Neither Chicago nor Detroit are anywhere close to Mexico and gun related violence is rampant.
Neither Chicago nor Detroit are anywhere close to Mexico and gun related violence is rampant.
Everyone not from the U.S. Talkin shit about gun laws needs to ctfo. Just because your country rams anti gun propaganda down your throat doesn't mean ours should. You can bet when I turn 21 in January im buying me a 9mm something or other to put in my pocket. And as of now I sleep next to a loaded 12 gauge that doesn't leave my property. I don't think it's gonna sneak it's way down to the liquor store or local movie theater and cause any damage. The whole "America needs tighter gun laws" shit, is plain retarded. It's like saying crystal meth is illegal so there's no way you can get it. Most gun related violence is the U.S. Is the hood ass niggas that are doing it and guess what 99% of those guns are illegally obtained. So regardless of whatever laws are out there the people who want to do it, will do it. A mentally unstable person can't walk into Dicks and buy a handgun they run background checks. But if your gonna fail it, you can probably find one illegally from the same person you buy your dope off of. I bet you can in any other country as well.
I guarantee if the zombie apocalypse ever happens Americans will be the only ones with a fighting chance. Just sayin.
No country rams anti gun propaganda down your throats lol. You think we have adds on TV and on billboards saying guns are bad, we dont like guns. No that doesn't fucking happen lol. That murican logic you have is very ignorant towards any country that isn't the US. Also where did you get all your statistics from, like the 99% of guns from the hood are illegally obtained, was that just some figure you came up with?
its the hood bro
common sense
So what Franci posted his bolt action junk on bnet
Worth a watch
Also, who the fuck get's provoked enough to make an @ thread and actually go through all this effort of taking photos and uploading them and stuff, just because someone said "you probs dont even own a gun"? Do you have some mental issues [MENTION=13444]inoobupro[/MENTION] or are all 'muricans like this?
Since 2010 at least 5 americans have accidentally shot off their penises. Would have this happened if they weren't carrying a handgun? lol
Tens of housands of people are injured or killed annually in the US by handguns, would this happen if people weren't carrying a "concealed"?
How many times have you ended up in a situation where carrying a gun has saved your or someone elses life, or prevented someone from getting injured?
pls go
To answer your question.. I cannot count how many times. Although none have been state side. Because in Texas, I feel safe because we have CHL here. We don't have the kind of problems other states do with people walking into theaters shooting up the place. They know if they pulled a gun out. They would get shot by a gun wielding civilian defending their fellow Texans.
1 per year out of 300 million... Laughable odds considering some of the lunatics in this world.
How many EU have been stabbed? Are we clamoring to make knives illegal? How many were killed in car accidents? Killed by blunt objects? Killed by fire? Killed by electricity? Killed by cigarettes? Killed by alcohol/drugs? Do we make all these items illegal to own/use too? Of coarse not. That would be ludicrous.
The point being, you can't blame the object for a person's problems/demise. You need to look elsewhere. Most of that time it is another person. A gun or knife or car or fire or electricity just does not come alive and kill someone by itself. They all have to have human interaction. So get off your anti-gun crusade and get on a safety education crusade.
Last word on the matter. This thread is skirting the fringes of politics now.
hope all u "murderes-in-the-making" gets shot urself...
but then who would save eu's pathetic asses again when the next world war rolls around?
I don't think there will be another world war, because with how far weapons technology has come since WWI and WWII the next world war would lead to the worlds destruction.
No country rams anti gun propaganda down your throats lol. You think we have adds on TV and on billboards saying guns are bad, we dont like guns. No that doesn't fucking happen lol. That murican logic you have is very ignorant towards any country that isn't the US. Also where did you get all your statistics from, like the 99% of guns from the hood are illegally obtained, was that just some figure you came up with?
Sometimes, crime is just not preventable. Sometimes, all a person has is themselves.
I'm a reasonable person. I don't like violence but if my loved ones and I were trapped in a movie theater with nowhere to go, hoping we weren't going to die, I would want a gun.
Almost all of the accidental shootings could be prevented. Seriously, some of them are just no-brainers (hello, keep gun away from children and or use safety). Some people should definitely not have guns, OP is one of them. However, well-trained, responsible citizens should be-able to carry guns. Believe it or not (I know it's hard seeing America's crazies a lot) but most of us Americans are not crazy, lunatic, "FUCK YEAH, MURICA" types.
right, but where do you think the majority of that technology comes from and which country do you think has the most of it?