Here's an idea.

Why don't we all just stop arguing and just give people what they want within reason so yah. Maybe when you sign up you have to designate what bracket u want to post in and you can't post in any others?
Why don't we all just stop arguing and just give people what they want within reason so yah. Maybe when you sign up you have to designate what bracket u want to post in and you can't post in any others?

Dont think that would work there are many people that play both f2p 20s and 24s. Not to mention people who play stuff like 70s and 19s. It would work better if all the controversy stuff was bunched up one thread.

just my 2 cents
All these types of threads usually end up as a flame war or troll baiting people, thats why they get locked. They serve no other purpose.

The reason F2P's can post here is we are level 20, and hence, in the 20-24 range.

Blizzard not just made the trials unlimited in order to let people try the game at there own pace, but to improve queues for Dungeons, BG's, and to make the lower level areas actually have some people in them. So that when people are thinking about buying, they don't have 4 hour BG queues, 20 min dungeon queues, etc and then get a negative impression and not purchase the game.

The level 20-24 bracket is pretty fun. Like I keep saying, if it wasn't for F2P's, there would be no 20-24 bracket.
All these types of threads usually end up as a flame war or troll baiting people, thats why they get locked. They serve no other purpose.

The reason F2P's can post here is we are level 20, and hence, in the 20-24 range.

Blizzard not just made the trials unlimited in order to let people try the game at there own pace, but to improve queues for Dungeons, BG's, and to make the lower level areas actually have some people in them. So that when people are thinking about buying, they don't have 4 hour BG queues, 20 min dungeon queues, etc and then get a negative impression and not purchase the game.

The level 20-24 bracket is pretty fun. Like I keep saying, if it wasn't for F2P's, there would be no 20-24 bracket.

And if it wasn't for 24's, 20's would be playing vs who??
The reason F2P's can post here is we are level 20, and hence, in the 20-24 range.

then the forum should be 21-24, not saying you before we go any futher but f2ps can come here and pick a fight but 24s aint even supposed to post in f2p forums.

The level 20-24 bracket is pretty fun. Like I keep saying, if it wasn't for F2P's, there would be no 20-24 bracket.
hear this all the time and noone remembers thats twinking, no twink brackets would of even started if it wasnt for avrage levelers then twinks seen the loop hole and when't hey this could be fun, thats all whats happening here.

i play f2p and 24s btw.
And if it wasn't for 24's, 20's would be playing vs who??

Mostly other f2p twinks. In a day of BGing I see 4-5 true trials at most these days. 24s are far more common to see than non-twink 20s but their removal wouldn't effect queue times for us.
then the forum should be 21-24, not saying you before we go any futher but f2ps can come here and pick a fight but 24s aint even supposed to post in f2p forums.

F2P's could play any level 1-20 until just a few weeks ago when blizz removed our ability to lock XP. Maybe now it makes sense to merge the 2 forums into one.

hear this all the time and noone remembers thats twinking, no twink brackets would of even started if it wasnt for avrage levelers then twinks seen the loop hole and when't hey this could be fun, thats all whats happening here.

i play f2p and 24s btw.

There's a few differences here. 20-24 war originally populated almost exclusively with twinks and those levels who got beat up in the old twink brackets had no account restrictions preventing them from being on an even playing field with the twinks.

20-24 is actually the only bracket where you can pay for a combat advantage.
There's a few differences here. 20-24 war originally populated almost exclusively with twinks and those levels who got beat up in the old twink brackets had no account restrictions preventing them from being on an even playing field with the twinks.

20-24 is actually the only bracket where you can pay for a combat advantage.

there is differences but not massive ones, for a start f2ps are twinks there of most

of em know how to gear/play

while in the old days the guys who got beat up on didnt.

in away its all the same we pissed on ppls chips now are (remember i play f2p to) chips are getting soggy.

i blame the dark side its always the bloody dark side.
And if it wasn't for 24's, 20's would be playing vs who??

Other 20's.

then the forum should be 21-24, not saying you before we go any futher but f2ps can come here and pick a fight but 24s aint even supposed to post in f2p forums.

hear this all the time and noone remembers thats twinking, no twink brackets would of even started if it wasnt for avrage levelers then twinks seen the loop hole and when't hey this could be fun, thats all whats happening here.

i play f2p and 24s btw.

F2P's aren't allowed here to come and pick fights with 24's. If a F2P made a thread trying to stir up drama between 20 and 24's, I would report that thread too.

This bracket was non-existant before the unlimited trial accounts. If Blizzard ever decided to put all the F2P's into there own bracket, the 24's are done and would go to different brackets.
If Blizzard ever decided to put all the F2P's into there own bracket, the 24's are done and would go to different brackets.

