First time twinker introduction!

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While people may be harsh, I'm not going to ignore them. I completely understand why you would dislike a class that is killing your bracket. You put lots of time and effort into your toons, and someone like me can come along and roll a hunter and in about 4 days with no AGM or LFH be able to faceroll into victories.

Because of this, I have decided I am going to hold off on PuGing on my hunter.

As I already stated earlier, I am rolling both a holy priest and a mage. I hope the half of you that flamed me will lighten up a little. I want respect around here just as much as the next guy, and if queing on my hunter won't earn me respect, then I won't do it.

I came here looking for guidance, and while some of you may think otherwise, the people telling me to reroll wasn't exactly a negative.

At first I thought "haters gunna hate", but after putting myself in their shoes, I have a new perspective on the issue.
Mariokart said:
While people may be harsh, I'm not going to ignore them. I completely understand why you would dislike a class that is killing your bracket. You put lots of time and effort into your toons, and someone like me can come along and roll a hunter and in about 4 days with no AGM or LFH be able to faceroll into victories.

Because of this, I have decided I am going to hold off on PuGing on my hunter.

As I already stated earlier, I am rolling both a holy priest and a mage. I hope the half of you that flamed me will lighten up a little. I want respect around here just as much as the next guy, and if queing on my hunter won't earn me respect, then I won't do it.

I came here looking for guidance, and while some of you may think otherwise, the people telling me to reroll wasn't exactly a negative.

At first I thought "haters gunna hate", but after putting myself in their shoes, I have a new perspective on the issue.

I applaud you, best of luck with future endeavours.
Llare said:
Why're you being such a general faggot?

This guy came into this thread, introduced himself politely and asked for some help. He didn't do a Johneffer and disregard everyone (loltrasheffer), he's probably taken everything in his stride.

He replied properly to a statement you posed and how do you reply?

How much of a tool can you be? Fuckin' trash. Go sponge off of Purj's "status" somemore.

Ignore this child, play what you want if you're easing into the bracket. I'm sure you've generally gathered that people don't like hunters; but you've stated you rolled to aid friends/for a premade team, so ofc that's fine. Hope you enjoy your time on Twinkinfo despite these mongrels. Check Pizza's thread in the Twink Guides section: Written by, to my understanding, arguably one of the best US Hunters, don't take my word on that though.


-He calls me a kid, lmfao.

Just delete your twinkinfo account, nancy boy.

It's called not sucking the new guys private parts; telling him straight up how it's gonna be (a LOT of hate), just saved OP a ton of time and effort from twinking out a hunter that everyone would hate. Stop being a pansy ass nancy boy, you're trash, a no name, and need to gtfo.
leotseddap said:
It is not so bad as you bring it, 16 hunter wsg and you play hunter you should see the fun in that 2, but only if the numbers are even. I should have put that kinda in my post. If it heavily unbalances its something different, for example 8v8 hunters and 4 other classes can be super fun.

I had my experiences in my old battlegroup and that battlegroup was full with hunters. But this was just rediculous. Made one screen but we had several encounters and some games were even fun. Its something none of you probably seen before or encountered. But we did, silly old battlegroup Nightfall EU in tbc:


(Not to mention they all had gift of the naru)

What's your point, jack-butt? I played BC too, a druid, not a flipping crutch class like you. I have NEVER played a hunter at any level. Difference then was that almost any class played right, (except mage) had a fighting chance against hunters. It was MANAGEABLE. The way it is now, ISN'T.

Also, you're trash.
MrZinty said:
People who rolled hunters in the vanilla or tbc days are still not respected but they are "put up with".

These people rolled twinks to get perfect gear and not to "wTfP\/\/N" midfield and are therefore slighty more tolerated.

the fuck am i reading?
Lawlpurge said:
Bullshit. Why wouldn't you mention the other 2 twinks then if you are "new to twinking"? Don't make shit up just because you got called out for rolling a bullshit class. Didn't want to faceroll my ass. Play your other 2 twinks if they exist, or gtfo. Hunters get no respect.

Dude, Jesus Christ. Shut the hell up. I saw you get called out on another thread for being an idiot, but I didn't say anything. But my God. You could not be any more immature about this. It's not a big deal.
Dude, Jesus Christ. Shut the hell up. I saw you get called out on another thread for being an idiot, but I didn't say anything. But my God. You could not be any more immature about this. It's not a big deal.

