January 2015.
We've had huge changes within the guild over the past year. Looking back from when I originally started so much has happened. Guild size going up to 800 members, wargames against other guilds and lots of fun memories.
(quick note: this isn't a goodbye note!) Some of the officers and I have decided to stop
ACTIVELY recruiting as we feel that with a guild this size and the loss of Vanillamilk/Destroluck we're unable to keep our original ethos of "Family Community". So our application system on the forums is now locked. We're currently not looking for a larger population but to improve from within. There may be some passive recruitments through playing with others, or friends of friends but this is besides the point.
I'm not going to beat around the bush but we have had others leave with the absence of some of our key officers. No hard feelings and if you're on the fence, We're looking to improve our community instead of expand but if you're looking for another, thats fine too! best of luck to you.d. This may sound a bit odd, but I think there is some positive coming from members leaving the guild. GSC being the size it was shrouded smaller guilds trying to push to the surface. Now theres more of a chance, the bracket will have more competition and variety. So once again, no hard feelings if you're thinking about leaving.
But myself and the other officers want to continue GSC to the best of our abilities, continue building this unique guild. We're going somewhere new, different and hopefully to your likings!
The First GSC inhouse premade is on
Sunday the 4th at
8pm Gametime. Would love to have you join us.
xoxoxo rob
Recruitment locked,
Improve guild from within,
can understand why people leaving and can see positive from it - more smaller guilds progressing rather than 1 giant = variety/competitivey. Inhouse premade sunday.