Franchi, son

You make it sound like the U.S has no safety for their citizens if everyone needs a gun to protect themselves, it's practically anarchy if a whole country is freely allowed to own and in some places carry guns in public with no hassle from the law. There's a reason pretty much every developed country in the world except the U.S has strict gun control laws and it's not because they're taking "rights" from their citizens, if you're responsible with your weapons then good for you! You're free to have whatever level of responsibility you desire in the U.S of A but it's pretty much you against the world when it comes to this argument. Still glad I live in a country with gun control. :)

p.s. One thing that SHOULD be banned is all the F2P Jaja's in bg's, take responsibility and report those ungeared nubs AFK if you catch one on your team! #VoteToKickGallywix
but then who would save eu's pathetic asses again when the next world war rolls around?

ourselves like always...
Just next time, It'd be appreciated if you guys didnt sell arms / steel etc to some fanatic whom tries to kill all jews, and enslave the world.
And ofc if you fancy joining the war, dont wait till you can tell what side will win and chose sides accordingly.. cowards the lot of you, if you dont believe me, look at ur gun control laws.. only a coward will ever see the reason in firearms that has the sole purpose of hurting ppl..

Knowledge is power.

kek, coming from an american that just too lol !
Go watch fox news and get ur daily dosage of "knowledge"

i used to be entertained by ur stupidity.. but mate, u just went full retard.. soz ur gonna be the first person im ever gonna ignore on TI ^^ gz

'At 4.5 deaths per 100,000 people, the US rates aren't much lower than gun homicide rates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (5.2 deaths per 100,000 people). Annually, the US has about two fewer gun homicide deaths per 100,000 people than Iraq, which has 6.5 deaths per 100,000' -

Then contrast that with the rates in the UK, a country with very strict gun controls. Obviously, correlation doesn't prove causation, but the United States is clearly struggling with gun related violence.

US 3rd world country, confirmed!

right, but where do you think the majority of that technology comes from and which country do you think has the most of it?

China and Russia, GL US
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China and Russia, GL US


tell me friend, which glorious nation do you hail from?
tell me friend, which glorious nation do you hail from?

Oh wow, now that definitely makes me respect the United States a lot more! I mean there's literally NOTHING better all that money could have been spent on!!! :) Please tell me what else good your country has done for humanity!
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Oh wow, now that definitely makes me respect the United States a lot more! I mean there's literally NOTHING better all that money could have been spent on!!! :) Please tell me what else good your country has done for humanity!

Love US or hate US we are the most giving country on the place of the planet. In fact, in the known universe. Every large corporation donates to charity. Many many people here donate to charity, I myself donate both money and time to charities.
There is not enough characters in the posting to list every company that or every organization that donates to foreign aid in America.
This first link below is just the American government. Just think what the population contributes. Our government does not run out lives like so many other countries. 96% of the World benefits from America's government charity.
Forbes Welcome
Just one public ran organization...
International Services | American Red Cross | International Red Cross
Just imagine what the percentage is if you included public dollars.
Stop believing the state run TV propaganda.
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Love US or hate US we are the most giving country on the place of the planet. In fact, in the known universe. Every large corporation donates to charity. Many many people here donate to charity, I myself donate both money and time to charities.
There is not enough characters in the posting to list every company that or every organization that donates to foreign aid in America.
This first link below is just the American government. Just think what the population contributes. Our government does not run out lives like so many other countries. 96% of the World benefits from America's government charity.
Forbes Welcome
Just one public ran organization...
International Services | American Red Cross | International Red Cross
Just imagine what the percentage is if you included public dollars.
Stop believing the state run TV propaganda.

It just makes me nauseated knowing how delusional some people can be. Oh my god...

Stop believing the state run TV propaganda.
Irony at it's finest
ourselves like always...
Just next time, It'd be appreciated if you guys didnt sell arms / steel etc to some fanatic whom tries to kill all jews, and enslave the world.
And ofc if you fancy joining the war, dont wait till you can tell what side will win and chose sides accordingly.. cowards the lot of you, if you dont believe me, look at ur gun control laws.. only a coward will ever see the reason in firearms that has the sole purpose of hurting ppl..

kek, coming from an american that just too lol !
Go watch fox news and get ur daily dosage of "knowledge"

i used to be entertained by ur stupidity.. but mate, u just went full retard.. soz ur gonna be the first person im ever gonna ignore on TI ^^ gz

US 3rd world country, confirmed!

China and Russia, GL US

Lend Lease

Look it up.

England and Russia would have folded before the might of German military prowess long before the US "joined the war" if the US wasn't feeding clothing and arming them.

You lazy socialist leaning bums still owed us money from the first world war but we loaned you more ships, guns, food and bullets anyway we even loaned the same to the communists because you couldn't win your war, that you promised us you would never allow to happen again, without their pathetically under equipped soldier peasants bleeding the German.

Team Murica' FUCK YEAH!
Coming again to save the mother fucking day!
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It just makes me nauseated knowing how delusional some people can be. Oh my god...

Irony at it's finest

You asked someone to show you what America has done for Humanity.
I showed you. And you call ME delusional... Laughable at best...
I can guarantee you, you benefited today from something an American did.
You are benefiting from it right now...

something like?

