Feral Druid Questions

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If we are talking burst here, to me it looks quite clear that agi offers lots more of it. Theres really nothing bursty about haste. Haste might offer more sustained dps, but that would require some quite simple math to be confirmed, which nobody prolly cares to do anyway as it doesnt really matter as the question is more about preference than anything else.

But as far as I understadn your burst comes in 2 ways, ether you attack someone and empty your energy bar on em or you get attacked by duelwielder and pop thorns and hope hes dumb enough, ether ways agi is better for burst.
What about if you are playing objectively and killing an FC who has a healer? Seems to me that at least from a premade perspective, haste is better, not to mention it drops a few tenths of a second off your roots/heals
Marystus said:
What about if you are playing objectively and killing an FC who has a healer? Seems to me that at least from a premade perspective, haste is better, not to mention it drops a few tenths of a second off your roots/heals

But like I said earlier, if I cant drop someone fast enough who is not a FC, like vs most people I lose with haste. Then the only option is Agi. Its far more important to me to be good vs most people then have the upper hand vs fc's.

It seems like agi would give better burst but if you factor in energy regen and time on and off targets, then maybe the added regen gives the extra attacks faster to finish targets.

Like if I burst all out but am left with a little enemy life left, wouldnt it be better to regen faster to kill more quickly. And almost certainly with the Blizz changes I would say the added energy from haste will be better. As I would expect all damage to go down.
PLease ALl o you have to understand none of you know anythin about druid syour just pulling shit out of your ass, this is why twink info is poopy none of you fucks no shtit about anything and are making up stupid comments like "it makes your attacks faster" or "it take stime off your cast" your so dumb its rediculous and after listening to You pilgrim You mary and you Theme i want to apologize to Kore because atleast he knows something about druids jesus you kid sare giving me a head ache...
yorkie said:
PLease ALl o you have to understand none of you know anythin about druid syour just pulling shit out of your ass, this is why twink info is poopy none of you fucks no shtit about anything and are making up stupid comments like "it makes your attacks faster" or "it take stime off your cast" your so dumb its rediculous and after listening to You pilgrim You mary and you Theme i want to apologize to Kore because atleast he knows something about druids jesus you kid sare giving me a head ache...

Boy you angry .
yorkie said:
PLease ALl o you have to understand none of you know anythin about druid syour just pulling shit out of your ass, this is why twink info is poopy none of you fucks no shtit about anything and are making up stupid comments like "it makes your attacks faster" or "it take stime off your cast" your so dumb its rediculous and after listening to You pilgrim You mary and you Theme i want to apologize to Kore because atleast he knows something about druids jesus you kid sare giving me a head ache...

I like how you q'd on your feral after i gkicked you

yet i still perfected you in every aspect.

seems like someone needs to practice more.

lmao give up kid.

lawl edit. although AGI gives you burst, hate gives you the opportunity for more dps.

I think haste is by far more optimal than agi.

game over

stop trying to troll you're pathetic.
niyals said:
I like how you q'd on your feral after i gkicked you

yet i still perfected you in every aspect.

seems like someone needs to practice more.

lmao give up kid.

game over

stop trying to troll you're pathetic.

Thank you for kicking me i was leaving eventually but ifelt bad and didnt wanna leave cause iknew the guild was alrdy having issues none the less i didnt go on feral druid after your episode istayed on my mage (which i am amazing at ) and Qd waited for about 10 minutes then i got bored and logged on my feral druid Qd up and i found Korrupt having a 5 man premade so i played, outjumped you while you guys attempted to tunnel vision me but i made you all look like fools then while i was playing like a god i was rewarded by 3 caping a 5 man Korrupt premade i actually LoLd irl and i was going to say lol you just kicked the best 19 in ur guild but i felt that you were alrdy angry at the fact that u lost to me single handedly with 5 people from korrupt LOL!
yorkie said:
Thank you for kicking me i was leaving eventually but ifelt bad and didnt wanna leave cause iknew the guild was alrdy having issues none the less i didnt go on feral druid after your episode istayed on my mage (which i am amazing at ) and Qd waited for about 10 minutes then i got bored and logged on my feral druid Qd up and i found Korrupt having a 5 man premade so i played, outjumped you while you guys attempted to tunnel vision me but i made you all look like fools then while i was playing like a god i was rewarded by 3 caping a 5 man Korrupt premade i actually LoLd irl and i was going to say lol you just kicked the best 19 in ur guild but i felt that you were alrdy angry at the fact that u lost to me single handedly with 5 people from korrupt LOL!


Oh wait, that didnt happen. Pretty sure we won every game until we stopped qing lmao.


keep trying to make yourself feel better.

every time you touched the flag you got rocked kid lmao.

EDIT: pretty sure grims gf is better than you at mage.

im being 100% serious
You are so angry you got 3-0d huh? y are you so mad why is any one mad when i beat them i dont understnad i would be honored to lose vs some one who is number one at 4 classes including mage paladin druid and warrior...

ps: you lost get over it lol!
yorkie said:
You are so angry you got 3-0d huh? y are you so mad why is any one mad when i beat them i dont understnad i would be honored to lose vs some one who is number one at 4 classes including mage paladin druid and warrior...

ps: you lost get over it lol!

Your grammar is horrid

edit: isnt yorkie that 12 year old in Badlust represent.
Holy shit i got people armorying me and copying my gear, recording my sexy ass voice, 8 pages in a thread all about me...

im fucking amazing LOL!

PS: starting 19 lessons tarting sunday at 8 server time one Zuljin be there.
yorkie said:
Holy shit i got people armorying me and copying my gear, recording my sexy ass voice, 8 pages in a thread all about me...

im fucking amazing LOL!

PS: starting 19 lessons tarting sunday at 8 server time one Zuljin be there.

How does hearing your voice in vent when you came into it during fishing tournament have anything to do with recording it ?
he pretty much has to clear his voice every time he wants to say something because of the gallons of cum he intakes per day.
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