Here's an idea.

I like winning too, and I'm able to do it without a gear and level advantage. Actually, given the current state of PuGs I can do it at a gear and level disadvantage. Again, if you need the advantage to win you are probably bad, if you are unconcerned with the gear and level advantage and don't need it you probably don't care about the bracket.

Actions speak louder than words, rolling 24 premades is deafening.

if lithogen wanted an advantage he would have rolled a OP class. But he is a mage.
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Rivfader - I understand how you feel. And it seems that you're not willing to budge. I have my views and I'm not willing to budge on them either.[/font]

[font=times new roman,times,serif]Agree to disagree and see you in the gulch?[/font]
[font=times new roman,times,serif]I understand how you feel. And it seems that you're not willing to budge. I have my views and I'm not willing to budge on them either.

Agree to disagree and see you in the gulch?

Agreed, but unless you solo queue I'm unlikely to see you. This is a game after all and I dislike getting steamrolled as much as I dislike the opposite. If I see 5+ from spirestone I find other ways to occupy my time.
Agreed, but unless you solo queue I'm unlikely to see you. This is a game after all and I dislike getting steamrolled as much as I dislike the opposite. If I see 5+ from spirestone I find other ways to occupy my time.

[font=times new roman,times,serif]I hate solo que'ing. f2p horde is very depressing. Talk about steamrolling? Good god, lol. I feel so sorry for f2p horde.[/font]
[font=times new roman,times,serif]I hate solo que'ing. f2p horde is very depressing. Talk about steamrolling? Good god, lol. I feel so sorry for f2p horde.[/font]

Try it as an f2p healer when you're guarenteed to be playing against at least 3 24s. It was pathetic today watching the ineffectual DPS try to kill bull even with me shearing his heals and purging his BoP. Sometimes I miss playing my rogue, at least then I was able to pull out wins for my team.
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Bull and Zola do a lot of solo que'ing, but they do run together a lot (have been as of late at least) Spirestone is Western USA Timezone. (California.) So that's probably why you win more than 1 game out of 50 bajillion.
[font=times new roman,times,serif] [/font]
Try it as an f2p healer when you're guarenteed to be playing against at least 3 24s. It was pathetic today watching the ineffectual DPS try to kill bull even with me shearing his heals and purging his BoP. Sometimes I miss playing my rogue, at least then I was able to pull out wins for my team.

[font=times new roman,times,serif]I suck at healing. I get my butt kicked at my other classes, but that's because I gimp myself on purpose so I'm killable. (That sounds horrible I know, but it's the truth. And it stops me from having to re-roll a 20 and start all over again for the umpteenth time.) I play a clothie and I go up against classes that wear leather and mail. I don't have an AGM, and I do stupid things like trading frostbolt for exo spam. Sometimes it's because I'm playing bad that day, or because if I see a pally really trying to kill me and looking like he's doing his best, I'll let him kill me. (Sometimes to reward him for going all out, I understand that I'm a 24 and he's not as geared as I am, or to let him think he's got me when I'm about to go up against him again, and I'm feeling devious
20v24 war summed up:

f2ps why not play by the rules of of the f2p guidelines, and twink at 20!?

Going by guidelines and following rules is the exact opposite (we still follow blizzard's rules just not the F2p rules) of the twink mentality. i understand you want fair games at 20 but it will never happen. There will always be imbalance.

You rolled 24 because you're bad and just want to farm newbies!

Most 24s may have rolled for that reason but some like me rolled 24 to maintain balance. sorry if you find "balance" to be 5 hunters and 2 paladins and 3 rogues all wearing eye patches against 3 hunters 2 rogues 1 mage 2 locks 1 druid and a priest. i have played with teams of this lay out and often do we get destroyed. but sometimes we have this lay out and are well geared and we are able to turn the tables. But that is only when we have gear. Even then we won't farm the team to oblivion.

You play F2p because you are a kid who can't pay for the full game!

This in no way is true i have met other F2p players and learned that some are in weird situation as well as "pitiful" and they want to do is at least have some free fun in a game they love to play. I am not trying to take it away. Although some of you who say "this game is not worth paying for"... Please quit contradicting yourself. Just because it is not worth paying to you obviously there are millions out there who continue to pay for this game. And play and you playing hours on end to maximizing your character. Time = money. Goblins had something right, there.

Pretty much this "war" is just a bunch of assumptions made from both sides. As well, there is no real hostility for 24s in Games i go and play win and lose but try to have fun if i am not having fun then i will just log out and play another character and have fun.
ps: i have sent a pm to kore to inquire about the tavern thread will let you guys know if he allows it or not. Until then lets save our debate for the thread so we can have a proper one

Why would you PM Kore to ask him this? First of all, Kore is in charge of moderation...not the forum structure. Second, I already said no to the idea above. Again (since I'm sensing a lot of skimming in reading this thread), if a discussion has to do with the 20-24 bracket, have it in the 20-24 bracket section.

This "war" will always be here because no one is allowed to talk about it. Just lock every thread instead of deleting a few posts.
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Then how about instead of locking threads, ban the trolls, delete their comments so that the 24's can continue to post and communicate?[/font]

Easiest solution. It gets very old seeing decent topics just locked because one or two come in with ill attitudes. I've always been more of a reader versus a poster - but there have been several that really just made no sense to lock. It's a spit in the face to those that follow the guidelines over here.
Why would you PM Kore to ask him this? First of all, Kore is in charge of moderation...not the forum structure. Second, I already said no to the idea above. Again (since I'm sensing a lot of skimming in reading this thread), if a discussion has to do with the 20-24 bracket, have it in the 20-24 bracket section.


So would it be ok to have one thread in the 20-24 section dedicated to f2p 20 vs 24 debate?
Easiest solution. It gets very old seeing decent topics just locked because one or two come in with ill attitudes. I've always been more of a reader versus a poster - but there have been several that really just made no sense to lock. It's a spit in the face to those that follow the guidelines over here.

I agree with you. But we will stick lock some from time to time because a staff member may deem that it's better for it to be locked than for posts to be deleted.

So would it be ok to have one thread in the 20-24 section dedicated to f2p 20 vs 24 debate?

Let me think on it and talk w/ the other guys about it and get back to you.


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