US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

For some reason that wall has been messed up since 5.0. You used to be able to walk through it, nice to see they've fixed it.
Also I read that post about duping and that is so stupid I personally know people who have duped items and sold soulbound objects on the auction house. Everybody knows that duping exists and blizzard just doesn't want to think they're wrong.
I may have to drop out of fifties altogether. My guild's raid times keep shifting on me and now it interferes with these raids' times.
I thank you all that allowed me to tank despite how bad I did, but I plan on removing my guardian druid for good. Sucks, because I wasted over 12k on him, and it's hard for me to make that kind of money.

They did another shift and are now doing a 25 man with another guild, Friday-Monday. Not gonna end well for my guardian drood.
It's been way too quiet lately... going to be doing a roll call soon and setting up a serious raid. I have been busy myself IRL again since I recently moved.
It's been way too quiet lately... going to be doing a roll call soon and setting up a serious raid. I have been busy myself IRL again since I recently moved.

Been working on getting less fat! :)
A Roll Call would be good. That way we can see exactly how many dedicated Raiders there are before we actually make any plans for a raid.

People who miss 2 Raids in a Row should be removed from the Activity List. 1 Raid = 1 Weekend.
I havent been on in a while and probably won't be. I have this ocd wackjob of a teacher who didn't grade my notebook because I forgot to sign this one page and so now I have an f and my mom is determined to ground me until my grade goes up. Problem is, that notebook and tests are the only grades we get, and they're not graded until the end of the unit, which is about two weeks away. My mother refuses to understand that this is 100% out of my control, so I have to wait until then.
I did some research and a prot paladin can get around 9k health unbuffed and around 20% spell hit, along with like 56% armor, which is promising. I also think Nigh-Invulnerability Belt - Item - World of Warcraft should be used on our tanks. It's cloth, but since it's item level 109 and has bonus armor it's equivalent to 50 plate. Just some conversation topics, I haven't abandoned you guys. I do think we need to really get something together this weekend. We need to whip this into shape and get a good raid going before we all lose interest.
I agree. It's like 50 less armor for a lot more stamina and an extra 5min defensive cooldown
I agree. It's like 50 less armor for a lot more stamina and an extra 5min defensive cooldown

Especially if you have cloak of coordination, which is like 500 more armor than anything else available, and wall of the dead, which is about 400 more armor than anything else. I would recommend using it before defensives though due to the "backfire" effect, which is you take double damage(pretty much death) so you can wall or skin to try and survive
Roll call report: I'm still interested in this project! :cool:
Not trying to be an ass here, just letting you guys know my situation.

I don't play wow at level cap, so I get annoyed when I dedicate a night to being online for raid, and end up standing around for 45 min waiting for people to log on or sitting around in a raid group while people try to decide what/whether to raid. Anyway, after 3 consecutive weekends where raids didn't materialize on either day, I let my account expire.

I'm continuing to watch this thread for signs of life, and I will resub if we get another real raid planned. I'd really like if we could post a specific raid schedule, and commit to doing something even if attendance is low.
Not trying to be an ass here, just letting you guys know my situation.

I don't play wow at level cap, so I get annoyed when I dedicate a night to being online for raid, and end up standing around for 45 min waiting for people to log on or sitting around in a raid group while people try to decide what/whether to raid. Anyway, after 3 consecutive weekends where raids didn't materialize on either day, I let my account expire.

I'm continuing to watch this thread for signs of life, and I will resub if we get another real raid planned. I'd really like if we could post a specific raid schedule, and commit to doing something even if attendance is low.

Allow me to emphasize on that:

We had about 8-10 Healers, 4-5 Tanks, 8-10 DPS. That's at least 20 people who are geared enough for raids. However, about half of those people(10 out of the 20) would only show up if we were doing progression. Meaning they didn't want anything to do with MC40 or AQ10. Then there's another half of the people(10 out of the 20) who have IRL stuff that makes it impossible to show up: (IE: for me, I work 50 hours a week, I can't always be there because I'm at work).

So taking that into consideration: There's ~10 anonymous people who won't even show up for raids and another ~10 anonymous people who struggle to make raids on time because of work(IRL stuff).

You are standing around for 45 minutes every raid night because people don't even want to show up because they think there won't even be any progression or because people are too busy to come.

Tough luck. There are plenty of life, but unless everyone comes on at once, there's not going to ever be any progression at all.

Wanna keep this Project alive? You gotta do AQ10 and MC40. The solid fact is, we need everyone online for BWL and we won't have enough people to get any serious attempts at more AQ40 bosses.

If you are one of the people that has IRL stuff that makes it impossible to be at home for raids, that's fine. No one is asking you to cut work/family to raid. Life > WoW. But if you're one of those people who are only interested in showing up if we have #s for Progression, then I feel sorry for you. Spending so much time perfecting a toon only to stop playing it because there's no more progression or to not even show up because there's not enough people for progression.

The reason why we can't progress is because you are only interested in one thing, progression. If you aren't willing to show up when we are not doing progression nights, then we will never ever see this project reach Nefarian or C'Thun.

If you are one of those people, you have only yourself to blame.

But I can't wait for the day we down Vael >;3
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