Farewell to my Home


Lover of life, pvp and consumables! ;)
Hi all, long time no see or hear i guess. i expect there will be some shit said and some rumors and a LOT of misinformation going about soon about me leaving Holy Crit Azuremyst and deleting all but like 3 people from my Battletag list but if you want it here it is. a little history first. (yawn) . i started in BC about 6 months before wrath. I did started my own guild for bank space which turned into a guild of people that wanted to stay, friends that i met while i was questing and such. when o hit level 30 or so i remember a guildie friend telling me to check out this dudes gear, it was OP and all he ever did was pvp!! i didn't even know what a "tank" was or any kind of protocols, i was still in wonderland of noobdom, loving the game. we decided to try a bg. OMFG i still remember that WSG.. i had no clue what the objectives were, i remember following some people that all ran to the middle of the field and clashed the enemy team, i was on alliance. I was SOON at the spawn point, dead as hell, and then in came the hordies, spawncamping... i was terrified and swore off BGs FOREVER!!! My first was my last!! I didn't need gear that bad lol, i would just keep rolling with my friends in guild and explore the world!! many great friendships evolved from that first guild, many that i still have today and i still have the guild. Well Wrath came out and i started a DK and started raiding and such here and there. i learned everything i could that Skeleton Jack had to offer and off i went, RUN AFTER RUN AFTER RUN spending hours and hours in these raids only to have repair bills or someone ninja the gear i needed, i should've joined a raiding guild but i didn't. Well as time passed i got so sick and tired of senseless grinding that i swore off raiding and decided to give pvp another chance at 80!! OMG what a difference, and i studied the BGs online to learn the objectives and strategies so i was more useful, i found out i was VERY useful because i paid attention and focused on team play and objectives AND i liked it!!!! When i started running my druid i found out that i LOVED healing and was good at it. my first toon was a Druid, specialized in healing back in the tree system with like 130 points or so, cant remember ( could look it up but w/e ) and i loved saving people and getting "thanks" was like a fucken award in itself.!!!! Most of the time i had to fend for myself as the people i healed didnt really watch my back but i didnt care, i learned how to evade and heal all the better.. well, when i dedicated myself to my DK i was VERY aware of my healers and peeled like a madman when rogues popped on em or they were dying. On through the years i would meet someone every now and then that i noticed having my back in return and we would seem to pair up, no vent, no chat, just knowing and doing, working as one and making a HUGE difference in the BGs we were in. Some of the people i clicked with remained for years, some for months, and some only for a single BG, some made arena teams with me, some made new guilds, but all were friends before anything else, instant bonds that weren't spoken or broken. When i ran into one certain druid and i was on my DK at 70 in full BIS Brutal chanted and gemmed and well versed in the arts of BG objectives and team play, we clicked and reclicked... you all know what i mean.. we all have had a seeming soulmate in game partner in killing, someone that could finish sentences. well, this was him and i was to him as he was to me, instant friends and we ran into each other over and over and linked up OWNING every bg we ran, unfreakinstoppable, we've all been there and know how special that is!!! one day he stopped being online and i hadn't heard from him for quite a while... Then one day i see this little paladin running around in front of me jumping up and down looking like he was trying to get my attention and i remembered my free to play account having so much trouble cause i couldnt whisper someone that didnt have me on their friends list or whispered me first and whispered him... as he was spamming emotes from hell (i am a little slow) and found out it was him!!!! he lost his pay to play and so he made a F2P!! i was overjoyed he was still around but bummed that i couldn't run with him anymore!!! I helped him get profession mats or the AGMs or anything i could help with and one day as i was crying out in pain at my loss of a pvp partner (yeah, everyone knows im an emo bitch) he suggested i roll a 24 and run with him!! i asked what i should roll and he said hunter!! I had never rolled a Goblin so i did, i made my first 24 Twink. SOMFAS (an old 80s acrynym that some buddies and I expanded on) . Well, i should go back in time,,,, what made me roll horde bgs was doing so many alliance lil bitch session BGs it made me sick, alliance was always fingerpointing when things went bad and calling names and shit talking through the BG, they said it was the same on horde, well i wanted to know so i rolled a toon to dualbox with and synced myself on 2 accts to get in the same BG. WOW, what a difference, as the alliance team was tearing each other down for blame the horde were talking about gear, sharing funny stories and such, hardly even paying attention to the game, it was like a stoners social party and they won alot!!! they were helpful and told other ppl where to get their needed gear and cheerful, not always but WAY more than the alliance!!! WAY MORE!