US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

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What Thirk is trying to say is that we would rather not see BiS 49 twinks leveled. However if you roll a gnome priest on Spinebreaker we can fund that character and help gear him up :)
I made a chardev for a demo lock dps with 9% haste and 523 spellpower, however heirlooms are bugged atm so this has none:
chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA
Also, a highest stamina build for a possible lock tank as we have discussed, though I'm not sure if hit is an issue and I'm so sure that any heirlooms are better than this stuff in slot, and that there's some "of stamina" stuff, but just some building blocks:
chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA

ALSO I checked out sacred shield, and it does scale on spellpower, but it absorbs up to ~350 damage every 5 seconds with my full gear, and the base absorb at my level is about 250, so it has a high base absorb and bad scaling, making it more aimed at people not stacking spellpower, such as retadins and protadins. My eternal flame, however, is an enhanced word of glory that adds a 50% buff to my initial word of glory and giving about a additional 3-4.5k heal over 30 seconds.
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i had a spelling error lol. im xfer the priest to my main serv for boas, and try 49s again. if i dont like it, ima faction change and go 50
i had a spelling error lol. im xfer the priest to my main serv for boas, and try 49s again. if i dont like it, ima faction change and go 50
If it has grandfathered stuff I'd recommend at least handing it off to someone. It's not everyday you get a toon that's GF'd nicely. I think you said yours had black magic way back when this project was just beginning. I wouldn't level it. I'll help fund if you reroll, if it saves a twink.
Dude its not that hard of a decision. The answer is dont level it. Keep that 49 and level someone new up. Leveling to 50 is a joke. It so quick now and with BoAs its even quicker.
Dude its not that hard of a decision. The answer is dont level it. Keep that 49 and level someone new up. Leveling to 50 is a joke. It so quick now and with BoAs its even quicker.
This. You'll regret leveling a GF'd twink.
Thirk are we doing this again? If so I'll probably renew my wow sub but only for this, so I need to know if you're doing it all the way through :p. I haven't leveled or changed my hunter at all
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Thirk are we doing this again? If so I'll probably renew my wow sub but only for this, so I need to know if you're doing it all the way through :p. I haven't leveled or changed my hunter at all
I've been trying to get in touch with you for WEEKS! Get your ass back to the project <3

We've already restarted raiding nights and AQ10 reprogression since everything has been buffed..
Ideal 50 Raid Comp Roster 25 man
Lets work on this

Warrior Tank - 3-4
Priest Healer - 5 Best healer
Druid Healer - 3 To top off tanks with hots
Shaman Healer -2 Ancestral
Pally Healer - 1 For Mt Sacred Shield
Warlock - 2 For Demo Tank/Banish
Shaman Dps x1 for bonus totems
Hunter - 3 For Spec buffs
Rogue - For Crit Buff and good dps in general
Boomkin - For cast speed buff
Mage - Viable?
Feral - Bleed dps may be good
Warrior - Good Dps in general?
Dks - L

Herp derp if I missed any classes
Log on Thirk we wanna raid :)

Now? All for it but I haven't grabbed gametime yet, my guy won't get online. I'll look for an alternative source, but no guarantees.
I just changed the APN on my limited MiFi so I have unlimited data. I'm down to raid anytime now.

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