Favorite Trinkets


SV huntard
^ Title ^

Don't link the garrison or dragon trinket please, they has been talked about enough. What are some of your favorite trinkets to run so far and why? There's so many options currently we might help each other find one that helps us situationally.

Mine are:

Scales of Gennadian - 6 Agi, Procs 42 Mastery. Seems to proc more than a couple other 42 mastery trinkets I have gotten.
Ghostly Defenses - 6 Agi, Procs 49 Vers. The 38 tooltip is incorrect. Might scale with gear or just incorrect? Haven't bothered to test.
Gruuk's Evil Eye - 10 Haste, Procs 78 Crit. Good for boss fights due to long CD.
Armored Elekk Tusk - 9 Vers, On use 80 Mastery. For individual fights (killing efc, boss fights, 1v1 etc etc) the APH increase is crazy.

For those of you with the same thought as me, I tried Burning Pearl for +42 Mastery with the Scales +42 Mastery. They do not double however a Mastery increase other than 42 still works.
I really only have 2:

Hunger of the Pack - 30% speed boost on a mob that rewards XP. Great for speedrunning, 100% uptime on a one-shotting level 10, and also great for farming. PVE Trinket

Young Drake's Impulse - Another decent speedrunning trinket, gives a 30% Sprint, and a mini-lust (On-use Haste).

Honorable mentions:

Corrosive Tongue of Reeg'ak - Another +Crit proc trinket from FFR, that you can stack with Gruuk's Eye, if you love +Crit

Giant Ornamental Pearl - I've been wanting to get this one, since AoE abilities are lackluster at lvl 10, but I have yet to get it after ~30 runs of Eye

Situational ones to consider - Parjesh's Medallion , Ember of Nullification
For my warrior:

Biggest standout: Orb of Torment - Healing is now the only thing missing from warriors in this bracket. The difference usually between winning a duel and not.

The following aren't trinkets, but these two need to be talked about more:

Horned Viking Helmet - I personally choose it over the ilvl 64 helm. Those stats mean nothing if you can't get to people. Getting a second charge is crazy. The incapacitate lasts 8 seconds. 8 seconds. Oh and it's usable in arena and never fails the incap.

Precious Bloodthorn Loop - Can't be used in arena but it's hilarious.

For humor some of the worst trinkets we have access to:

Lost Etins Strength - Probably the worst trinket in the game available to us. It actually does 0 damage and has a minimum range.

Writhing Heart of Darkness - Went from a joke before legion dungeon gear was nerfed to being outright pathetic post nerf. It's reading .27% each stack for a maximum of .81% damage reduction after 3 crits lasting 6 seconds.
Havent had any luck with many trinkets, but so far my favourite for arms warrior is https://www.wowhead.com/item=74034/pit-fighter
13 stam and a VERY frequent 40 mastery proc at 20. You can line it up with your colossus smash, mastery stacked deep wounds and Sudden death procs. Very nice. It did about 2207 damage and i bet it can be higher cuz im not even that geared yet.
The 13 stam is also very nice with how stam-hp values scale.
this one is my str meele favorite, decent amount of crit (7 in my Blue proc) and a mini crusader proc with actual pretty high uptime (40str in my Blue proc) it works sorta like those guaranteed Post charge procs, and I get the feeling the ICD is either very low and/or resets upon leaving combat.

This one Is also amazing, my dh gets 25% haste from meta + another 20% from this, which makes my gcds super fast and I can actually burst things down. Also classes like rogues and hunters would benefit so much from a 20% haste use when it comes to resource generation or fitting the right amount of spells inside a combo rotation.
Did u actually hand in that quest? I have it completed but can’t phase in to check it out.
Looks juicy, disappointed if it doesn’t scale down.
yes, ensure you have wod selected with chromie. I had no issues turning in.

The quest requires lv 10 to do but the item does not scale and requires lv 35 #logic. I looked up every trinket, only ones that interest me left for agi are from bfa world bosses and war crates but idk if either are possible
Legacy of Om'ra and Armored Elekk Tusk are pretty good for Elemental Shaman for starters, imo Ele Shaman benefits real well from Mastery stats.
My Shaman can go well up to 109% Mastery with those 2 combined Proc. With the Om'ra it's 68%, with the Tusk its 92%
yes, ensure you have wod selected with chromie. I had no issues turning in.

The quest requires lv 10 to do but the item does not scale and requires lv 35 #logic. I looked up every trinket, only ones that interest me left for agi are from bfa world bosses and war crates but idk if either are possible
Thanks Lil.
Yeah I have Chromie on WoD. Just can’t see the king. I did the Legion intro, saw the king but he wouldn’t take quest. Then after intro lost king again.
Maybe I need to do BFA start?
So annoying that I can’t see him.
this one is pretty neat


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Some honorable mentions (edited):
Moonstone Luck Token
Greka's Dentures

After some testing, the Moonstone Luck Token is not as amazing as I thought, it doesn't proc that often, much lower than the listed 15%. Smite damage increased from 64 to 88, and Shadow Mend went from 413 to 544. But, getting it to proc on a Disc is absolutely miserable, maybe it will fare better on other classes, maybe a Warrior/Pally can test the Dentures

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I'm waiting the Cata timewalk bcs of this trinket:
I really hope that i can get it for my 20lvl now bcs of chromie mechanic.

Love this one. Especyally for druid, and spriest on bg.

It's have a little delay after each stack, so u need some time to get all 20 of them, but then u can keep this bonus, which will refresh with additional ticks. Healers with HoTs will never lose this effect, for example.

PS Some ppl maybe wanna check this one trinket for crit-caster, not sure how good (probable bad) the dmg from it, but who know?
https://www.wowhead.com/?item=38072 3 or 4 quests in chain only
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