@!!! so here i was, rolling Somfas, RIGHT from the get go at the starting point i did a guild search, i did /who to find anyone online in the 25 guilds for fast leveling xp. someone form <Holy Crit> was the first reply and i accepted... <Holy Crit> Azuremyst got their first twink, they were a raiding guild when i got in... I was quiet and ran with my friend (in a different guild) and ran that way for my first 50k HKs... well, needless to say, my friend bought his f2p account and started leveling his toons to get a base going on his account of higher level toons.... I WAS ALONE!!!!! no one to run with but HOOKED ON TWINKING!! omy i loved it!!! i started spamming guild and got Mike and a few others to roll twinks with me after they saw my 50k HK achievement and all my others!! they were VERY friendly and helpful, they would even show up sometimes 9 strong to help me with my agm. Most of them didnt know what they were doing there but they showed up just the same cause the guild asked!!!!! well, the guildies were raiders mainly so i didnt get a lotta groups and i asked trade chat /2 LFM level 20-24 twinks for BGs, xp off ...... OMFFG you would not believe the trolling i received those first few months on a PVE server about how there was no suck thing as twinks anymore, they died with xp bgs, etc etc etc and that i was on a PVE server, go to a pvp server i was told over and over btu i persisted cause i like running with friends and having fun,,,,,, i asked the GM "bubble" at the time, if i could recruit and he happily agreed, then i started making macros and spamming (kind, unoffensive macros) trade all the time... i got a few responses here and there, soon, the 1 twink guild, turned into 5, then 10, then 20, then people in BGs started noticing and asking, and soon they started transferring to Azuremyst to be in the guild. i had nothing to offer but friendship and that seemed to be enough, i made MANY friends in bgs, even on the alliance, i wasn't an asshole to someone that was obviously white flagging it or /waving and jumping up and down /beg ging, i would stop attacking and wave and move on. sometimes i would even damnce and we would run around.. i like people and most people are cool, even if they are the "ENEMY" rawr!!, i got a lot of recruits just by being social and not so single minded. the game is more about social grace than winning. i like winning but thats not what makes the game fun, it's being with friends and meeting new people of all skill levels, i didnt care if you were new to pvp or had shit gear, lets play!!! Well, as i finally let someone in real id (Duo) and started running with him, i IMMEDIATELY started getting hate from being associated with him, remember, i didn't know all the drama yet, even after 50k HKs, i didn't know the bed i was making btu Duo seemed like an ok guy with a determination to win!! i finally gave in and added him so he could invite me to his premades, yeah they were all wins and GY farming, i would get lost and run off to find a friend, well we had our differences but i accept most people, even assholes if they are decent at their core, most of my friends are people others cant stand cause i like to think i see beyond our trash and believe in the goodness of humanity (Yes i can be very fufu hippie nieve or however its spelled. ) well, more and more people started moving and joining HC, it was amazing and then the day came when Duo was going to transfer, i knew right then i had to make a choice and live with it but i dont like being exclusive or too good for anyone and decided that (after laying some ground rules) i would bring him in, knowing what kind of hate came with him through association. i still dont regret the decision, the one thing i asked him was to mellow on the no anal crap and spamming, the guild was WELL respected and full of kind people and the GM didnt need any grief from the people he trusted me with bringing into his guild. Duo did slow down and became one of the best assets of Holy Crit as far as knowledge of gear, where to get it and helping people get their BIS gear and chants, Brainwash (Acupuncture) came just before