[font=times new roman,times,serif]I'm glad you brought that up. <EPIC> and other guilds (<Stamina Will Fix It> is an Alliance 24 twink guild too) have been doing their best to recruit more 24's not only for Horde, but for Alliance too. Technically we do have an Alliance sister guild, and have been working on it for several months now. We're not blind to the reality that f2p's are the reason that the bracket is functioning again, and we'd like to see more 24's in the BG's. Not only Horde side, but Alliance as well. All in an attempt to get more people in the bracket.[/font]
[font=times new roman,times,serif]I'm glad you brought that up. <EPIC> and other guilds (<Stamina Will Fix It> is an Alliance 24 twink guild too) have been doing their best to recruit more 24's not only for Horde, but for Alliance too. Technically we do have an Alliance sister guild, and have been working on it for several months now. We're not blind to the reality that f2p's are the reason that the bracket is functioning again, and we'd like to see more 24's in the BG's. Not only Horde side, but Alliance as well. All in an attempt to get more people in the bracket.[/font]

Very cool. I really don't have too much problems with 24's. It seems like they balance out with each side, so its still a fun fight. It just sucks when you get groups of like 5 24's in a premade. I pretty much just afk out then and use a different toon.

I pretty much mostly play healers in BG's, that probably helps. What would really help the bracket out the most is a quest reward similar to the Eye Patch from Stockades Horde side. Thats pretty much a Free BOA Helm for Leather and Mail wearers.
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Shhh, don't mention that thing.
[font=times new roman,times,serif] [/font][font=times new roman,times,serif]It's like laughing in church, the riots that will ensue.[/font]
The justification of twinking is that one uses gear etc. (or its equivalents) that everybody, at least in theory, could get. The differerences between what a F2P account can acquire and what a 24 P2P can get are obvious, and are such that it isn't a matter of 'could get if worked for' but 'you just can't get to 24 and use that gear etc.'. The difference between 24's and F2P newcomers is even more glaring (though those who did BG's before reaching cap already left - BoA Battlegrounds ain't exactly much fun)

The other thing that gets to people is that supposedly Twinks and twinkinfo have certain social mores, which was certainly why post-XP Lock Twinks (at least in the EU) got a certain respect during WotLK. People flagrantly saying 'well I don't care about these mores, and I'll piss on everybody's parade as long as I am happy' (a behaviour which btw in law enforcement circles would cause the word 'sociopathic' to crop up) yet do expect to be within said community are, to put it mildly, contradictory .

Do I 'get' the frustration people might have with certain aspects of the bracket?

Considering I coined the term 'chaps-clad cyclopses' to denote some of the gear/balance issues, that should be obvious. But you don't solve problems by adding to them.


Before, a lot of 24's said they played 24 because F2P accounts Locked their XP and played in other brackets, and wanted to wreck the bracket at hand because of this. Whatever happened to those people?
This bracket was non-existant before the unlimited trial accounts. If Blizzard ever decided to put all the F2P's into there own bracket, the 24's are done and would go to different brackets.
this again, twinks didnt make any twink bracket blizz did we jumped on board found loop holes/ways to be OP thats what 24s have done, normal levelrs QQd then like your QQing now levelrs didnt know how to make a twink you do, you also have the choice to pay for your account.

and i'm sure you made a pally and a hunter cause you wanted balance and fair play right?

i play f2p yes it sucks to be rolled by a 24 no its not fair but do you think blizz will fix stuff for none paying customers when they cba to fix p2p?
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Yoda does make a valid point.

But Yoda, could you refrain from making any statements that imply or assume things about others? That's a sure fire way to press someone's button and get things heated and the thread ruined. If I read your post wrong, then I apologize.[/font]
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Yoda does make a valid point.[/font]

But Yoda, could you refrain from making any statements that imply or assume things about others? That's a sure fire way to press someone's button and get things heated and the thread ruined. If I read your post wrong, then I apologize.

if it sounds like i'm trying to make trouble then i really am sorry, but f2ps really dont own this bracket yes with out them it wouldnt be here but twinking all twinking started off this way, all the fps who played any bracket pre xp lock played with none twinks and they had a huge advantage.

saying without f2p 24s would die is true but its also true if blizz say oh f**k this they aint paying us we're stoppping unlimited trials the whole bracket dies.
if it sounds like i'm trying to make trouble then i really am sorry, but f2ps really dont own this bracket yes with out them it wouldnt be here but twinking all twinking started off this way, all the fps who played any bracket pre xp lock played with none twinks and they had a huge advantage.

saying without f2p 24s would die is true but its also true if blizz say oh f**k this they aint paying us we're stoppping unlimited trials the whole bracket dies.

The bracket wouldn't die, but it would be like how the other brackets are: Making posts in the WOW BG forum to schedule matches, otherwise there are 3 hour+ queues.

Nobody wants that.
Nobody wants that.
no they dont, thats why i support f2p but i'm also gonna support 24s, if i can enjoy both i dont see why others cant and for the guys who dont have a p2p account then you cant blame 24s for that.

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