Franchi, son

As everyone can see in this thread guns are a good way to create a healthy environment.
you said I don't have concealed bro? Or don't even own any? Orly?



The point is my guns are like my WoW guild twinks...they are better than urs

Get your bolt action junk outta here. Cuz that's all you got. Like you prlly don't even own one. Why would you make a twink with a name when you cant even own the gun hahaha

Is this you? I see a stunning resemblance at least...
Just watch Jim Jefferies, pretty much all I have to say on the topic

Worth a watch

Also, who the fuck get's provoked enough to make an @ thread and actually go through all this effort of taking photos and uploading them and stuff, just because someone said "you probs dont even own a gun"? Do you have some mental issues [MENTION=13444]inoobupro[/MENTION] or are all 'muricans like this?
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Oh dear god you all act like you've never seen or held a gun in your hands

So what Franci posted his bolt action junk on bnet

And liveleak? Dude got almost killed by pitbulls just yesterday. - Out of Control PitBulls Go on Blood Thirsty Rampage Would be a different story if he had concealed

Next thing ur all gonna say is all gankers who gank greys are psycopaths and so that would be like what? 95% of wow playerbase huh?(And fyi I don't gank greys that's like one of the lowliest things ,imo)
And liveleak? Dude got almost killed by pitbulls just yesterday. - Out of Control PitBulls Go on Blood Thirsty Rampage Would be a different story if he had concealed

Since 2010 at least 5 americans have accidentally shot off their penises. Would have this happened if they weren't carrying a handgun? lol
Tens of housands of people are injured or killed annually in the US by handguns, would this happen if people weren't carrying a "concealed"?

How many times have you ended up in a situation where carrying a gun has saved your or someone elses life, or prevented someone from getting injured?

pls go
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Since 2010 at least 5 americans have accidentally shot off their penises. Would have this happened if they weren't carrying a handgun? lol
Tens of housands of people are injured or killed annually in the US by handguns, would this happen if people weren't carrying a "concealed"?

How many times have you ended up in a situation where carrying a gun has saved your or someone elses life, or prevented someone from getting injured?

pls go

To answer your question.. I cannot count how many times. Although none have been state side. Because in Texas, I feel safe because we have CHL here. We don't have the kind of problems other states do with people walking into theaters shooting up the place. They know if they pulled a gun out. They would get shot by a gun wielding civilian defending their fellow Texans.

1 per year out of 300 million... Laughable odds considering some of the lunatics in this world.

How many EU have been stabbed? Are we clamoring to make knives illegal? How many were killed in car accidents? Killed by blunt objects? Killed by fire? Killed by electricity? Killed by cigarettes? Killed by alcohol/drugs? Do we make all these items illegal to own/use too? Of coarse not. That would be ludicrous.
The point being, you can't blame the object for a person's problems/demise. You need to look elsewhere. Most of that time it is another person. A gun or knife or car or fire or electricity just does not come alive and kill someone by itself. They all have to have human interaction. So get off your anti-gun crusade and get on a safety education crusade.
Last word on the matter. This thread is skirting the fringes of politics now.
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How many EU have been stabbed? Are we clamoring to make knives illegal? How many were killed in car accidents? Killed by blunt objects? Killed by fire? Killed by electricity? Killed by cigarettes? Killed by alcohol/drugs? Do we make all these items illegal to own/use too? Of coarse not. That would be ludicrous.
The point being, you can't blame the object for a person's problems/demise. You need to look elsewhere. Most of that time it is another person. A gun or knife or car or fire or electricity just does not come alive and kill someone by itself. They all have to have human interaction. So get off your anti-gun crusade and get on a safety education crusade.
Last word on the matter. This thread is skirting the fringes of politics now.

I don't know how many people in EU have been stabbed, probably quite a bit. However, knives are good for quite a few things. What are guns good for, besides harming other people or animals? I can see how a hunting weapon would make sense and I have nothing against that.

You are making moot points. Cars, knives, blunt objects, fire, electricity, all have quite fucking many uses outside of violence, and they are needed in our society. What do you actually need a handgun for, besides personal defense? (which would hardly be an issue in the first place if everyone couldn't just walk into a shop to buy a gun, by the way). How many are killed by cigarettes and drugs? A shitload of people, hence the european union is actively making laws and regulations to make smoking harder. Most narcotics are illegal in most countries aswell, in case you didn't know this.

