US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

I might end up working a few hours later tomorrow morning, but I should still be able to raid. Like I said I couldn't make it tonight.

I should be available for the next couple days for a raid @anytime.
Here's another page about paladins:
I have made a chardev for a ret paladin that I plan on using when not healing. We talked yesterday about there being a sort of cap to healers, where any more than three is a waste because the tank can still die due to the fact of not being able to put out enough healing in time, i.e. taking full health damage before a spell can be cast. My niche role as a paladin that sets me apart from the other healers is sacred shield and lay on hands(which despite what the tooltip says actually heals about 6.5k with 5k health), both of which I can cast as ret. If we get a raid with thelse, another disc priest or druid, and this shammy we've been talking about, they should take priority over myself, especially since I can still use sacred shield and lay hands as ret. We seem to get a decent amount of heals showing up, the problem is we don't have a full group of dps all of the time. Ret also brings some really good things to the table, such as hammer of the righteous, which is an aoe weakened blows(makes mobs it hits do 10% less damage), judgement grants a 4% physical damage vulnerability to the target it hits for the whole raid, and divine storm I believe still heals the group. Also, the aoe dps is insane. Hammer of the righteous, Divine storm, and Glyph of Mass Exorcism( lowers exo range but makes it hit all targets other than the main for 25% damage). Single target might be a bit less, but can you imagine that on the packs before Rajaxx? While I'm doing all of this, lay hands and sacred shield didn't go anywhere.
chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA
It has 17% hit almost on the dot. RET DOESN'T NEED THE SPELL HIT CAP! All of the abilities are special attacks and not spells. The goggles would be cogspinners of the bear or strength if they exist. I have edgemasters, wyrmslayer spaulders, berserker bracers, belt of tyrannic rule, and a flashlight. I don't see the advantage, however, of Bloodied Arcanite reaper over treant's bane. I don't need the weapon chain, it has .4 less dps than bane, and it has less strength. It only beats treant's in crit rating, and not by a ton. Really if we could just do ring of law during the weekly gold runs if it's not too much of an inconvenience I could be be geared pretty fast.
I know prot pallys can do a ton of damage, maybe ret too. Hunters really got the short end of the straw with this patch, stupid fucking dodges and not nearly enough expertise on the gear to make up for it
I know prot pallys can do a ton of damage, maybe ret too. Hunters really got the short end of the straw with this patch, stupid fucking dodges and not nearly enough expertise on the gear to make up for it

There's an expertise trinket with a strength active ability from scholo, farming it right now
I just thought I'd contribute a few comments/questions about the state of your guy's raiding:
1) Does it seem like the mobs might be hitting too hard for level 50's? I mean yes, heals are op'd atm, but any boss with a thrash ability (many classic ones do), will devour your tank. I solo'd aq40 for fun on my 85 ret Pally and when I got to fankriss, his adds (2-3 at a time, 120k hp each), were hitting for 2.5-3k on 85 plate. And on twin emps, the melee boss's unbalancing strike hits for 350% weapon damage (took several 8k hits from it). I'm worried about your healers having absolutely no chance to keep up.

2) By the looks of how popular and immense the feedback is in the low level balance thread on the beta forums, your healers and dps might be taking significant nerfs,on the order of 30%+ on heals, and big nerfs to certain high damage abilities (like shield slam, devastate, and aimed shot). Your healers might not be able to keep up mana wise, because a blue posted that for sure they will be nerfing efficiency for healing classes at that level.

I basically worry if the content will just be a brick wall at 50. Look at just trying to get moam down again. His 3 adds now hit double and have twice as much health. You guys could barely down the three adds in your first ever kill. This is just a pure suggestion, but if your classes do take large nerfs and damage in raids isn't tuned down a bit to compensate, you might consider a 55 twinks? (at least for your tanks & healers).
I just thought I'd contribute a few comments/questions about the state of your guy's raiding:
1) Does it seem like the mobs might be hitting too hard for level 50's? I mean yes, heals are op'd atm, but any boss with a thrash ability (many classic ones do), will devour your tank. I solo'd aq40 for fun on my 85 ret Pally and when I got to fankriss, his adds (2-3 at a time, 120k hp each), were hitting for 2.5-3k on 85 plate. And on twin emps, the melee boss's unbalancing strike hits for 350% weapon damage (took several 8k hits from it). I'm worried about your healers having absolutely no chance to keep up.

2) By the looks of how popular and immense the feedback is in the low level balance thread on the beta forums, your healers and dps might be taking significant nerfs,on the order of 30%+ on heals, and big nerfs to certain high damage abilities (like shield slam, devastate, and aimed shot). Your healers might not be able to keep up mana wise, because a blue posted that for sure they will be nerfing efficiency for healing classes at that level.

I basically worry if the content will just be a brick wall at 50. Look at just trying to get moam down again. His 3 adds now hit double and have twice as much health. You guys could barely down the three adds in your first ever kill. This is just a pure suggestion, but if your classes do take large nerfs and damage in raids isn't tuned down a bit to compensate, you might consider a 55 twinks? (at least for your tanks & healers).

