Feral Druid Questions

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Well haste has become considerably more desireable post patch and at endgame rating stats do not hold the power they do at twink levels so I fail to see what you are implying.
Rivfader said:
I'm curious as to how you intend to gain the CPs needed to proc Predatory Strikes when powershifting drains all your energy.

If you are one of the ferals who enjoys sitting in novas and roots, then predatory strikes is a good choice. If you are a feral who uses powershifting and feral swiftness to maintain a high ToT Furor is a good choice. Speaking from an endgame feral PoV haste tends to beat out agi (pre cata patch). With bleeds and energy regen benefitting from haste now I would not discount it as a desireable stat. The only thing that I would keep in mind is that your choice is between 40 agi or 30 haste, not exactly a 1:1 exchange.

Powershifting will NEVER drain your mana, unless you are CONSTANTLY spamming it, you will never go oom.

The only finishers for feral at 19 is FB. Not really worth speccing into because of that.

I played feral at 80 for quite awhile, I thought of speccing into that and discussed it with many people.

furor>pred strikes.
niyals said:
Powershifting will NEVER drain your mana, unless you are CONSTANTLY spamming it, you will never go oom.

The only finishers for feral at 19 is FB. Not really worth speccing into because of that.

I played feral at 80 for quite awhile, I thought of speccing into that and discussed it with many people.

furor>pred strikes.

without furor powershifting drains your ENERGY, thats what I'm getting at. If you are constantly powershifting without furor then you will never have the energy to generate enough combo points to make predatory strikes useful.
hit level 16 on a druid, said i could go to trainer for aquatic form. having done a druid before....i went what? i teleported to moonglade, and quest giver for what was once aquatic form no longer gives it.

hence, no aquarius belt

as for weapons, if blizz does drop impaling harpoon below 20 from DM, maybe the training to use a polearm will drop too........currently 20

also just ran a dungeon and got a bandit belt....still has 10 AP........no haste
haste makes your:

1. white damage increase (alot)

2. roots and timed heals cast faster

3. hots tick faster

4. energy regen faster

agi makes your:

1. attacks slightly more likely to crit

2. slightly more armor

so.. WHY arent you rolling with full haste again?
Grunge said:
haste makes your:

1. white damage increase (alot)

2. roots and timed heals cast faster

3. hots tick faster

4. energy regen faster

agi makes your:

1. attacks slightly more likely to crit

2. slightly more armor

so.. WHY arent you rolling with full haste again?

You forgot 1 agi= 2 AP in cat form... plus since you get 25% more AP, 40 AGI= 100 AP! That's a huge difference
Distort said:
25% more AP, 40 AGI= 100 AP! That's a huge difference

Or 1agility=2,5 AP with some simple math :)
Agi doesnt give armor anymore, it was on patch notes.
this is post is dumb why would nay one even consider arguing VS some one who is #1 in 4 classes now... im right your all wrong unless you agree with me its simple geometry
I think whats most important today is killing one target as fast as possible.

At least to me anyway, because if I cant kill you nearly instantly, it is a lock that I will be dead just as fast. After blizz redesigns low level damage im sure this will change.

So what I need to know is how much damage can I expect mangle to hit for with 400 ap, and how much with 500 ap. As that is the difference the enchants make. If the damage doesnt change the burst to kill cloth targets quickly, like 400 ap still kills them in a full energy bar, or 6 seconds, then I can think about haste. But if it doesnt drop targets fast enough I would have to think that burst will be more important.

In old WSG style haste made sense, as no one died as fast as they do today, but for me now, sustained dps is not as important as burst.

Next I would argue that being able to switch in and out of kitty form is way more important then having a 0 cast spell. You have to rely on combat points in a situational ability, as opposed to something you can use at anytime, reguardless of the situation. Shifting out of snares, or into bear or cheetah, or to cast a HoT, then bouncing back into kitty form at will, is much better then a one time dropping of one cast time. Plus the amount of cast time gained on such a tempermental skill is hardly better then popping out and rooting someone at anytime, and coming back into form having full energy. You would have to be pretty dumb to argue the advantages of that.

So a one time use every 10 seconds, assuming you build up enough points, and you target doesnt die already? Or the utility of changing forms, casting and abusing everything a druid has, and losing 0 damage from loss of energy. Plus Thorns is way better then anything you would gain from a 0 cast time skill.

Final point, which kills quicker? haste or AGI.
Theme said:
Agi doesnt give armor anymore, it was on patch notes.

This can't be true.

Agi=armor in original warcraft so they can't change the thruth :)
pilgrim said:
I think whats most important today is killing one target as fast as possible.

At least to me anyway, because if I cant kill you nearly instantly, it is a lock that I will be dead just as fast. After blizz redesigns low level damage im sure this will change.

