Feral Druid Questions

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Who should I trust... I'll just try both I guess.
yorkie said:
Haste only affects dots (reguve / regrowth) for healing and if you get instant cast nature spell on proc ull be using Roots, Wrath (if ur a proski) or Healing touch (400-500 non rit heal) so in the state of healing the haste is neer useless. Your choice is 30 haste which the energy regen is hardly good considering many *good* feral druids will swap bear form after they use their energy and the only time feral druids can put out good dmg is when you pop LB and have the 55 haste. My point being 30 haste is not better than 100 attack power (15 agi = 30 attp from hands + 25 agi = 50 attp from wep = 80 att pwr + 25% att pwr bonus of feral druids = 100 ATTP so if you want to sacrife having about 500-515 attp (with perfect gear) for 400-415 attp (with perfect gear) and a .13 second faster around id say 20-40 dmg white hit you sir are an imbisile your large dmg comes from your high dot ticks from bleed and ferocious bite and having 100 less attack pwr is ganna be quit ea difference, now ive been told haste affects how fast ur dots tick and i dont think thats true but even if it is the 30 haste still doesnt = the 100 more attp that the bleed affect would do on that target.

with 30 haste rating (~20% iirc) your energy regen increases. A feral druid wishing to dish out damage requires energy. Even if you enter bear form, you will still be regening energy, so with haste you will be able to re-enter cat form more quickly, if you use this tactic, with more haste. Also with more haste your white damage increases substantially, ending with much more white damage than if you took the flat AP. The consquence of this is that you may not have quite as much damage to burst with in the very short term, however after your initial energy pool is emptied you will be dealing more damage with haste.

Also, afaik haste does affect damaging DoTs, atleast it did a month ago on beta.

Glacial stone isnt BiS it would be SMites hammer you want stats on a feral druid not a proc (ESPECIALLY IF YOU STACK HASTE!)

The bolded bit is untrue, it is not the fast speed that makes a proc generally a poor choice, it is the low PPH. PPH is not lowered by haste, infact PPM is raised by haste. I am willing to concede that Smites may be better than glacial if you can show mathematic behind it, i did some a while ago, and i concluded that glacial was better, but i cant remember the exact results or where i did it.

Edit 10 hit is cap so you want (if you have BoA) 4 hit rogue shoulders with 6 hit rogue chest piece aquarious belt is not biS the agi from tunic of west and Serpent does not match the 7 agi (about 17-18 att pwr) u take away from the boots to give it 5 hit and the 25 att pwr ( 5 agi + 10 attpwr + 25% buff) u get from the bandit belt

If you read the entire thread it was asking about a NoN-BoA druid. I made this mistake too, but just so you know. With BoA it is indeed a different story, though not quite as you tell it.

not when u can get 2 second off root as feral??

I admit that i have not tried this first hand, since im not ingame atm. However, i would not be speccing into Predatory Strikes. Furor and Feral Swiftness are both far more appealing to me.

PS: im more then likely getting banned for calling Kore an idiot, thinks he knows it all, dumb shit druid so this will be my last post i alrdy got suspended for like 3 days 2 weeks ago.

You were suspended for 3 days for blatantly trolling on a 1post character. I have little issue with you insulting me, however i do have issues with you insulting other members.
with 30 haste rating (~20% iirc)

I am not sure if its different for a druid, but as a warrior ill get 4.73% haste per 10rating so 30haste is 14% or so.
Theme said:
I am not sure if its different for a druid, but as a warrior ill get 4.73% haste per 10rating so 30haste is 14% or so.

Druids, shamans and paladins get about 37% more haste from rating than other classes iirc. Also, haste does not stack linearly, 4.73 haste on one item (gloves) and 9.46% on another (weapon) does not add up as 4.73+9.46. It adds geometrically, 1.0473*1.0946= 1.1492 => 14.92% haste

Anywho, yes druids get haste differently to warriors.
I've been playing my druid feral for the last few days, using my pre-4.0.1 feral gear that didn't get much use before. I haven't redone enchants, and haven't bothered using my BoAs other than the pvp shoulders i already had on this toon. My sense is that for all the logic behind haste, it's utility in most WSG combat situations is less than +agility.

The reason why is that most combat situations are over very fast, with natural pauses in between. Probably half the time your target is dead before you even spend 100 energy, and stacking AP will contribute to this effect. Haste, on the other hand, may be more useful in sustained combat against an FC who is getting healed I guess when energy regen may make more of an effect. Even then I wonder, though, because it may be more about the burst of beating out a heal by saving up to 100 enegery when you already have 5 combo points and following your finish with a couple of fast mangles. That burst would be helped more by +agility than +haste i think
Also, haste does not stack linearly, 4.73 haste on one item (gloves) and 9.46% on another (weapon) does not add up as 4.73+9.46. It adds geometrically, 1.0473*1.0946= 1.1492 => 14.92% haste

