EU+US Get your Timewarped Badges!

you can tmog if you got the repz
Not all tabards are rep-locked. Exalted tabards are rep locked but Friendly tabards are level locked. That's why TBC/MoP tabards (except Skyguard) are rep-locked while Wrath and probably Cata tabards are level locked.
stacked 100% extra once but that was pain to do. basically you cant log in for weeks if you are to stack em all.
Impossible to stack 100% as a püre f2p, even in a human(with his 10% racial buff), it would still need +90% from world events(some events have +10% buffs, but there isn't 9 events in a year that gives +10% buffs to totalize 90%). This would be the only way for a püre f2p to get 2 friendly tabards, so there is no way to get 2 tabards as a f2p.
You can't, I have Lorewalkers tabard, it's not possile to mog a tabard into it.

I have seen people transmog the Legion invasion gear (requires level 98) on low level.
Maybe there is somehow a way to do this with the tabarts.
Alright guys, got 350 TWB on two chars (Crystal and a filler) plus had 200 on some other char I just got Corgi on. What do I buy for these? I'm interested in unobtainable otherwise reputations, best connected with a tabard.

Should I spend all 350 on one faction? Or maybe I can get two to friendly? What do you mean when somebody mentioned "mop timewalking gear" - wouldn't it be 90+? And what do I buy on the filler char (Idc about reputation on that one)? Also, if I can't get two to friendly then can I get one for 300 or less so I can buy a Thunderfury for FoS?

ELI5 Please.
@Baumbart It was in 7.1, at the same time they nerfed legion invasion gear vendor price + fixed belts from dungeon satchels.

@Crystalpall If you're just angling for the Thunderfury achieve, I'd suggest you get it on the filler char since the achieve is account-wide, not char-specific. Also, all timewalking gear cannot be purchased - it is level locked at the level you need to be to play the timewalking dungeons (e.g. cata timewalking gear can only be purchased at level 85, regardless of gear "appearing" to scale down to your level) unless someone finds a bugged out / loopholed gear piece.

Since Crystal is already exalted with all the wrath factions with tabards, your best bet would be to get the cata rep badges (not therazane tho). Even if you stack DMF / Pilgrim's / Hallow's, that's still just a measly 130% rep gain (about 650 rep per badge unless math goes wonky on wow), and you need 5 badges to get one cata rep to friendly for the tabard. As you can only get 7 badges with 375 TWB, it's still only one rep you can get the tabard on (same thing applies even if your char is human with Diplomacy - 5 badges minimum to get to friendly with 140% rep buff stacking).
Yeah, new tabard: Tabard of the Earthen Ring!
Fun fact: Logged in at 1pm today to buy the tokens from the time walking vendor and then:
Birthday dailies were still available on german servers. (Unfortunately not on english servers, where my main is...) 25 badges extra, nice!:D

Maybe this bug(?) still works tomorrow, I'll have a look.
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Alright guys, got 350 TWB on two chars (Crystal and a filler) plus had 200 on some other char I just got Corgi on. What do I buy for these? I'm interested in unobtainable otherwise reputations, best connected with a tabard.

Should I spend all 350 on one faction? Or maybe I can get two to friendly? What do you mean when somebody mentioned "mop timewalking gear" - wouldn't it be 90+? And what do I buy on the filler char (Idc about reputation on that one)? Also, if I can't get two to friendly then can I get one for 300 or less so I can buy a Thunderfury for FoS?

ELI5 Please.

There are some recipe and pet drops from food containers (mainly Outland timewalking). But pets are account-wide anyway and recipes I guess you'd have to get on your main twink.
I don't remember well but what are the other events that we can wait to get additional +10% rep buffs besides DMF/Hallow's/Pilgrim's?
Today, Dec. 1st, birthday-dailies are still available on many servers! Not all servers unfortunately...:(
More free badges!:p

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