The set that Guardian Druids on horde side should be trying to obtain can be found
Note that Chardev will not allow
Old Crafty to be equipped, but that is the offhand that you should be using.
Mystic's Robes scale up to 14/3 in Battlegrounds, and are therefore preferable to the BoA Hit chest (which should otherwise be used).
Theoretically, you should be using Wrangler's boots of Stamina, but they can be nearly impossible to get a hold of. The SI

S are barely less effective health, so they can be used instead (Note, you lose effective health by swapping to Feet of the Lynx because SI

S have more armor in BG's).
The PvP trinket should be used by every FC because of the risk of getting CC'd off of Cap just as the EFC drops. If there is no realistic way of this happening (No priests, no warlocks, no Brewmaster Monks), then Double AGM or AGM/MoT can be substituted instead.