
God is dead, and has been for a long time.
There is no eternal truth, everything has to end meaning nothing will ever be continuously true, only manifested for a period.
God is an oversimplification of our world, and an easy excuse/scapegoat for the actions taken by numerous people.
God has transitioned from a religion praised by billions to nothing more than a conversation subject.

If you disagree you can feel free to read up on some of Nietszche or Sartre's theories regarding personal freedom and existence.
God is dead, and has been for a long time.
There is no eternal truth, everything has to end meaning nothing will ever be continuously true, only manifested for a period.
God is an oversimplification of our world, and an easy excuse/scapegoat for the actions taken by numerous people.
God has transitioned from a religion praised by billions to nothing more than a conversation subject.

If you disagree you can feel free to read up on some of Nietszche or Sartre's theories regarding personal freedom and existence.
But where's the evidence? Ex Dee. This is why I'm happy to live in one of the least religious countries in the world. I personally have nothing against people who has one faith or another, but as soon as you outright deny scientific facts, common sense, and what goes towards building a future based on knowledge, I just cringe. The way Christian faith came around to me, was in the form of morals, ethics etc., which I highly value, and believe to be a good thing when it comes to coexisting in a society.

In my country, we still do a lot of things that has roots in religion, but is more so a tradition than it is a religious act. Christmas is one example of that. There are more, but Christmas is probably the most common one.

In elementary school, we even had a subject that could be directly translated into "Christianity". We studied the belief, but not to preach, or become religious in any matter. It was more a "historical" lesson that could be used to explain social structure, culture etc.
Later, in college, the subject would expand and be called "Religion", which didn't just have Christianity, but also Islam, Buddhism, Judaism etc. This also gave us an insight in how basically every one of the major religions are related in many ways, and further expanded our cultural knowledge.

I've met a few religious people IRL, most of them immigrants. But because most of them are well integrated, they don't necessarily deny science or facts. Or at least, they don't show it in school (maybe because they want good grades). Those very, very few I have come across that started talking about religion, mostly their own, turned out to have no, if not very little, or skewed knowledge/perception of their own religion. And once you firmly believe something, but you aren't even sure what you actually believe, I become somewhat worrisome. Add this and negative social aspects, and you could get radicalized extremists.
With that said, kudos to those who have faith, keeps it to themselves, or modernize it to fit society. I have also met people that believe in a greater force, not necessarily a god so to speak, but because of how incredible it is that the advanced life we know today actually exist, with all the factors that has to come into play etc. It just seemed too "random" for them. They do not deny science, and are happy to embrace logical explanation and theories, more so facts. To them, there's just a gap until the question about life, the universe and everything has been answered. (I know, it's 42, I mean jeez).

But surely, the younger generation in America is going towards the same progress?

Where are you from if I may ask?
Most of you probably wont care as to what I have to say since it doesn't affect you guys, but I just want to my perspective from my Muslim country backround.

The main problem I see with religion (Islam in this case) is that it has tendencies to interfere with every possible part of life. Islam has rules on how it should be governed (shair'ah law), what you can eat, what you can drink, literally every tiny aspect of life.

This is why I can't get behind religion (Islam in this case). I see it as a means of controlling the masses.

I feel like the west doesnt fully appreciate the fact that their lives aren't dictated by religion. This isn't the case for the majority of the muslim world.

Luckily, I live in Turkey, I would say one of the few secular Muslim majority countries, thanks to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. He's the founder of Turkey, who managed to abolish Shair'ah Law, abolish the Calipate (sort of like the Pope of the Muslim World), give women the right to vote, make education compulsory, and many more secularization reforms.

What I'm esentaially trying to say is, religion is a tool used to control people. The western world has had the privilege to remove religion from government, allowing them to live relatively free lives. I hope that one day that Muslims can seperate Islam from their government like what Ataturk has accomplished.