Duo and provided generously gold and more gold and time for others to get enchanted, by the peak of this new era for Azuremyst and Holy Crit we had 150 level 24 twinks and some people had unfortunately left because of personality conflicts, some i dearly miss even today but decided i wasn't going to kick Duo as i seen him and talked to him and seen him be very helpful, at one point i left and ragequit lol, sometimes the pressure gets to me, i am not about being an asshole to anyone, even my enemies, or at least i wasn't and when i found myself losing my mind i would force myself into the back corner and try not to destroy too many friendships. see, this is about friends and fun and hanging out chillin like villians and EVERY person deserves a chance, even Duo, even alliance, even me!! im sorry to all of you that ended up on the out end of Holy Crit because of conflicts that i should have intervened in. I made a very thought out decision when i handed the guild over to Brainwash, i sincerely just got too tired of all the drama and dealing with assholes like Crend and Tindar and 2 faced people that didnt care about community and friendship and was leaving for a while!! see, for me it;'s fun to win, for me it's great to not die but i could give a shit less if it means i lose a friend in the process cause i was a dick or said something mean, i do my best to be real, to be human and to admit my shit and change what hurts the people i care about.... i fucken love all you guys and will probably get a LOT of shit about how long and boring this is or the names i mentioned or anything else, Brain, i love you man and im sorry this shit happened but i got too tired of Duo being so fucken cool and always having a comeback of how he's right that what i wanted didn't matter, he will say what he will say, of course he will, and those that were in that last BG i ragequit from will think im nuts and overreacting, but i have had Duos back OVER AND OVER many many times when he was getting hate or when i was asked to gkick his ass, many many times, and i still love the guy but i am tired of being laughed at when i ask for something, no matter how stupid it seems to someone else, if you're a friend, you care about what they want, even if it goes against your ideas, thats give and take, thats friendship, i asked for a no kill order on a rogue that had put up the white flag, he was unstealthed with a picnic basket our on top of the stump, you all know the stump.. that shit may sound silly and pussy to most of you, it probably is, but the fact that he didnt have my back and makes my requests sound silly in vent by laughing when someone kills the guy over and over and he has done to me so many times and really doesnt get me at all or he'd fucken say something when that happens like i would for him if it was something important, i even made agreements for his sake that as long as the guy died at least once cause duo cant stand to see someone with zero deaths on the board that he could live, then i could have my picnic lol, what a pussy right, yeah whatever, i guess i am, if its all about mindless killing cause "it's just a game man, they are alliance, we HAVE to kill them, thats what we do" then i would rather run alone,.. Duo, this post will surely be closed and talked shit about but bro, you can be the great killer you are and have the great stats AND have respect for your friends, believe it or not im tired of your bullshit self glorifying excuses for douchebagging me!! it is what it is, either you got someone or you dont. not that you give a shit , especially after this post, i dont expect to be treated anything but bad after this but id rather be alone then with you believing that you are my friend. Bubble bursted and i will NOT sacrifice the great work you are doing in Holy Crit and the awesome shit Brain has done by me staying and being a dick to you. trying to get you kicked , thats dumb, you rock your boat man, i just cant swim in that water anymore so i was the one that had to leave. and yeah this is douchebaggery on my part but it settles any dumb ass whispers or questions or rumors. I am tired of your relentless ego excuses for not caring. peace and see ya sometime, good luck Holy Crit i fucken love ya and you'll always be mine in Spirit so i have started my own Holy Crit on another realm. not to recruit but to be where i started , without the drama and among friends!! keep strong SOMFAS out
yeah i did some typos and misspelling and shit but for those of you that decide to troll that part of it or any other negative comments, /peace and /love. may my enemies be turned into my friends and if their hearts are not turned then turn their knees so that i may know then by their limping!!!!
Read it all as well. It was a struggle at times... Dude *enter* my friend ^_^

