Guardian Druid FC

Ooh ye, sorry Home, forgot about the hit cap. I am playing ally and the cap is not a problem because of the eye pach. Maybe go with agil chest and the staf as snow offered as you dont want to waste trinket spot for some hit.

agility chest with pvp rest staff should cap u and that should be best

That's the plan now. Updated first page incase anyone feels differently. Thanks all for the information!
use agility set when u have enough heals with your and u need to do the deffing, for premades i would go stam whore mystics robe old crafty+ dawn blade wranglers boots blod ring probly bis, for solo qing its kinda like resto fc gear ... kinda

just play around and find what you like sometimes its fun to get some dodge and armor
use agility set when u have enough heals with your and u need to do the deffing, for premades i would go stam whore mystics robe old crafty+ dawn blade wranglers boots blod ring probly bis, for solo qing its kinda like resto fc gear ... kinda

just play around and find what you like sometimes its fun to get some dodge and armor

Yeah I think that's the plan, however if i go agi set or int set I'd lose hit cap on spells, so a mix seems reasonable but not sure if BiS (is it worth losing 1-2 stam for drakewing or DPR) for a set or Keeping Grand Staff of Jordan equiped 24/7 and not swapping for other weapons?

Will be farming Wranglers and Blood Ring ;)
Do you feel the +2 stam(Mystic) is better than 2% armor reduction (from BoA chest)?
Home, my thoughts about the stam + int set are based on facts. Even if you stack int your hots will increase with not more than 10 to 20 ( like 100 up form 80 ) which is basicly nothing vs a good dps ( and they are usually more then one). Better go with the agil set and just change the weapon to the honor BoA staff so you can get hit capped ( + you will get 1 stam and 42 sp ). You will have same survivability ( lose lil stam + lil heals but gain 10 % dmg reduction from the agil and the armor) but will have the ability to kill the inc alot faster. Imo dont stack int for guard, wont help as much as you think.
Home, my thoughts about the stam + int set are based on facts. Even if you stack int your hots will increase with not more than 10 to 20 ( like 100 up form 80 ) which is basicly nothing vs a good dps ( and they are usually more then one). Better go with the agil set and just change the weapon to the honor BoA staff so you can get hit capped ( + you will get 1 stam and 42 sp ). You will have same survivability ( lose lil stam + lil heals but gain 10 % dmg reduction from the agil and the armor) but will have the ability to kill the inc alot faster. Imo dont stack int for guard, wont help as much as you think.

It's not so much the int stacking as if i was to go agility, using the gear you posted on on page 2,
i'd lose:
3 stam lost when using Leggings of fang
2 stama lost from necklace
10 stam loss from shoulders
3 stam loss from cloak
18 stamina for additional armor/damage. Not sure if I feel thats worth it.
Yeah it looks like agility is the better stat out of the two now, but to what extent am I losing stamina to gain agility?

P.S I realise i'm questioning everything, but trying to get others to help figure out a definitive BiS for Guardian FCing. Sorry and thanks for the advice ;)
lets say your base stam is 2500.
IF you get the int gear, you will gain 18 stam more which is ~ 250 hp. Total = 2750 hp.
IF you get the agil gear, you will gain ~ 10 % dmg reduction. That means that to kill you, the enemy have to do 2500 + 10/100 * 2500 = 2500 + 250 = 2750 hp.

So as i told you, the survivability is pretty much the same. BUT, BUT, BUT ! If you get the agil gear, you will have aditional dmg that can help you kill that rogue/warr thats incs on you when you are alone.

P.P. And for the talents - go with WC. Alot better with the bear stun/ cat slow and 2 times more speed boosts when you have more than 4 stacks (wc cd - 15, db cd - 30 sec.) And get the totem as somebody said - pretty good trick for guard FCs.
lets say your base stam is 2500.
IF you get the int gear, you will gain 18 stam more which is ~ 250 hp. Total = 2750 hp.
IF you get the agil gear, you will gain ~ 10 % dmg reduction. That means that to kill you, the enemy have to do 2500 + 10/100 * 2500 = 2500 + 250 = 2750 hp.

So as i told you, the survivability is pretty much the same. BUT, BUT, BUT ! If you get the agil gear, you will have aditional dmg that can help you kill that rogue/warr thats incs on you when you are alone.

P.P. And for the talents - go with WC. Alot better with the bear stun/ cat slow and 2 times more speed boosts when you have more than 4 stacks (wc cd - 15, db cd - 30 sec.) And get the totem as somebody said - pretty good trick for guard FCs.

Bare in mind that 2750 for agi set is ONLY for Melee, not Spell casters. So theoretically you're 250 hp less against a caster.