Or you meant something else?

Yes, something like that.
Like saving that particular village from insurgents that were raping and killing their young children. But first they would quite literally duct tape IEDs to those frightened children and instruct them that if they did not go beg UN soilders( which may very well be from your country) for candy or they would rape their mother/sister/brother again so they could kill the "infidels".
What would you do? Want to watch your family be sexually assaulted again or die a "hero's" death?
Thus, these heroic UN soilders shown here are have to go house to house looking for these pathetic fools that prey on these poor people. Trust me, I HAVE BEEN THERE as volunteer even after my TOD was over. If any of you were half the man you think you were you would volunteer to help the weak in the name of your country as I have.
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I'd suggest you crack open a history book. You'd be astonished to see what this relatively young nation has contributed to the world.

Everyone always hates #1 .
It is true in everything.
If you noticed, an American is not bashing on their countries. Only they are bashing on America. It is almost always the case here on this forum. It is just not America's "style" to go bashing on something. That is unless we are bashed first.
Never wake a sleeping lion...
You asked someone to show you what America has done for Humanity.
I showed you. And you call ME delusional... Laughable at best...
I can guarantee you, you benefited today from something an American did.
You are benefiting from it right now...


Well, so far The Iraq war has produced over 500 000 casualties and according to the UN, over a million orphans. Drone strikes continue to claim civilian lives and ferment even more hatred with approximately 10 percent of those killed being civilians. Americans aren't terrible people, but pretending your country is the victim of vicious propaganda campaigns rather than blundering foreign policy is delusional.
Well, so far The Iraq war has produced over 500 000 casualties and according to the UN, over a million orphans. Drone strikes continue to claim civilian lives and ferment even more hatred with approximately 10 percent of those killed being civilians. Americans aren't terrible people, but pretending your country is the victim of vicious propaganda campaigns rather than blundering foreign policy is delusional.

Were all of those were caused by Americans? Or were they caused by the enemy? You do realize that the Iraq war is being fought by the UN. Not by the U.S., don't you?
The estimated figure is almost 800,000 out of that 1,000,000 is due to radical Muslim violence like I described above alone, or 80%. Would you rather that element be touring your country doing damage. Or would you rather them be weeded out in another country?
You have to realize these scum of the earth actually hide in schools and churches. They build their bombs there. And when something goes wrong and it blows up in their face kids die. And the UN gets blamed for it. And you people lap it up like a kitten laps up milk.
I truly feel sorry for EU right now for all the refugees coming in. There is going to be THOUSANDS of ISIS militants coming with them. They will be highly trained. In the next few years, there will be a wave of terror attacks like never seen before. And who will the EU turn to for aid? Take a guess....
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I truly feel sorry for EU right now for all the refugees coming in. There is going to be THOUSANDS of ISIS militants coming with them.

I feel sorry for you. Not only you seem to take the US propaganda without any criticism, you also take the ISIS propaganda exactly the same way. :)
Were all of those were caused by Americans? Or were they caused by the enemy? You do realize that the Iraq war is being fought by the UN. Not by the U.S., don't you?
The estimated figure is almost 800,000 out of that 1,000,000 is due to radical Muslim violence like I described above alone, or 80%. Would you rather that element be touring your country doing damage. Or would you rather them be weeded out in another country?
You have to realize these scum of the earth actually hide in schools and churches. They build their bombs there. And when something goes wrong and it blows up in their face kids die. And the UN gets blamed for it. And you people lap it up like a kitten laps up milk.
I truly feel sorry for EU right now for all the refugees coming in. There is going to be THOUSANDS of ISIS militants coming with them. They will be highly trained. In the next few years, there will be a wave of terror attacks like never seen before. And who will the EU turn to for aid? Take a guess....

There would be no war in the first place if America hadn't brought the war to Iraq. At a minimum, 165,000 Iraqi civilians have died through the military actions of USA,its allies, or opposition forces since 2003 (Iraqi Civilians | Costs of War). As to shifting it onto the UN? Kofi Annan, then United Nations Secretary General, on September 2004 said, "From our point of view and the UN Charter point of view, it [the war] was illegal.". The UN, toothless as it is, did not support the United States unilateral decision to enter Iraq. The greater part of the burden for all that follows rests squarely on the shoulders of the American administration. As to the claim that it is all the fault of the enemy, there have been numerous documented cases of reckless and in some cases lustful killing of civilians. The most famous example being the chilling so called 'collateral murder' video which I won't link but is easily found on youtube and the like.

These emergent boogey men like ISIS, where did they come from? Oh right, Saddam's now displaced former Republican Guard and thousands of youth radicalized in part by what they've seen Americans do in the middle east over and over. Where did the Taliban come from? You know, that group that the CIA funded and fostered for years. As everyone now knows, the men who were involved in orchestrating 9/11 where disproportionately Saudi. Yet America is openly friendly with the Saudis and didn't see it fit to invade and overthrow their notoriously oppressive kingdom. It's ludicrous to try to argue that America invaded Iraq with benevolent intentions or rid the world of evil. Your government is openly aligned with a country that is known to fund terrorist efforts after all.

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