Lol indeed :/ I feel your pain regarding hunters but i think he gathered from the FUCK OFF REROLL on the first two pages how things are going down.

The guy even said hes putting off PuGing on his hunter, i dont see you hounding pizza for playing his hunter in pugs or premades; yet you are quick to put this guy in a corner and stomp on him a little.

. Stop being a pansy ass faggot, you're trash, a no name

Why does he need a "name"/ "status" to make a valid point?

You need to have uber l33t skills in the 19 bracket to have common sense and voice your opinions. I take it if pizza posted here and said to back off there wouldnt have been this many responses. But since hes a 'no name' you can trash everyone here >.<.

This spiralled of helping this guy to everyonethrowing bitch slaps at one another.

Ontopic; i hope you do enjoy 19s and understand people have different opinions; you dont have to agree with them but respect that they have it.

Best of luck matey.
Just play whatever and however you want, sure you'll get bashed a little for being a hunter but if thats the class you like stick with it and tell everyone who says otherwise to fuck off :D
Lawlpurge said:
What's your point, douchebag? I played BC too, a druid, not a fucking crutch class like you. I have NEVER played a hunter at any level. Difference then was that almost any class played right, (except mage) had a fighting chance against hunters. It was MANAGEABLE. The way it is now, ISN'T.

Also, you're trash.

Twinkinfo, why are these people not getting a ban for swearing and so on. They behave like 1yo.

And seriously lawlpurge, idc what you think, hope you grow up sometime.
leotseddap said:
Twinkinfo, why are these people not getting a ban for swearing and so on. They behave like 1yo.

And seriously lawlpurge, idc what you think, hope you grow up sometime.

since when do 1yo's swear. just leave nobody cares what u have to say.
Lawlpurge said:
I have no more respect for Pizza than anyone else. The difference between a "good" hunter and a doo-doo one is MUCH less than say, a crummy warlock or a good one. Don't act like I would fan boy over Pizza, or anyone else for that matter.

The difference between a good player and a bad player is significant regardless of the class they are playing.
The thing is that Twinkinfo should give a good example about our community. If this was my site or if i were a moderater or a w/e i wouldnt have tolerated such things wich gives this site a bad name because there are people with bad attitudes posting and hae no respect for others. And there are alot examples on this forum to give.
Mariokart said:
While people may be harsh, I'm not going to ignore them. I completely understand why you would dislike a class that is killing your bracket. You put lots of time and effort into your toons, and someone like me can come along and roll a hunter and in about 4 days with no AGM or LFH be able to faceroll into victories.

Because of this, I have decided I am going to hold off on PuGing on my hunter.

As I already stated earlier, I am rolling both a holy priest and a mage. I hope the half of you that flamed me will lighten up a little. I want respect around here just as much as the next guy, and if queing on my hunter won't earn me respect, then I won't do it.

I came here looking for guidance, and while some of you may think otherwise, the people telling me to reroll wasn't exactly a negative.

At first I thought "haters gunna hate", but after putting myself in their shoes, I have a new perspective on the issue.

dont bend over for the kids who dont want you on a hunter. play what you want because YOU want to, not because someone else does/doesnt want you to. as far as gaining respect goes, coming from a person who used to play religiously, in the end the the respect means NOTHING.

chances are your looking for respect from 14 year old pubescent boys. it just isnt worth the time, effort, and sacrafice.
Well youll never be a mod because your arrogant and are always raging.
Dutchman said:
your arrogant and are always raging.

I dont mind these prejudice talk. Shows the real you m8. And i suggest to change your name because you are giving us dutch people a bad name 2 with your behaviour problem. We dutch people have atleast respect for others.
Mariokart said:
Hello everyone, I will try to give you all the short version 8)

I just started my first twink two or three days ago.

I rolled an offensive hunter.


Get out.

P.S. An offensive hunter? As opposed to what, a defensive one? I dont mean to be cruel, but honestly there are so many hunters out there, please just bring a little spice to this bracket and roll something unorthodox :) best of luck in ur twinking exploits in general
inb4 thisgetslockedformoreflamingthanhelpinghopeitdoesntbutmehifitdoes

+1 post !
Kailandri said:
Get out.

P.S. An offensive hunter? As opposed to what, a defensive one? I dont mean to be cruel, but honestly there are so many hunters out there, please just bring a little spice to this bracket and roll something unorthodox :) best of luck in ur twinking exploits in general

Well by offensive he means more offensive orientated which mean More Crit and agility stacking and less stamina.
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