A quote by Ataturk although most of you probably don't give a fuck:

For nearly five hundred years, these rules and theories [regarding civil and criminal law] of an Arab Shaikh and the interpretations of generations of lazy and good-for-nothing priests have decided the civil and criminal law of Turkey. They have decided the form of the Constitution, the details of the lives of each Turk, his food, his hours of rising and sleeping the shape of his clothes, the routine of the midwife who produced his children, what he learned in his schools, his customs, his thoughts-even his most intimate habits. This theology of an immoral Arab [presented as Islam] is a dead thing. Possibly it might have suited tribes in the desert. It is no good for modern, progressive state. God's revelation! There is no God! These are only the chains by which the priests and bad rulers bound the people down. A ruler who needs religion is a weaklings. No weaklings should rule!

I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the teachings of science. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him act against the liberty of his fellow man."
Most of you probably wont care as to what I have to say since it doesn't affect you guys, but I just want to my perspective from my Muslim country backround.

The main problem I see with religion (Islam in this case) is that it has tendencies to interfere with every possible part of life. Islam has rules on how it should be governed (shair'ah law), what you can eat, what you can drink, literally every tiny aspect of life.

This is why I can't get behind religion (Islam in this case). I see it as a means of controlling the masses.

I feel like the west doesnt fully appreciate the fact that their lives aren't dictated by religion. This isn't the case for the majority of the muslim world.

Luckily, I live in Turkey, I would say one of the few secular Muslim majority countries, thanks to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. He's the founder of Turkey, who managed to abolish Shair'ah Law, abolish the Calipate (sort of like the Pope of the Muslim World), give women the right to vote, make education compulsory, and many more secularization reforms.

What I'm esentaially trying to say is, religion is a tool used to control people. The western world has had the privilege to remove religion from government, allowing them to live relatively free lives. I hope that one day that Muslims can seperate Islam from their government like what Ataturk has accomplished.

A quote by Ataturk although most of you probably don't give a duck:

For nearly five hundred years, these rules and theories [regarding civil and criminal law] of an Arab Shaikh and the interpretations of generations of lazy and good-for-nothing priests have decided the civil and criminal law of Turkey. They have decided the form of the Constitution, the details of the lives of each Turk, his food, his hours of rising and sleeping the shape of his clothes, the routine of the midwife who produced his children, what he learned in his schools, his customs, his thoughts-even his most intimate habits. This theology of an immoral Arab [presented as Islam] is a dead thing. Possibly it might have suited tribes in the desert. It is no good for modern, progressive state. God's revelation! There is no God! These are only the chains by which the priests and bad rulers bound the people down. A ruler who needs religion is a weaklings. No weaklings should rule!

I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the teachings of science. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him act against the liberty of his fellow man."

A secular state, such as Turkey is definitely a step in the right direction for Muslim countries. Religion has no place in politics. People should not be dictated by religion, like Europe was in the Middle Ages.

A famous quote: Religion is opium for the people.
Isnt that the point though? Let people have faith or belief in anything they want,but not faith in actual religion itself.

There is a difference between so called god and religion. Majority of religions preach about same god in fact. They just all interpret their rules differently, rules based on a comic book written by a man.

All in all have a belief in whatever is making you happy and afloat during the shitty times. Thats why it is there in first place.

But religion itself is nothing more than a bussines and a big fat brainwash.

Whether its God,Another god, buddha,satan,sun,stars,raptors,angels,flying spaghetti monster.

Just dont shove it into other peoples throats just like vegans vs meat in current century.

After all you cant convince someone to see blue color if they wanna see red.
Isnt that the point though? Let people have faith or belief in anything they want,but not faith in actual religion itself.

There is a difference between so called god and religion. Majority of religions preach about same god in fact. They just all interpret their rules differently, rules based on a comic book written by a man.

All in all have a belief in whatever is making you happy and afloat during the shitty times. Thats why it is there in first place.

But religion itself is nothing more than a bussines and a big fat brainwash.

Whether its God,Another god, buddha,satan,sun,stars,raptors,angels,flying spaghetti monster.

Just dont shove it into other peoples throats just like vegans vs meat in current century.

After all you cant convince someone to see blue color if they wanna see red.
ur so racist, i remember the vid about slovakia and mosques okey?
God and religion are directly linked but different things. People arguing about religion need to understand the significance of that. Religion is man's interpretation of holy teachings while the other is a mystery shrouded by faith.

