They have Helped me alot when it came to finding out things needed for a 20 twink, Love all the goofiness, that happens in the Discord and the guild chat
They have Helped me alot when it came to finding out things needed for a 20 twink, Love all the goofiness, that happens in the Discord and the guild chat
Bestie I didn’t even know you had a XPOff LOL
Hello Everyone! We just hit 500 Members in the community! We cannot thank everyone enough for helping us reach that goal! Were also about to hit 100 members in the discord and we recently passed 150 members in the guild! So thank you once again for making this possible. As a thank you we want to give everyone a look into what the future holds for Golden Twinkies. We currently do Farming Friday and Solo Shuffle Saturday, but we want to expand this idea, we plan on doing a "Dungeon Monday" to help gear everyone, were still deciding on a name that rhymes though. We also want to do a "Profession Tuesday" where we basically fund all of the professions you need for your character i.e Alchemy and engineering. Other things we would like to start doing is BG Wargames with everyone in the community and even with other guilds, this is something that will take some time to work out and plan but we hope to have it done relatively soon. We would also like to thank everyone who joins the discord chats, helps new members, helps farm gear for people, etc. To the people that are active within the community we would like to give 2 characters of your choice all of the ilvl 28 gear they will need for their spec. This is something that will take time to set up since its a lot of gear so during Farming Friday all the gear we don't need will go in the guild bank to help start the project. Again, we cannot thank everyone enough for helping us create a welcoming community for everyone! There will be more to come in the future! - From Life, Creepy, and Astatine

Monotonous Monday

Trader Tuesday

You can have those for free. I am receptive to being hired on retainer at a price of 1x ilvl28 socket item per idea.
This post gets the Estradiol seal of approval.
Well that’s because you’re my sweet hopefully soon to be guildie sunshine!
What a pleasure to meet up with you Life and fellow guildies. What a blast! Thank you for the warm welcome and definitely made me feel welcome even though I wasn't a guildie on your Discord :) Definitely will be spending more time with your crew!
What a pleasure to meet up with you Life and fellow guildies. What a blast! Thank you for the warm welcome and definitely made me feel welcome even though I wasn't a guildie on your Discord :) Definitely will be spending more time with your crew!
oh you’re so welcome sunshine!! You can always come hang!!!<3 <3
<Golden Twinkies> The guild is recruiting! Get your characters “twinkied” out! Let’s get you to that yellow crisp! With extra cream! Golden Twinkies - Guild Summary (

<Golden Strawberry Twinkies Community> Now Crossfaction! Add my btag to get your horde twinks in now!
Inv Code (It is full atm) But can always try! and Code (eXj732NTnB3)

<Extra Twinkie Cream Community> For our new 29s and our Main 20s <3!
Inv Link and Code (bLZ7XbnhOYj)

<The Twinkie Bakery> For all of our farming toons to buy sell and trade crossfaction and cross server! Good Luck getting that sweet twinkie gear!
Inv Link and Code (Yexag9lsBVG)

1.We are looking for people to do group content. Thank Includes Farming Gear!
2. For people to help give carries for all twinks in need! Running Dungeons together!
3. To join now so we can easily add your horde to Strawberry Twinkies as well!
4. To chat and join the discord for continued victories in battlegrounds.
5. To be friends and support this amazing 20-29 Twinkie community on Moonguard.
6. We have Enchants/Gems/BoE Socket Gear/Dragon Trinkets/Mats for professions to utilize in the Guild Bank. Just ask and you'll get anything your twinkie heart desires!
7. We do not fund, but we do assist in getting gear! We're a friend group, which means I can not guarantee Ilvl 28-37 Green BoE's to everyone!!
8. We do premade battleground groups every night. From around 8pm-midnight est.
(Join New Connected Guild Strawberry Twinkes-Moonguard for Horde!)

PS: We don’t RP, but if you happen to be in goldshire/silvermoon we don’t judge hahahah! Well to much. ❤️ jk jk! All love and rainbows here besties!

Whisper Lifê-Moonguard to join or add my btag Life#13615

GM: @Life
Officers: @Veta / @Creepylnc / @Hoondar / @Epichealtime / @BGbot
Can’t wait to meet you! You can also join the discord if you’re interested to listen to the madness that’s us.
P.S. You must be tolerant of all people, and not quick to anger or judgement.

Instagram @goldentwinkieswow

Slogan: Get Creamed! ✨

Don’t tell hostess!(brand who owns actual twinkies.)
Are y'all recruiting?
Faced a 5 man from your group a few times over the past few days. Do you guys ever do anything but GY farm with 2 pocket heals? Every time I see your 5 man group you're trying to GY farm. :ResidentSleeper::ResidentSleeper:
Faced a 5 man from your group a few times over the past few days. Do you guys ever do anything but GY farm with 2 pocket heals? Every time I see your 5 man group you're trying to GY farm. :ResidentSleeper::ResidentSleeper:
Sorry we actually don't farm GY, we contain as an objective to finish the BG and win. Nice attempt to try and make me look bad tho. Sorry Horde does so many double premades and we are the only ones who fight back.
Your group GY farms on Deepwind, Gilneas & Twin Peaks. It's boring.
Containing to win faster to help move on to the next bgs isnt farming, farming would mean i would hold the flag in twin peaks and make you wait the 15 mins
Hey there I'd be interested in joining up with you and your guild. I play mostly Horde but wouldn't have any issues playing as Alliance either. What kind of classes are you guys looking to add to your roster?

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