Franchi, son

Didn't a LGBT thread get locked/deleted because people bitched about it having nothing to do with twinks? Yet, here is a thread of muricans showing off their guns in the 29 section. hypocrisy at its finest.
One guy posts pics of his trashcan tier guns in an @thread form one other guy poosts his shotgun, the rest of us are just laughing our asses off at the OP, who thinks his revolver and two AKs are somehow going to impress me (I am a gunsmith btw).
Didn't a LGBT thread get locked/deleted because people bitched about it having nothing to do with twinks? Yet, here is a thread of muricans showing off their guns in the 29 section. hypocrisy at its finest.

Because sexuality is protected by the civil liberties act. And due to the maturity of this forum, or lack there of, I am sure that the powers that be saw it and expeditiously remove it before it got "out of hand". We would not anyone feeling hurt.

Where as here in the U.S. it is lawful for it's citizens without a criminal history and of and adult age to own a gun.
To own a handgun you have be even older and submit to a background check when purchasing from a store.
In addition, in Texas if you want to carry a hand gun you have to have a license. Which involves going to classes. That classes not only include classroom study proving that you know the law. You also have to pass a test indicating that you can actually hit where you are aiming.

You are correct though. Neither of these subjects involve WoW twink. This thread should be moved to the "general talk" section. But it really is not hurting anything being here. Unless someone is going to be a tattletale. And no one likes tattletales.

Nice Healthcare america
This would be in the 29s section.
Id like to get an M4 and a beretta one day, cant have any guns right now though. Those guns look old as dirt btw.

I'm looking at a beretta as well. An m4 would be cool af too. Can't decide what pistol I want to get when I turn 21 in January, I know a 9mm not sure what brand though. Franchi, any thoughts?
Until then i just have a few ordinary rifles, one pistol, and that big ass shotgun.
I prefer Glock.
I personally own a G41. My daughter got a G42 for her CHL test.
G42s are easier to conceal.
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my prefrence is still the colt m1911 but i have large hands and dont carry concealed.i prefer the .45 to 9mm. my father is smaller and has smaller hands, prefers the ruger lcp chambered for .380. Find a handgun range that will alow you to rent handguns to try. make sure it fits your hands.
I'm looking at a beretta as well. An m4 would be cool af too. Can't decide what pistol I want to get when I turn 21 in January, I know a 9mm not sure what brand though. Franchi, any thoughts?
Until then i just have a few ordinary rifles, one pistol, and that big ass shotgun.

If you are not man enough for the 1911 get a Browning Hi power.

That aside, what is important is how the gun fits in YOUR hand. Get together your pile of money and go to a reputable dealer handle some guns and find out what gun fits YOUR hand and needs.

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