Not yet, we're just getting started so theres no reason to freak out and give up yet. We need to give raiding a few weeks before we say its impossible
Not yet, we're just getting started so theres no reason to freak out and give up yet. We need to give raiding a few weeks before we say its impossible
Are we gonna attempt Rajaxx tonight?
So thelse, the gang and I were taking about ret. Ret brings some cool debuffs to the raid and would excel at a sort of niche dps-support role. I would keep weakened blows up on all targets, judge all targets, sacred shield people, dump my holy power with word of glory on the tanks, and solo Rajaxx. Thanks to everyone who ran me today through ring of law even though I didn't get my boots. I, in my current ret gear, have 16.40% hit and would like to start testing asap.
1) Mobs are hitting hard, but so far we have been able to handle it fairly easily (tanks rolling with 2k more hp makes things a lot easyer). To be honest Fankris sounds like the easiest guy in AQ40 if your saying he only has 2-3 adds at a time, we can handle that easy enough, its not lika were gonna be doing AQ40 with 10 people. Abilitys that deal crazy damage we will get over. We can realy compare the project to vanila raiding now. The tanks are rolling with the same HP (if not 1-2k more buffed) and overall we are handling content rather well. You talk about abilities that do 350% damage if thats the case then we will be able to handle it with strategies and poping cd's, since people back in vanila could handle it we should be fine. Id also like to add that AQ40 is a long time away, and from our few minutes in BWL the other day we noticed that the damage itself dosent go up by extreme amounts, however the skill required and greater understanding of every fight and its mechanics is going to go up. Finaly id like to add that in AQ10 a few days ago we had no problems when it came down to the enraged 20% on Kurinaxx. Because for once in the Fifty project we managed to keep everyone up for the whole fight, even Thirk didnt die right at the end which has become a custom during that fight.

2) Blizzard has now gone through two expansions of unbalenced low level pvp and pve and apart from minor changes we have not seen any huge changes. At the moment if blizzard increased the mana cost of everyone of my spells id still be able to spam flash for the duration of a raid boss fight using all cds.

3) Fifty Five is to EASY, and not as catchy as Fifty. Honestly unless we get to a point that we cannot get through and im talking bout our tanks being one hit every second we shoud have no problems continueing progression since most of our members realise that sometimes we just gota bring in a complicated strats to get past a fight. For example the Rajaxx fight that we had a few problems with the other night, that was wipe after wipe but we slowly got the hang of the fight and we were getting to the end of the second wave before one of our tanks somehow generated all the agro and died, in this case I do believe I have figure out what was going wrong, ill tell tomorrow but we should find it a bit easyer to get past those waves now.

Honestly I dont believe we should worry at the moment, the real thing we should be worried about is not being able to recruit enough people by the time we progress into MC. Which leads me on to say that we are going to need 20+ people for MC, I believe we will find MC much easyer with a warlock or two.

As always Fifty is recruiting and if you roll on Spinebreaker we will be able to fund you and help gear you up (as long as you are dedicated to the project and wont bail as soon as MoP hits) . We are recruiting everything as of right now although since peopel want to knwo exactly what we need ill list a few classes.

We currently require for MC:
1 more dedicate Warlock that is willing to just banish people and drain life (this is probably the boringest roll due to hit at the moment but also one of the most nessicary for MC progression).
2 more Resto Druids posibly the best overall heals at the moment.
2 more Disc Priests, best tank healing class/spec at the moment.
1 more Resto Shammy for tank healing and op buff.
Gnome Warrior tanks, as many as we can get we have 2 at the moment but we would realy love to have 4-5 for late MC progression.
HUNTERS, ROGUES,ARMS WARRIORS, ELEMENTAL SHAMMYS, RET PALADINS kinda in that order but please if your thinking about rolling a DPS class add my real id and ask me about that classes viability or just post in this forum thread.

hey i read it, it must not of been that long :p


idc wut recount says about hunters >_>
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So yeah, looking over shaman's abilities. They are going to be absolutely necessary for MC and BWL.

Glyph of Cleansing Waters - There will be loads of fights where we are forced to Dispel. 4% heal will be nice.
Glyph of Healing Stream Totem - for 6 seconds we get a 10% reduced damage taken by fire and nature. That will be a big big big life saver.
Windwalk Totem - For the Suppression Rooms in BWL, this will be a nice ability increase a trap goes off. I'm sure there are other fights where we'll need this totem.
Call of the Elements - This will let us use healing stream totem and windwalk totem twice, incredibly OP!
Purification - For Tanks, this is basically an extra 1,000 health. Very useful for raids.

Oh and with Water Shield and Resurgence, It'll be pretty difficult to OOM as a resto shaman. If played and geared correctly, I am pretty sure a resto shaman would make for a really good healer.
Very cool, looks like shammys are gonna be our main dispeller and buff class. Basicly teh oposite of ret pallys.
Ret Pallys=Debuffs (speaking of which can anyone confirm that all their debuffs work on raid bosses + trash).
Resto Shammys=Buffs

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