My believes however is that God made humans then fucked off after realizing what a mistake it was ;)
Here's my 2 copper. Feel free to object.
Prepare your anus.

It's common tradition in places like the United States for a parent to lie to their children that a fat man in a red suit will come down their chimney and leave gifts under the tree. But it's also tradition for those children to be told he doesn't exist after time, or question his existence at some point. The case with religion is, the teacher is unaware that he/she is teaching something just as ridiculous. They are convinced throughout adulthood and childhood, and have no parent or mentor to tell them otherwise.
Saint Nicholas is a lie that is easily dis-proven with evidence (or lack there of) when your presents do not magically show up under your tree. Religion is a lie that requires no physical proof or accountability, just a young mind or an adult with zero self-esteem.

"For the lord is my shepherd"
So we're the sheep? It's evident that some people need an imaginary explanation, as opposed to a much more challenging explanation that is science (you know, that thing that keeps your feet on the ground).

The laws of science also govern the fact that man cannot walk on water. That animals from different continents cannot swim across the ocean to board an ark, let alone survive their species from only 2 mates (and tons of incest to come). That the earth is not 6000 years old, but 4.5 billion based on geological studies. That it is also not flat, but spherical.

The further we advance science, the further we disprove holy teachings. The more moral Christians and Muslims become, the less Christian and Muslim they become. It is hypocritical to follow a religion, yet disregard its teachings.

[Quran: 533] "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides"

[Bible-Ephesians 6:5 NLT] "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ."

The more progressive these religions become, the further they strain from their roots, and the opinions of their god is disregarded. Extremists are simply people who stick to their teachings.

I like to see religion as this blob of green goo that latches onto newly found discoveries about the universe, and shrouds it with some far-fetched reasoning as to how it came to be, rather than what studies show.
The safest move for theists is to say that their divine king created the big bang, and moved onto another project, without leaving a trace of his/her/its existence.

I don't know about you but, I received presents from Santa every year growing up and so do my children. So Santa does in fact exist in some form or another. It is all a matter of perception.

Europe has St. Nick and even a twisted version called Krampus who punishes children as opposed to rewarding them. We all have our seasonal traditions. Take for instance, the Easter Bunny. I mean come on, an egg laying hare?? I doubt most people in Far East even are aware of the Easter Bunny.
A large majority of the US's traditions came from Europe because a large majority of Americans have European ancestry.
Speaking of Easter and traditions, within the 15-20 years one of the popular things to do is make cascarones(eggs filled with confetti/toys) in southwestern part of the US because the Latin American influence here. Here in Texas, they are very prominent in the annual spring festival in San Antonio. Crazy times for sure in San Antonio. A two week long party ran by women!! It honors the memory of the battle of the Alamo and San Jacinto. The Battle of San Jacinto is where Texas won it's indepenpence, FYI.
Druiddroid man stfu, all ur capable to do is copy paste other peoples post such as mines.

What ur trying to accomplish is a flame war here, which many people consider a simple debate but deep inside they know the real reason.

So once again pick up that pride drunk butt of yours and go read a book. Better yet, start this convo with a random person face to face.
Ah okay også jeg, elsker Danmark:p Har set dit navn et sted, props Whaazz Rogue eller Raikus Mage?

yeh, Raiku har en alt, som hedder Bestwórld. Det er et navn, som han har taget videre fra Arena-Tournament (nu Warmane) til live. Whaazz har en alt rogue, som hedder Béstworld.

Jeg kender Raiku fra TBC, hvor jeg spillede mage, og han spillede rogue, hvor han så senere lavede en mage ved navn "Afraid". Jeg havde en alt, som på ingen måde havde rod i navnet, der hed Bestworld. Det navn tog Raiku så videre, og jeg gjorde ikke. Ikke før jeg lavede en twink i WoD. :p
Druiddroid man stfu, all ur capable to do is copy paste other peoples post such as mines.

What ur trying to accomplish is a flame war here, which many people consider a simple debate but deep inside they know the real reason.

So once again pick up that pride drunk butt of yours and go read a book. Better yet, start this convo with a random person face to face.
What's your opinion of God?

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