So what I need to know is how much damage can I expect mangle to hit for with 400 ap, and how much with 500 ap. As that is the difference the enchants make. If the damage doesnt change the burst to kill cloth targets quickly, like 400 ap still kills them in a full energy bar, or 6 seconds, then I can think about haste. But if it doesnt drop targets fast enough I would have to think that burst will be more important.

In old WSG style haste made sense, as no one died as fast as they do today, but for me now, sustained dps is not as important as burst.

Next I would argue that being able to switch in and out of kitty form is way more important then having a 0 cast spell. You have to rely on combat points in a situational ability, as opposed to something you can use at anytime, reguardless of the situation. Shifting out of snares, or into bear or cheetah, or to cast a HoT, then bouncing back into kitty form at will, is much better then a one time dropping of one cast time. Plus the amount of cast time gained on such a tempermental skill is hardly better then popping out and rooting someone at anytime, and coming back into form having full energy. You would have to be pretty dumb to argue the advantages of that.

So a one time use every 10 seconds, assuming you build up enough points, and you target doesnt die already? Or the utility of changing forms, casting and abusing everything a druid has, and losing 0 damage from loss of energy. Plus Thorns is way better then anything you would gain from a 0 cast time skill.

Final point, which kills quicker? haste or AGI.

Gratz this is Officially the dumbest post i have read so far on this thread "PLUS THORNS IS WAY BETTER THEN ANYTHING YOU WILL GAIN FROM A 0 SEC CAST TIME SKILL" LOL!! WTF!?!!?!

EVery body clap for Pilgrim he takes the retard cake

PS: throns is based off AP u dumb fuck so that 100 ap is equal to about 45-55 extra thorns dmg

You are way to confident in something you have no clue about, thorns does plenty of damage without your 100 extra ap.

Is calling me a "Dumb fuck" enough reason to temp ban him plz? I feel this post could be much more helpful with out him in it. All I tried to do was post honest thoughts logically, if I cant do that without being safe, I see no reason to stick around.
Yorkie is a retard, granted, but if your panties get all twisted up every time someone insults you you need to stay away from the internet. Honestly nothing worse than whiney tattletales.
Rivfader said:
Yorkie is a retard, granted, but if your panties get all twisted up every time someone insults you you need to stay away from the internet. Honestly nothing worse than whiney tattletales.

I could always make a obnoxious troll login alt, and force people off the site. Im quite sue there is no such thing as a IP Ban. So it would be impossible to stop anyone from doing what he is doing. I guess if I cant get a change doing whats right by societies standards I can always follow the cant beat'em join'em idea.

Really though insulting people to force a point is a good way to kill discussion.

And for a mod to reply on a diff account, come on man...
I think you logic is sound, but, I don't know if it's something truely measurable. Since your looking for biggest burst, it will be difficult to draw a conclusion based on data generated though standard dps runs. You could sit on a practice dummy and see what numbers you get and base it off that, but, I don't know how accurate that is either since RNG can be, well random.

the only real hiccup i see in druids is if you plan on specing into Fury Swipes. In that case, I would think that haste might take a little more priority since you want to trigger that effect as quickly as possible.
fochixi said:
I think you logic is sound, but, I don't know if it's something truely measurable. Since your looking for biggest burst, it will be difficult to draw a conclusion based on data generated though standard dps runs. You could sit on a practice dummy and see what numbers you get and base it off that, but, I don't know how accurate that is either since RNG can be, well random.

the only real hiccup i see in druids is if you plan on specing into Fury Swipes. In that case, I would think that haste might take a little more priority since you want to trigger that effect as quickly as possible.

I dont really see fury swipes as being better then infectious wounds, or whatever its called. Slows are pretty good I hear.

I totally agree with the target dummy idea, I dont think it is a accurate measuring stick for kills. I should probably just try both sets of gear to figure out which is more effective. My real point was kills are better then over kill damage. Or being effecient is all that matters. If haste nets you more diverse kills, in terms of ToT due to snares, or burst, or against targets that can self heal, then haste would be best hands down. But of all out AP is more effective, you know the drill.

Basically I just need to roll one and try both, nothing makes up for experience.
Your extremely stupid and every time you post the people reading it get stupider so please just do all of us a favor and dont talk..please. Everything you have said so far sound like it has come out of a whinny bitch 5 year old pasty white Faggot and the more you talk the more we will remember you asa pastey white faggot.

in conclusion Agi > Haste
yorkie said:
Your extremely stupid and every time you post the people reading it get stupider so please just do all of us a favor and dont talk..please. Everything you have said so far sound like it has come out of a whinny bitch 5 year old pasty white Faggot and the more you talk the more we will remember you asa pastey white faggot.

in conclusion Agi > Haste

Friends are good, if you were nicer you might have some.

Girlfriends are better, your hand doesnt count.

Life is good, just not your life.
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