I'm not exactly someone to fight an inc, i'd usually los and moonfire/root and run, so the loss of stam doesn't feel worth it but I could be incorrect.

Yeah Wild Charge is a solid option which I do use often but I like playing displacer too.
why that gay mog?

Took you a couple of minutes to think of something to say, GJ Pete. Pinks a good colour ;) but yeah i'm changing mog once I finish gearing.
Took you a couple of minutes to think of something to say, GJ Pete. Pinks a good colour ;) but yeah i'm changing mog once I finish gearing.

lol go walk through spain or somethin and then say this again
Bare in mind that 2750 for agi set is ONLY for Melee, not Spell casters. So theoretically you're 250 hp less against a caster.

I'm not exactly someone to fight an inc, i'd usually los and moonfire/root and run, so the loss of stam doesn't feel worth it but I could be incorrect.

Yeah Wild Charge is a solid option which I do use often but I like playing displacer too.

home, i am fcing too and to be honest, my only problem are the hunters. Its not that hard to just kite 1-2 f2ps ( even
24s). I dont think its hard for you to survive vs lock or disco priest. The main dmg that can kill you will come from hunters/rogues/warrs so dont worry for the caster. NVm man, we are playing different styles so we maybe wont ever choose one bis set, so just play whatever is fun for you :) GL and HF !
home, i am fcing too and to be honest, my only problem are the hunters. Its not that hard to just kite 1-2 f2ps ( even
24s). I dont think its hard for you to survive vs lock or disco priest. The main dmg that can kill you will come from hunters/rogues/warrs so dont worry for the caster. NVm man, we are playing different styles so we maybe wont ever choose one bis set, so just play whatever is fun for you :) GL and HF !

Yeah that's true, hunter arcane shot/explosive shot are technically spells, which makes me prefer the HP rather than agi, against rogue/warrior/hunterpet i'm sure the agi is more useful.
I'll get both sets and try them out. Thanks for the "debate" and seeya in BGS.
The set that Guardian Druids on horde side should be trying to obtain can be found here.

Note that Chardev will not allow Old Crafty to be equipped, but that is the offhand that you should be using.

Mystic's Robes scale up to 14/3 in Battlegrounds, and are therefore preferable to the BoA Hit chest (which should otherwise be used).

Theoretically, you should be using Wrangler's boots of Stamina, but they can be nearly impossible to get a hold of. The SI:pS are barely less effective health, so they can be used instead (Note, you lose effective health by swapping to Feet of the Lynx because SI:pS have more armor in BG's).

The PvP trinket should be used by every FC because of the risk of getting CC'd off of Cap just as the EFC drops. If there is no realistic way of this happening (No priests, no warlocks, no Brewmaster Monks), then Double AGM or AGM/MoT can be substituted instead.

Edit: This is also the set that is the Health Cap for Free to Plays. Without any buffs from other players or from Alchemy/Mining, the Druid's Caster Form health in Battlegrounds is 2529 (using Double AGM with the aforementioned set).
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Mystic Robe's is actually like a 400 health lose vs physical. But that's assuming the rogue's armor bypass has already fallen off. You should run 2 sets, leather for the opener and cloth (max stamina) while armor bypass is up (he's bypassing all your armor anyways). Back to leather after it falls off.

Open the file with

There's other things you might want to consider like:
-Having hit for Wild Charge/Bear Hug
-The 50% crit/haste increase received from gear for being Guardian. (rej crits)
-Resilience, which can be found in Total Effective Health. Grand Staff of Jordan is actually more health then Dawn and Old Crafty.
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Its a well geared druid. In my opinion if you want to FC you should get FULL STAM SET Dawnblade with Old Craft or Just Staff or jordan for the ressil. And that willow robe that gives 11 stam is useless for me , provides less armor ! ! !
And if you love killing EFC's , YOU ARE A TAUREN ! YOU GOT THE POWA TO DO IT ! ! ! Here is an example , get onn your Feral set and use cast form , get 3 combo , use rip , swich to Bear Use mangle , BEAR hug , Stun the healers near him with the Tauren racial , than mangle/maul on efc and hes dead ! ! ! :3 ! Guardian is pretty mutch A W E S O M E !
The set that Guardian Druids on horde side should be trying to obtain can be found here.

Note that Chardev will not allow Old Crafty to be equipped, but that is the offhand that you should be using.

Mystic's Robes scale up to 14/3 in Battlegrounds, and are therefore preferable to the BoA Hit chest (which should otherwise be used).

Theoretically, you should be using Wrangler's boots of Stamina, but they can be nearly impossible to get a hold of. The SI:pS are barely less effective health, so they can be used instead (Note, you lose effective health by swapping to Feet of the Lynx because SI:pS have more armor in BG's).