Okey, I couldnt get to my mind if the buff was given to all melee or just specific classes, thx for confirming. Although Id like to see where did you get the idea haste would stack like that? Rating scales lineary theres nothing fancy about it, x rating gives you haste and 2x rating gives you double that haste. Easy to confirm: if I equip 10 rating my tooltip says 4.73% and if I equip 30 it says 14.18, and 4.73*3=14.19, difference there is from the way game rounds numbers. But its clearly linear. Different % effects like talents and things like power infusion/bloodlust work differently, but rating is linear.
WoWWikiQUOTE said:
Haste stacks in a multiplicative manner. This means that it is beneficial to stack multiple haste effects. For instance, stacking Slice and Dice with Blade Flurry gives a total of 68% haste (140% * 120% = 168% of the base attack speed). Haste rating stacks additively with itself (two sources of 100 haste rating give 200 haste rating stacked together) and then is converted into a percentage that stacks in a multiplicative manner with other sources of haste. For every 32.79 points of haste rating you will have 1% faster attack speed at level 80.

Oops, ok i was wrong, its not haste rating that stacks multipicatively, its haste effects.I've never noticed that before, ive gone around thinking it was rating for years, even though its really illogical ^^ My bad.

Haste - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft
Haha damn, so nobody can prove to me 100% haste is better than agil or vice versa? Every time somebody says something someone else argues it.
Yorki is right every one else is wrong

Im right the agi is not as good as hast e ihave already proved it on my previous post with quantum physics and mathematics im right Kore-tits and the other poopy face is wrong Im #1 feral druid its a fact and i cant believe this is an argument its obvious that feral needs oto do damage fast and if you dont do shit with ur 5 stacked Ferocious bite ur ganna get fucked in the end

PS: if you dont spec into preditory strikes YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT
yorkie said:
Im right the agi is not as good as hast e ihave already proved it on my previous post with quantum physics and mathematics im right Kore-tits and the other poopy face is wrong Im #1 feral druid its a fact and i cant believe this is an argument its obvious that feral needs oto do damage fast and if you dont do shit with ur 5 stacked Ferocious bite ur ganna get fucked in the end

PS: if you dont spec into preditory strikes YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT

haste>agi your trash bro
Marystus please dont talk you have no idea wat your saying when you say Power shift, Agi over haste 100% furor is cock compaired to instant cast anything? and Kore likes men.

THese jents are THE FACTS
Yorkie, why all the hate? The last time I checked, this site was used for discussion, express ideas and all that shizzle. Thats the beauty of a place like this, everyone can be right, depending on the circumstance.

On that note, I have tried haste v Agi and I agree with you (Apart from predatory strikes thing, I prefer furor). In WSG with not much ToT due to the burst involved at the moment, I prefer the initial output that agi gives you.

However, I don't agree with trash talk towards Kore, he doesn't deserve it, and is a cool fella who has done his bit for the twink community. Express your opinions, argue your case, but chill with the trash talk
yorkie said:
Marystus please dont talk you have no idea wat your saying when you say Power shift, Agi over haste 100% furor is cock compaired to instant cast anything? and Kore likes men.

THese jents are THE FACTS

stop talking you're embarrassing yourself.

furior is by far superior(lulz) at 19.
niyals said:
furior is by far superior(lulz) at 19.

From my experiences as a feral druid, Predatory Strikes serves a lot more utility than Furor. Sometimes it's crucial to get an instant heal/roots whenever on Offense.. Since dispells don't exist anymore, rooting a healer to LoS the EFC is quite dire. Sure, Furor offers energy conservation but there's no point in all that energy if the EFC is receiving too much healing or you are dieing from a dps located on D. Predatory Strikes offer a lot more versatility which might either make or break a return on the flag. I'll do some studies to see exactly the effectiveness of each spec, BRB!
no, furor is better. before i had furor feral was trash

now its good

btw yorky how was that 759 fb?
yorkie said:
Marystus please dont talk you have no idea wat your saying when you say Power shift, Agi over haste 100% furor is cock compaired to instant cast anything? and Kore likes men.

THese jents are THE FACTS

I agree.

Haste would be good if Predatory Strikes wasn't a talent but it is. I don't see why people think furor is better. Maybe in some situations furor is pretty damn nice to have but having a convenience on your side and having a game breaking insta cast whatever the F you want hold more value to me.

edit: what is your druid's name? Id like to see his gear.
Moggles said:
I agree.

Haste would be good if Predatory Strikes wasn't a talent but it is. I don't see why people think furor is better. Maybe in some situations furor is pretty damn nice to have but having a convenience on your side and having a game breaking insta cast whatever the F you want hold more value to me.

I'm curious as to how you intend to gain the CPs needed to proc Predatory Strikes when powershifting drains all your energy.

If you are one of the ferals who enjoys sitting in novas and roots, then predatory strikes is a good choice. If you are a feral who uses powershifting and feral swiftness to maintain a high ToT Furor is a good choice. Speaking from an endgame feral PoV haste tends to beat out agi (pre cata patch). With bleeds and energy regen benefitting from haste now I would not discount it as a desireable stat. The only thing that I would keep in mind is that your choice is between 40 agi or 30 haste, not exactly a 1:1 exchange.
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