First time twinker introduction!

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Nohealsforju said:
Well by offensive he means more offensive orientated which mean More Crit and agility stacking and less stamina.

Ooooh I thought he meant offensive as in:



1 |əˈfensiv| causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry : the allegations made are deeply offensive to us | offensive language.

as in "wow dude hunters are so OP and are ruining this bracket so, im gonna roll a hunter so I can be extra offensive.

Thanks for clarifying! *eyeroll*
Meh, roll whatever you want. Obviously people get pissed off at hunter-heavy games but whatever, I'd rather have more hunters than more 600hp rogues. In all honesty if you're any good at your hunter you will probably get bored of it soon though so it's a good thing you have other twinks you're working on to keep things interesting.

@all the ragers in this thread, calm down. Yes hunters are easy to succeed at but they're here to stay and will probably always be OP at 19 just because of their basic class design. Go shit on them at endgame to feel better about the class.
Mariokart said:
While people may be harsh, I'm not going to ignore them. I completely understand why you would dislike a class that is killing your bracket. You put lots of time and effort into your toons, and someone like me can come along and roll a hunter and in about 4 days with no AGM or LFH be able to faceroll into victories.

Because of this, I have decided I am going to hold off on PuGing on my hunter.

As I already stated earlier, I am rolling both a holy priest and a mage. I hope the half of you that flamed me will lighten up a little. I want respect around here just as much as the next guy, and if queing on my hunter won't earn me respect, then I won't do it.

I came here looking for guidance, and while some of you may think otherwise, the people telling me to reroll wasn't exactly a negative.

At first I thought "haters gunna hate", but after putting myself in their shoes, I have a new perspective on the issue.

OMG dude I completely apologize for my 'get out' comment, just read this. Thank you, truely, for listening to our points of view, and while people are harsh, its for a reason. 14 and 16 hunter BGs simply do not function, they are not battlegrounds, they are slaughtergrounds. On top of that, my main (an RDruid) is going to be shat on by blizz in the next patch, making it even more difficult to survive for more than 5 seconds in a BG against a team of minimum 6 hunters. The more demoralizing thing is that the new hunters who dominate everyone think they are good and skilled and worthy or respect. The fact that you actually listened and turned the trend around, at least in one small tiny way is heartening. /salute

@Nohealsforju yea it is...
leotseddap said:
I dont mind these prejudice talk. Shows the real you m8. And i suggest to change your name because you are giving us dutch people a bad name 2 with your behaviour problem. We dutch people have atleast respect for others.

I'm not even Dutch.. and what behavior problem do i have? Im pointing out that all your doing is bitching about stuff on the forums. Theres moderators for a reason. if you dont like how they do thinks then okay... leave. Its not like anyone will care.
Dutchman said:
I'm not even Dutch.. and what behavior problem do i have? Im pointing out that all your doing is bitching about stuff on the forums. Theres moderators for a reason. if you dont like how they do thinks then okay... leave. Its not like anyone will care.

I wouldnt call defending a class bitching arround. And now you are doing it again telling me to leave. Bad attitude is bad.
Grody1 said:
they probably all play ret paladins for mains :]

I fail to see what ret paladins have to do with anything. Lol this isnt the beginning of wrath anymore, ret pals cant 5v1 and win in arena u even play endgame?
Lawlpurge said:
-He calls me a kid, lmfao.

Just delete your twinkinfo account, nancy boy.

It's called not sucking the new guys private parts; telling him straight up how it's gonna be (a LOT of hate), just saved OP a ton of time and effort from twinking out a hunter that everyone would hate. Stop being a pansy ass nancy boy, you're trash, a no name, and need to gtfo.

I think I hit a sore spot, dawwwwwwwwww.

I can be your pansy ass nancy boy.

You sound like Johneffer hunnibuns.

Let's hook up with him and share your ignorance together.
I just wasted a few minutes reading this - and I thought I'd make a tl;dr-version:

A guy is making a hunter

A few tips thrown towards the new guy

People being immature

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