US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

Btw if anyone was curious to what the Hit cap for casters are

it takes 459 Hit rating to get hit capped to hit the bosses in Vanilla raids.

Ele Shaman's are short 64 Hit rating from gear/enchantments alone if you go for max hit(as of 5.4). If you use Consumables(Panda Race with Alchemy's mixology buff), you hit rating will be short of 6 Hit Rating for cap. If the raid rotates their Cooking Buff, that's another 4 hit rating, but still short of 2 Hit rating for cap.

Long story short, Ele Shaman's can reach the Hit Rating Cap but only if they use some sort of outside raid buff that will increase their hit rating(or spirit).
Hey everyone, Meduzz here. Been kept away from WoW by tons of schoolwork and looming exams, but Thelse talked to me about coming back and it really made me feel nostalgic for all the sweet stuff we did :)
Hopefully I can start playing again late november after I finish my exams, dunno how long it will take me to get my gear up to date or anything, but looking forward to doing some more stuff with fifty.
Btw if anyone was curious to what the Hit cap for casters are

it takes 459 Hit rating to get hit capped to hit the bosses in Vanilla

How did you get that number?

I was also thinking about using an alchemists stone on my guardian druid. It's a little less health for a 1 minute 4k oops button, and I can use all the stats except maybe the spirit in some way.
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Bear Form now increases Stamina contribution from cloth and leather items by 40% (up from 20%).
Ohh lawd 5.4. I can now stack all hit and armor pretty much like I want to. I heard somewhere that barkskin is getting a 30 second cd for guardian, but the patch notes don't even mention guardian.

Moonkin Form now increases the Druid's armor by 60%, but no longer reduces all damage taken by 15%.
Starfall now deals 10% more damage.
Starfire now deals 10% more damage, but has its mana cost increased by 50%.
Glyph of the Moonbeast's effect is now baseline and has been replaced with Glyph of Guided Stars.
The return of Panzerkin tanking? I think yes.

EDIT: I can use this crazy good build and still hit 8k unbuffed in 5.4. I won't have to sacrifice any hit, armor or defensive cooldowns to get the health I need to tank effectively.
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I might make a guardian druid too as well as get a prot set going for my Warrior.

I'll be using this build:

chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA

Since I already know that guardian Druids have crap threat for the same issues that monk have; I'll get hit capped from gear(no enchantments) then max expertise from gear. To get more expertise, I'll get another 16 expertise from the hands/bracers. Which will put me at 4.8% + I still have the weapon enchant. If I can't manage my threat from that, I'll just use the weapon enchant to get another 8 expertise, a total of 6.04%.

Hopefully I won't actually need that much expertise. But worst case scenario, I'll just Use an expertise trinket and/or expertise gloves until my threat isn't an issue anymore.

Guardian Druids are going to be so badass!!! an extra 20% stamina from gear is crazy!

Also, I'm still going to test to make sure I can reach 9091 HP unbuffed in Bear form.

9091 health unbuffed in bear form to reach 10k hp with food+elixirs+priest buff. Then the shaman's health increase(10%) will put you at 11k hp. The hardest hitting mob hits for almost 5k hp, which means you can survive 3 hits before dying.

EDIT2: Not including the extra 20% stamina increase from gear but including the 5.4 enchantments, I'd be sitting at 8447 hp in bearform, unbuffed.. I'm guesstimating that the extra 20% stamina increase from gear will give me about another 100 stamina, which is another 1000 health. ~9500 Hp which is ~400 more health than what I actually need to reach 10k+ hp fully buffed.

That being said, I have room to sacrifice Health(survival) in order to improve threat by increasing my expertise. And I might even have enough HP to spare to use a hit enchantment so that I can use the Engineering boots instead(crap ton of more agility and a lot more armor rating).
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It'll be nice to see how our gearing philosophies compare, expertise versus armor/item cooldowns. I always love to see different perspectives on a build.

If anyone *cough Thelse cough* wants to help me do some testing Friday, I have 8k health already. I'll be home all day since I'm getting all six of my wisdom teeth pulled out of my mutant face, and I'll be hopped up on painkillers, so it should be fun.
Haha sorry dude gonna be at work, but ill be able to help you test later on in the week. Any news from Thirk recently?
Haha sorry dude gonna be at work, but ill be able to help you test later on in the week. Any news from Thirk recently?
Been a hell of a few weeks recently. Lost $10k, brand new laptop broke, and other shitty issues. But finally finally finally - I *should* have proper internet on my desktop by the end of the week, Monday the LATEST. And then I'll be renewing immediately. I'll see if I can get the site up before then though, because we need to finally resolve the biggest scheduling issue we have - the fact that the schedule revolves around me too much.
Haha alright dude, will give people a bit of time to sort out BiS chants and all that. Im working pretty much every weekend at the moment so I can help organise people but cant lead raids :(
I'm working with someone on making a bot to farm Etherium Prison Keys. If the bot is made correctly, I can get 5000 keys by next week.

I'll be bringing 3 other healers with me once I get the keys + a high level character to kill NPCs for us.

Will report back once it's made.
Please do not use this bot on the same account your 50 is on.
Could someone give me a run-down of what enchants I need to update next patch? Preferably for Warriors (max HP), but also in general. Am I going to need a 90 for once, or will I be okay with my 70s?
I think I'll make a ww monk as well. Thelse said windwalker was bad, which, due to the same logic of why the toilets over there flush the wrong way, means its good. I'll compare dps between a two handed weapon(the 20 agility 20 crit polearm probably) with either mongoose or dancing steel on it and dual dragon's call with mongoose mainhand and dancing steel offhand. This is of course assuming that what my 24 guild's gm told me last night is true, which was that even though dancing steel's proc is inferior, it procs way more often. I'll be using my old 20 mistweaver since it now sucks so bad I can't stand to play it. It's already a gnome with engineering, so shouldn't be too bad.
I think I'll make a ww monk as well. Thelse said windwalker was bad, which, due to the same logic of why the toilets over there flush the wrong way, means its good. I'll compare dps between a two handed weapon(the 20 agility 20 crit polearm probably) with either mongoose or dancing steel on it and dual dragon's call with mongoose mainhand and dancing steel offhand. This is of course assuming that what my 24 guild's gm told me last night is true, which was that even though dancing steel's proc is inferior, it procs way more often. I'll be using my old 20 mistweaver since it now sucks so bad I can't stand to play it. It's already a gnome with engineering, so shouldn't be too bad.
From my experience Dancing Steel do proc way more often than Mongoose, I think the ppm is like twice as big..
I'm resubbed and online, gonna be working on getting maximum stamina again.

Gotta figure out BiS enchants now gah.

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