The PvP trinket should be used by every FC because of the risk of getting CC'd off of Cap just as the EFC drops. If there is no realistic way of this happening (No priests, no warlocks, no Brewmaster Monks), then Double AGM or AGM/MoT can be substituted instead.

I wouldn't even consider using that set unless I hadn't farmed BoAs yet. Maaaaybe if I was just sitting on cap getting beat on with high stacks and 2-3 healers spamming.

Your MH/OH choice gives you 2 stam over 48 sp, 8 hit and 8 resil. Resil is pretty bad now, but it's still there. 8 resil is about .8% at 24. With 2400 HP in BGs and a resil trinket, you gain 9 effective health using MH/OH (bit under 13 in bear form).

The sp on GSoJ adds ~10 healing to each rejuv tick. It also hit caps your bear hug (I haven't played guardian, but I assume it depends on melee hit).

BoA agil chest caps your spell hit for Roots/Bear Form Wild Charge.

imo running 0% hit so you can take 4 stam over 60 armor, 8 resil and 48 sp is the wrong choice unless you're just trying to see how much health you can get up to.
The set that Guardian Druids on horde side should be trying to obtain can be found here.

Mystic's Robes scale up to 14/3 in Battlegrounds, and are therefore preferable to the BoA Hit chest (which should otherwise be used).

Theoretically, you should be using Wrangler's boots of Stamina, but they can be nearly impossible to get a hold of. The SI:pS are barely less effective health, so they can be used instead (Note, you lose effective health by swapping to Feet of the Lynx because SI:pS have more armor in BG's).

Appreciate the detailed response. Will grab mystics and Wranglers. but Footpads of the Fang worse than SIPS? ( 9/6 for Sips and 7/7 for Fang. Agi/Stam respectively)
Still feel slightly unsure about Mystics but worth getting regardless.

imo running 0% hit so you can take 4 stam over 60 armor, 8 resil and 48 sp is the wrong choice unless you're just trying to see how much health you can get up to.

Feel the same way, running with Staff of Jordan without a doubt, just nice to have Old Crafty Dawnblade set ;)

Its a well geared druid. In my opinion if you want to FC you should get FULL STAM SET Dawnblade with Old Craft or Just Staff or jordan for the ressil. And that willow robe that gives 11 stam is useless for me , provides less armor ! ! !
And if you love killing EFC's , YOU ARE A TAUREN ! YOU GOT THE POWA TO DO IT ! ! ! Guardian is pretty mutch A W E S O M E !
Yup Stamina is important! Guardian is AWESOME :D two stuns!? Tauren Guardian is fun. Thanks for posting.

Mystic Robe's is actually like a 400 health lose vs physical. But that's assuming the rogue's armor bypass has already fallen off. You should run 2 sets, leather for the opener and cloth (max stamina) while armor bypass is up (he's bypassing all your armor anyways). Back to leather after it falls off.

There's other things you might want to consider like:
-Having hit for Wild Charge/Bear Hug
-The 50% crit/haste increase received from gear for being Guardian. (rej crits)
-Resilience, which can be found in Total Effective Health. Grand Staff of Jordan is actually more health then Dawn and Old Crafty.

Would you mind explaining "armor bypass"? I'm not sure exactly how this mechanic works.
Yeah i'm definitely leaning towards leather constantly.
Will be running Jordan staff for hit and rejuvs.
Would you mind explaining "armor bypass"? I'm not sure exactly how this mechanic works.
Yeah i'm definitely leaning towards leather constantly.
Will be running Jordan staff for hit and rejuvs.

Good, Jordan's is really BiS. I just posted a max stamina set, but it's not necessarily BiS. That kind depends if you want to hit cap/etc.

After a sub rogue Ambush's he gets Find Weakness - Spell - World of Warcraft for 10 seconds. During that time you essentially have no armor to him. So all damage from Hemo, Eviscerate, etc, isn't mitigated by your armor (since he's bypassing it). So essentially he will hit harder during that time. So it would be best to switch to a max stamina set and not worry about if the item is cloth etc cause it really doesn't matter. He's bypassing all armor during that time.

For all other physical damage (and 10 second after the rogue ambush's) you'll want the armor, it will be mitigating physically attacks always.

So if you use the f2pdev program:
-Build one set for max "Total Effective Health". That's just stamina and your resilience.
-Build another set for the max "Total Effective Health vs Physical" That set factors in your res and armor. That will be your max health vs physical attacks (rogues "not bypassing armor", hunters, warrior, etc)

Caster's don't care what you are wearing. Their attacks have nothing to do with armor. Max stamina them wizards.
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