"Guns dont kill people hurr durr" yeah well, if there's a man carrying a pistol and a man not carrying a pistol, who do you think is more likely to commit a violent act using a handgun?

I'm not on an anti-gun crusade, I just think the gun laws of US are stupid as fuck, as is the maker of this thread.
Righty-o. May I inquire what are the requirements to purchase a handgun in the US? To be an US citizen and 21 years of age? lol

I stated it earlier. Each state has different laws. In Texas you have to be 21 there used to be a mandatory waiting period. You have to have a state issued ID. You cannot be a felon or mentally unstable. Some states require an FBI background check just to purchase a handgun. Texas only requires it for the CHL. Naturally there are all sorts of laws about where you are allowed to carry your firearm. Such as within 300 feet of a school or any school event. There are numerous other laws. Law abiding citizens follow those rules. Criminals do not. Those are the ones we should be worrying about.
Here are some fun gun facts from across the globe that will open your eyes!!

Gun Facts | Gun Control and Crime
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I stated it earlier. Each state has different laws. In Texas you have to be 21 there used to be a mandatory waiting period. You have to have a state issued ID. You cannot be a felon or mentally unstable. Some states require an FBI background check just to purchase a handgun. Texas only requires it for the CHL. Naturally there are all sorts of laws about where you are allowed to carry your firearm. Such as within 300 feet of a school or any school event. There are numerous other laws. Law abiding citizens follow those rules. Criminals do not. Those are the ones we should be worrying about.
Here are some fun gun facts from across the globe that will open your eyes!!

Gun Facts | Gun Control and Crime

The site you linked seems extremely biased and pro-second amendment. I believe most of these facts are real, but it's really easy to make anything look good by not telling the other side of the story. I read some of it but not interested enough right now to read through the whole shit. Thanks for the link anyways.

Now I'm not saying every gun owner is a potential murderer or some retarded shit like that, I just don't think the firearm laws in general in the US work too well. And like someone already said, if someone who gets as worked out and upset over a video game on a regular basis, like Inoobupro does, has the right to keep a fucking AK, somethings not right lol
The site you linked seems extremely biased and pro-second amendment. I believe most of these facts are real, but it's really easy to make anything look good by not telling the other side of the story. I read some of it but not interested enough right now to read through the whole shit. Thanks for the link anyways.

Now I'm not saying every gun owner is a potential murderer or some retarded shit like that, I just don't think the firearm laws in general in the US work too well. And like someone already said, if someone who gets as worked out and upset over a video game on a regular basis, like Inoobupro does, has the right to keep a fucking AK, somethings not right lol

Of coarse you stopped reading it. It did not support your anti gun agenda.
I suggest you read the statistics. Knowledge is power.
Of coarse you stopped reading it. It did not support your anti gun agenda.
I suggest you read the statistics. Knowledge is power.

Did you even read my post or are you just completely illiterate? I suggest you hang yourself. I'm done with this thread, arguing with someone who completely ignores anything you say is like trying to play chess with a monkey. Except a monkey is probably better at chess than you are at understanding what you read. Thanks and bye
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'At 4.5 deaths per 100,000 people, the US rates aren't much lower than gun homicide rates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (5.2 deaths per 100,000 people). Annually, the US has about two fewer gun homicide deaths per 100,000 people than Iraq, which has 6.5 deaths per 100,000' -

Then contrast that with the rates in the UK, a country with very strict gun controls. Obviously, correlation doesn't prove causation, but the United States is clearly struggling with gun related violence.
'At 4.5 deaths per 100,000 people, the US rates aren't much lower than gun homicide rates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (5.2 deaths per 100,000 people). Annually, the US has about two fewer gun homicide deaths per 100,000 people than Iraq, which has 6.5 deaths per 100,000' -

Then contrast that with the rates in the UK, a country with very strict gun controls. Obviously, correlation doesn't prove causation, but the United States is clearly struggling with gun related violence.

Those numbers are skewed by regions. Very regionally. Much of the nation is in the 2ish range, some states are even lower. Only areas that have a high crime crime rate or are border states(go figure) bring the number up.
These stats are taken directly from the FBI stats. It has a breakdown of state by state. Americans will note two things. The death penalty makes no difference. And also note that many of the Southern states particularly LA, MS and AL are quite high. While states such as NH, VT, ME, IA, OR, UT, WY, HI etc. are quite low. Do you get the correlation?
Murder Rates Nationally and By State | Death Penalty Information Center

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