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chardev 9

4k hp 6k mana 171 mp5 in combat

here is what i came up with for the pally i was thinking of lvling, tho since im not using any plate items this could be for a shaman instead

* picked space goat since hit has 1 more spirit and same amount of int at 50 as a human would and more of each then a dwarf would have, also the extra heal dont hurt either
* for trinkets should i go 2x 19 spirit or with what i have in profile
* not sure what other profession should be either atm with engineering being the first, only thing that looks to be of any use for a healer would be LW for the haste drums or Herb for the self heal/ haste buff
* choose 20 spirit for weapon over 22 int

any other suggestions or comments on what you think would be BIS let me know

-changed shoulders
-added enchants/gem
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chardev 9

4k hp 6k mana 171 mp5 in combat

Doesnt look bad. IAT had pallys as just denounce buffers - tho it's not yet confirmed to work on bosses
afaik - but hl, hs, and wog does some good healing; fol adds some quick, if expensive, heals

dont know yet how much mp5 is needed but it seems like a good start

goat sounds like its the way to go since more hit, if debuffing, and more spirit than humans/dwarfs anyways (according to u)

I'd prolly use 22 int for now b/c it's sp, mana, crit and regen vs just regen. That might change in mop tho

id take 25int and 19 spirit over 2x 19spirit, for now at least

other profs...either skinning for passive crit vs on use haste (esp w/ holys haste mechanics with crit), or mining for additional hp with all the dmg going out

Ill just use this space to make sure IAT knows I got a 50 pal who can be a debuff bot if needed, just in case it was missed when posts made page changes
goat sounds like its the way to go since more hit, if debuffing, and more spirit than humans/dwarfs anyways (according to u)

havent tested it in game but it was the way it was on the chardev site

I'd prolly use 22 int for now b/c it's sp, mana, crit and regen vs just regen. That might change in mop tho

id take 25int and 19 spirit over 2x 19spirit, for now at least

a 2nd heirloom weapon wouldnt be hard to get nor would a 2nd spirit trinket for just incase

other profs...either skinning for passive crit vs on use haste (esp w/ holys haste mechanics with crit), or mining for additional hp with all the dmg going out

yea the crit does seem to fit a bit more for holy pally, changing enchant on weapon and adding skinning gives 2.26% crit

make a rogue instead

if this was directed at me, i dont like rogues and chances are i wont raid on my pally just a project to work on. i already have a bis hunter done

with changes:
4039 hp 6392 mana 168 mp5 in combat (with no buffs at all)
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well....hurry up :)
gathered up enough mats to make 10 goggles trying for the "of the elder" proc and it was the first one made!

1: of the elder, 2: of the bandit, 3: of the boar, 4: of the beast, 5: of nimbleness (59 dodge), 6: of power (118 ap), 7: of the elder, 8: of the bandit, 9: of power

stopped at 9 so i could use some of the leather to put +10 stam on the goggles
Your so lucky. Ive made 12 still haven't gotten of the tiger. I have mats to make like 15 more but I need more garnets which the AH never has.
Your so lucky. Ive made 12 still haven't gotten of the tiger. I have mats to make like 15 more but I need more garnets which the AH never has.

stole a stack of 20 garnets from my guild bank, all that was left in there, since my main is GM no one will say anything. besides they just been sitting there for months

made about 15 or so on my hunter trying for of the tiger b4 we figured out i didnt need the hit helm and just went and crafted the epic goggles instead
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so bored so very very bored, got the pally to lvl 11 and then went and took a nap, lol. so now here i sit wondering if i should lvl some more or go farm more gold which i have no use for.
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Any update yet to when this is going to get going? from the looks of it we have plenty of people for 10man at least had my hunter done for awhile now getting antsy about putting him to use :p.
Any update yet to when this is going to get going? from the looks of it we have plenty of people for 10man at least had my hunter done for awhile now getting antsy about putting him to use :p.
Well, I let the healers know we might be trying for some AQ10 MONDAY. I haven't set the time yet, but for those reading this, there's a good chance AQ10 is happening Monday.
Need some opinions on weapon enchants for a rogue. Should I put greater Agility on both weapons, mongoose on both, or one and one? Or is there a better choice for weapons enchants?
wasnt mongoose so OP for rogues and feral druids that they used it for awhile in wotlk too? i dont know much about rogues but mongoose enchant seems the way to go if you can use it. just checked and mongoose just says 35 or higher weapon, procs 120 agi and slight attack speed increase.

only thing that would make me wonder about pure agi enchant is if mongoose only procs off white hits and if you miss alot with normal melee attacks.
Mongoose procs off specials and whites, definitely worth it on MH by far, can use agi on OH if ur concerned about low offhand mongoose uptime
looking over the dps linked on the first page 99% of them have me real worried about their hit/expertise and almot all have a ton of un enchanted items.

reessangy can you post a link to your armory, suppose my previous comment and then asking for your armory looks bad, but it isnt. you seem to be putting in some real effort and i would like so see what ya have so far =)
looking over the dps linked on the first page 99% of them have me real worried about their hit/expertise and almot all have a ton of un enchanted items.

reessangy can you post a link to your armory, suppose my previous comment and then asking for your armory looks bad, but it isnt. you seem to be putting in some real effort and i would like so see what ya have so far =)
The chardevs need to be severely overhauled, that's why I noted that they're incomplete.
was bored so made ***

if you swap belt with expertise to the one you have on with crit you loose 6 expertise down to 8 but gain some crit, this profile also has about 23% hit***

think someone said rogues need something like 17% hit for specials not to miss but some more couldnt hurt to get more white hits. you have no expertise tho which will give you alot of dodge/parry of your attacks as well

Hyena Hide Belt - Item - World of Warcraft and Cadaverous Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft are prob your best bet for expertise

(also as a gnome you get 3 expertise per hand for using a sword or dagger, which would help with problem below if you found new weapons)

also im pretty sure a rogue wants a slow MH and a fast OH, yea the chardev on front page shows 2 slow weapons but i think that will hurt your dps in the long run as well as your mongoose procs if you dont have a 1.4 ish speed OH.

*** im far from an expert on rogues so im only trying to help from what little i do know or have heard, so please keep that in mind when reading what i have to say about rogues

The chardevs need to be severely overhauled, that's why I noted that they're incomplete.

its not the chardevs that worry me it is the actual armory links of those who are gearing up. think by far easiest 50s to gear are prob hunters and plate/mail wearing healers. other then RNG of drops

editing post as i look things up, suppose that is better then posting 10 diff times
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