Guardian Druid FC


What is Guardian Druid FC BiS?

Home - Aggramar

This is my Druid

Repurposed Lava Dredger or Grand Staff of Jordan?

Max Stam or Keeping a bit of Armor, Intellect, Agility, and/or Resilience.

Edit for clarification:
So from what I've gathered,
Mainset: Agi Chest, Jordan Staff
Second set:
Dawnblade/Crafty/Mystics Robe

Some good information on Page 4 and Page 5 if you want to take a read

If this seems incorrect please let me know,
it's rather nice to have a spec/class without a BiS list premade, open to theorycraft.

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Stamina, stamina and more stamina.
agi or int wont do jack shit as a fc all you need is to survive. fuck def stats like dodge at 20.

stamina is where it's at.
Stamina, stamina and more stamina.
agi or int wont do jack shit as a fc all you need is to survive. fuck def stats like dodge at 20.

stamina is where it's at.

Cheers for the response, understand that to an extent but would like to what "secondary" stats to run.

in response to weapon, Resilence/Spell power > Fire Resist & Agi?

Chest, Int or Agi? Agility gives more hit rating which is needed for spell cap only, Int gives rejuv ticks and extra crit.
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The moment when you realize the thread was opened partly because of you :D I told you, imo get max stam set and max stam+ agility set and use both. Agility gives you armor + dmg that can help the guys that are defending you. Max stam for the moment when you have enough heals and you just have to stay alive or when you have 4 + stacks.
The moment when you realize the thread was opened partly because of you :D I told you, imo get max stam set and max stam+ agility set and use both. Agility gives you armor + dmg that can help the guys that are defending you. Max stam for the moment when you have enough heals and you just have to stay alive or when you have 4 + stacks.

Hey Dooby!
Seems the general consensus is to roll stam agi then. 5 int 5 stam or 6 stam? (Garrosh's Pardon or Blood Ring)
Will grab the Dawnblade / Crafty then.

Oh shit u can't get medicine purse as f2p? my bad sorry
It's 11gold, our gold cap is 10. Pretty big slap in the face.
Appreciate you taking the time to think of gear though ;)

Thanks - both of you for responses.
from what i currently see ur gear as i would say change ur chest piece to either iron feather or mystics robe . what ever gives u max effective health. u can use the f2pchardev to find that out

As guardian I'm not sure Mystics is BiS being cloth, as armor has more benefit than other classes.
You feel Int BoA chest is best rather than Agi?
Interested into seeing others points of view
I kinda like Wildcharge better than Displacer's Beast as a Guardian. Grab Totem of Potion Extractor or w/e it's called from Senjin Village, then train using the totem and Wildcharging to it at Horde roofs for juking enemies :). Takes time to get used to though. Gl :)
I kinda like Wildcharge better than Displacer's Beast as a Guardian. Grab Totem of Potion Extractor or w/e it's called from Senjin Village, then train using the totem and Wildcharging to it at Horde roofs for juking enemies :). Takes time to get used to though. Gl :)

Aye have played around with it, great for alot of situations but i feel displacer is better alot of the time.
Thanks for the response!

Actually it's 15gold : p

Might want to check out this armory Ploy @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

It's around 11g with the Reputation Discount ;)
That was the original goal i was aiming for @ploy but people are saying agi over the int/sp boas. Hence the thread.
Ok Home, let me tell you my ideas ( the gear that i use ):

1. Stam + int set. You use it when you dont have enough healers or when you are alone and kiting. FOr this one you just change the chest to the BoA int, get stillwater's signet, firebane, and dont change anything else.

2. Stam + agil set. You use this one when you are well defended and want to help with killing the inc. Also good when you are with more than 4 stacks. The agil gives you pretty good dmg + a lot more armor which is bis for guards. To complete this set, get the honor neck, agil boa chest, agil boa honor should, boa 2h mace, leggings of the fang, sentry cloak and change garrosh to the honor one ( 5 agil 5 str 2 stam ) or stillwater's signet.

IMO the first set is mainly for Resto FCs, thats why i dont like to use it on my guard. prefer the agi one, because the idea of guard imo is not only to survive, but to kill smbd while surviving. If you want to stack int and heal - go resto, guardian is different type of fc, more like warr or prot pally.

Everything here is IMO only. Hope it helps. Cya !

P.P. As you can see i didnt mention blood ring or mystics, nor crafty + the dager because the idea for BIS BIS stam is only for fun imo. There is no reaseon to lose all the stats you get from a staff/2h mace only for 1 stam... Even if you have the best healers in the world this is not a good gear for wsg.
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Ok Home, let me tell you my ideas ( the gear that i use ):

1. Stam + int set.

2. Stam + agil set.

Everything here is IMO only. Hope it helps. Cya !

P.P. As you can see i didnt mention blood ring or mystics, nor crafty + the dager because the idea for BIS BIS stam is only for fun imo. There is no reaseon to lose all the stats you get from a staff/2h mace only for 1 stam... Even if you have the best healers in the world this is not a good gear for wsg.

Good points, definitely would agree with you on that. Think that's my plan now - Thanks for laying it all out for me.

IMO the first set is mainly for Resto FCs, thats why i dont like to use it on my guard. prefer the agi one, because the idea of guard imo is not only to survive, but to kill smbd while surviving. If you want to stack int and heal - go resto, guardian is different type of fc, more like warr or prot pally.

I'd disagree there, I'd prefer to ignore the damage than be in the middle of the fight. Guardian passives in my eyes makes it a better FC than resto. it's good to utilize rejuv and throwing in the extra int/sp every now and then seems helpful.

Will gear for both sets and swap them out as you advised.

If others have opinions on the subject, feel free to post.
well . if i remember correctly at most u get a .15 % of a dodge from having guardian chest. chances are ur already hit capped ( although if not i would use the chest to hit cap for roots since u don't have the rest passive. )

so i guess my ruling would be if u aren't hit capped go with the ago if u are go int
well . if i remember correctly at most u get a .15 % of a dodge from having guardian chest. chances are ur already hit capped ( although if not i would use the chest to hit cap for roots since u don't have the rest passive. )

so i guess my ruling would be if u aren't hit capped go with the ago if u are go int

Cant hit cap alone with PVP staff or Agi Chest for spells. Would you recommend going a mix?

The more people comment the more confused I'm getting... ahah.

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