Healers in SL

Best 20s healing class in SL ?

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Hi everybody,
I was thinking about healing class / specs in actual and incoming patch. There are many threads where they compare which dmg class is more OP and do more damage to flex in BG. But SL is more advance for 20s twinks even for healer specs. I want to know your opinion which spec is best and why and if you think there is places for healing class in this bracket :) Which is best in healing output and which best in survability or overall and why?
For me I really enjoy restoration shaman , good healing, decent suvability and mobility, slows, and range interput and counterstrike totem is like karma for bigcrit twinks :)
I wasn't sure if we were voting only based on healing or healing/utility. I assumed the latter so I voted for Resto Shaman. I'm leveling a Priest right now so I don't have a say on disc/holy.
What EQ stats in wich class? vers / mastery / haste? In which class is better stack int and vers for max healing output and where is batter mastery ?
Disc, hands down.
2 schools of healing spells and decent damage/atonement.

Mistweaver is hard to put down alone, as well.

I've only come across a couple paladins that play well, but theycan be a handful, too.
disc is pretty strong and easy to play, but can they spam frost shock to shut down an FC? no.

a well geared and played resto shaman is just really really really good as they benefit from amazing secondary stats scaling and gear selection.

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Disc > mw / hpal / rsham > hpriest >>> rdruid

In my personal experience, that is, could be wrong globally.
disc is comfortably number one, very easy to play, great mobility and healing, it's near impossible to not do well with one. resto druid on the other hand is absolutely pathetic and very easy to kill through the healing (with or without a stun/successful interrupt). the best thing a druid has right now, in my opinion and by a long shot, is guardian
How strong have well geared dpriest PW: Shield? How much can absorb and how strong have heals?
And which class have the biggest heals and how much? :)
Which class have best survive abilities?
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I never actually delved into healing, whats it like playing as a healing class? Is it actually enjoyable? Does it have that same urge and gluttony when you do high numbers as dps?
I never actually delved into healing, whats it like playing as a healing class? Is it actually enjoyable? Does it have that same urge and gluttony when you do high numbers as dps?
When you heal someone who is one step from spirit healer with big crit heal or after healing of flagrunner under heavy load and he survive, it is real ejoyment for me :)
I never actually delved into healing, whats it like playing as a healing class? Is it actually enjoyable? Does it have that same urge and gluttony when you do high numbers as dps?

Depends on the match, but I enjoy the quick decision multi-tasking aspect. Sweaty, highly contested mid fights in a balanced EoTS might have you locked into multi-minute engagements where your triage management, reaction time and decision making ultimately decide the momentum of the match.
I never actually delved into healing, whats it like playing as a healing class? Is it actually enjoyable? Does it have that same urge and gluttony when you do high numbers as dps?

It's a different mindset than dps. Your measure of success and enjoyment is in how well your teammates are doing rather than yourself. The fun comes from denying the enemy his gluttonous urges by keeping his intended victim alive.

There's no ego or scoreboard peening as a healer, if your numbers are high it means the other team is bringing the heat and your guys are getting lit up. There's nowhere to plant a Flag of Ownership if someone runs off and finds a different target after failing to kill the guy you're healing.

You also have to enjoy pain and pressure because you're a strategic objective like flags and nodes. "Target the healer" is day one stuff so winning skirmishes with several people up your ass is part of the job.

You have to be the guy that loves to throw the block that opens the hole for the hero to dance across the goal line.

TLDR yes it's fun
I never actually delved into healing, whats it like playing as a healing class? Is it actually enjoyable?

It nudges you into queueing as a premade faster than if you play dps, that's for sure. If you queue solo as a dps and your healers are dummies, you still do damage, can take nodes, can try to down efc, etc. If you queue as a healer and your dps are dummies, you can do very little comparably. You can of course try to hold a node or carry a flag, but that's already much more limited than what you'd be able to do as a dps. Plus since your dps are dummies, as established, you'll likely simply fail (less often the case the other way around).

That's one thing to keep in mind.

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