how to beat them. My first run in with a multiboxer was in Alterac Valley; a 5 Ele Shaman train from Hell. After dying uncountable times, the idea came to pick them off one by one, someone had to be controlling them. So whenever I PvP'ed I'd lurk and wait, and if a multiboxer came by, I'd pick off the last one and LoS, then get behind and pick off or CC another. [/font]
This whole "non xp BG" and "xp on BG" is still confusing to me.. when F2P's q up, who do they play?

Because I've seen a lot of non twinks and what seems like people leveling through in BG's on my F2P
This whole &quot;non xp BG&quot; and &quot;xp on BG&quot; is still confusing to me.. when F2P's q up, who do they play?

Because I've seen a lot of non twinks and what seems like people leveling through in BG's on my F2P

F2P 1-19 is xp on, 20 is in the xp off 20-24.
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Bull and Zola do a lot of solo que'ing, but they do run together a lot (have been as of late at least) Spirestone is Western USA Timezone. (California.) So that's probably why you win more than 1 game out of 50 bajillion.
[font=times new roman,times,serif] [/font]

this fact is true. and even on Feletia I solo que A LOT. needless to say.. it is revolting to see a lot of the "f2p" (mostly alliances asking to farm)

i think it would be pleasing to have a 24's forum as well. just saying. ;]
this fact is true. and even on Feletia I solo que A LOT. needless to say.. it is revolting to see a lot of the &quot;f2p&quot; (mostly alliances asking to farm)

i think it would be pleasing to have a 24's forum as well. just saying. ;]
Then in addition to the 30-34, 40-44, etc..........there would need to be X4's forums too.

Easy solution, don't make threads troll baiting an argument between F2P and P2P.
this fact is true. and even on Feletia I solo que A LOT. needless to say.. it is revolting to see a lot of the "f2p" (mostly alliances asking to farm)

i think it would be pleasing to have a 24's forum as well. just saying. ;]

Except for games like this morning where I kept getting into BGs with 24 pallies on both sides holding the flag and skeying around eachothers GYs trying to farm.
Except for games like this morning where I kept getting into BGs with 24 pallies on both sides holding the flag and skeying around eachothers GYs trying to farm.

this happens in every bracket not just f2p and its not just 24s that do it. ofc im eu so cant really say much about us.
multiboxers dont pay extra its basically 1 24 + 3 f2p 20s

too bad my computer cant run 4 wows at once

oh? my computer is just awful when i'm only playing one toon still.xD I've seen one on the ally side as well tho. it was quite fun, it was a all f2ps too. all 4 them were human female hunters. but yeah usually there is one 24 or a healer. i think there will be a bigger monster then that in bg soon enough. :]
this happens in every bracket not just f2p and its not just 24s that do it. ofc im eu so cant really say much about us.

US there's 2 kinds of 24s Spirestone that rolls in groups and doesn't GY camp but rolls games so hard it's not really worth playing unless I happen to be grouped as well, and people who rolled 24 to farm lowbies with names like Igycampu who rage when I won't follow them to GY to be their personal healbot.

Sadly the games in question ended in a stalemate because most of the rest of the teams were f2p hunters who thought turreting in mid was the key to a WSG victory.

Early morning games can be frustrating when you're a healer . . .
Except for games like this morning where I kept getting into BGs with 24 pallies on both sides holding the flag and skeying around eachothers GYs trying to farm.

awe. indeed there's always going to be farming. One tine i solo qued on zola and my team was being farm. it was a premade group framing us. As they were framing us, one of their member jump on a alt from my server and try to" troll" me about i was being fram and that i had 13 death would go more into details but i dont like starting anything. haha. Usually 24's rage quit because of a lost or leave the team that's being fram. but farming can turns itself around.
as i was saying about the premade group that was farming us. so i qued again with at less 2 of my teamates and it was the same group that farmed us and they all left the bg as soon as the bg begun. Which was a huge "lol" for my part. because i wasn't even going to farm them. just wanted to face roll them with quick caps and keep win game up against them.
but sadly enough that didn't happened.

But I've turn around lot of games when they're 0-2 on both sides.while the team was farming. because of the people that left the bg due to being farm. now those are bgs i enjoy.
US there's 2 kinds of 24s Spirestone that rolls in groups and doesn't GY camp but rolls games so hard it's not really worth playing unless I happen to be grouped as well, and people who rolled 24 to farm lowbies with names like Igycampu who rage when I won't follow them to GY to be their personal healbot.

Sadly the games in question ended in a stalemate because most of the rest of the teams were f2p hunters who thought turreting in mid was the key to a WSG victory.

Early morning games can be frustrating when you're a healer . . .

indeed. i usually only que myself or with one or 2 people.but half the time it's myself. Not long ago i was in bg where my teammate was arguing with me for not wanting to farm and then he started with the name calling and such because i didnt want no part of it.

hmm? i didnt know igycampu was still playing. i haven't play aside him yet on feletia but if i do i'd make use to get the last flag then and cap it myself. c: THUS is the reason why i am the fc most of the time on zola and feletia. haha.
But I've turn around lot of games when they're 0-2 on both sides.while the team was farming. because of the people that left the bg due to being farm. now those are bgs i enjoy.

Yup, that certianly pisses me off. My team GY camps until half the horde /afk's then a bunch of 24s/hunters/paladins get in and we lose. My favorite ones though are where we make 24 premades /afk. Such as a games I was in yesterday with 2 24 hunters and 2 24 paladins. It's just hilarious watching a bunch of undergeared F2Ps owning people who roll the most OP class with as many advantages as they can get.

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