I always enjoyed you in vent. Have fun!
tl;dr: duo is exactly what everyone has always said about him and somfas got sick of the drama filled ego filled HC guild. I still remember when you gy farmed me in one bg in either a 10 or 5 man then the very next day offered to help me get damage control when I was trying for it. I wouldn't go as far as saying I respect you but imo you were atleast a step up from the majority of the people who sported the HC tag. If you ever feel like giving ally a chance and want a quiet realm throw me a PM and we may talk about it. Gotta be no gy farming and no p2p stuffz tho. At this point you seem just to want to go into hiding to get away
Any tips and tricks to make me able to read this wall of text?
Any tips and tricks to make me able to read this wall of text?

You have to be pro at reading.

And take it easy Somfas. I'm sure we all know a thing or two about drama and how tiring it can be after a while. We all decide what our own limits are. =)
Wow after all the help you've done for Duo. He stabs you in the back just like a friend in middle school that throws a away a huge friendship over a bitch in high school.....Good luck to you Somfas :) and I hope Duo gets what he deserves
Can you use your enter key? It hurts my eyes trying to read that :(
all of the longwinded comments, i expect, yeah ppl know me but its not really about Duo stabbing me in the back, it's about him being him and me being a whiny little bitch. I knew who he was, i knew he was a GY farmer and i let him in anyways, i guess hoping he would come to my side of the fence more than me going to his,not that i am totally against GY farming, im not, yeah it gets boring but thats not what i wanted us to be known for, i failed, hes a wall, hes solid, unchanging, i am the one that changed and thats what i like least about all of this, the fact that the guild i turned into a twink guild and the realm that i turned into a twink realm got one of the worst reputations as a result and it all falls into my hands by the decisions i made and the ones i didn't but should have!! this reputation is not what i invisioned for Holy Crit when i started recruiting and it's no ones fault but mine when people get spit on for the name that sits below over 300 level 24s now.. most people dont care but i do, it wasn't their baby, it was mine and i raised charles manson!!! /hug
all of the longwinded comments, i expect, yeah ppl know me but its not really about Duo stabbing me in the back, it's about him being him and me being a whiny little bitch. I knew who he was, i knew he was a GY farmer and i let him in anyways, i guess hoping he would come to my side of the fence more than me going to his,not that i am totally against GY farming, im not, yeah it gets boring but thats not what i wanted us to be known for, i failed, hes a wall, hes solid, unchanging, i am the one that changed and thats what i like least about all of this, the fact that the guild i turned into a twink guild and the realm that i turned into a twink realm got one of the worst reputations as a result and it all falls into my hands by the decisions i made and the ones i didn't but should have!! this reputation is not what i invisioned for Holy Crit when i started recruiting and it's no ones fault but mine when people get spit on for the name that sits below over 300 level 24s now.. most people dont care but i do, it wasn't their baby, it was mine and i raised charles manson!!! /hug

The feels! Not even joking. I do feel for ya.


Why not try again then ^_^

Lesson learned. And you don't even need to go full scum.


Duo is annoying i'm sure you knew that.. i could never get into vent with him without fantasizing about jumping to my death about 1 minute in.
Everyone knows Duopaladin is awful. I constantly queue into his derp 5 man 24 premades (where I inevitably end up carrying them because they NEVER QUEUE WITH A HEALER WTF?!). The other 4 guys on his team go 33-0 and don't run 50 feet ahead of me, Duopaladin always goes 5-7, get's globalled and solo'd by 20 hunters and then bitches about the shitty heals he gets. Awful, awful player. I think I have an example too. I'll pull up on my other comp and see what I got.
it was mine and i raised charles manson!!! /hug

hes a br..or something while I have never talked to duo in person its obvious he HAS to be either portugese/Spanish and most of them are more RP than hardcore gamers. By killing alliance hes rping and I guess making the Wolrd of warcraft a better? game in his way. neva gonna change
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i ALMOST DIED reading this. Somfas first of all... Stupid post. I've been in that vent enough to know that Duo helps people out as much as the other guy. But for anyone to say he stabed you in the back is ridiculous You asked him to transfer as I remember. Duo doesn't deserve a chance. Duo doesn't deserve friends. Sure all this is true. But some how he has friends and he is given a chance. Metro hates him, yep Duo has a annoying voice wouldn't you hate him? Hes always talking cause thats what makes it fun we talk we arn't robots sitting in a vent channel calling out attacks. We are Ruthless and farm gys. Hate Duo awesome love Somfas awesome. Either way Duo didn't rage quit a guild and delete all his real id's. Play the game. Have fun! if you are not having fun then don't play. I love Holy Crit Brainwash and Somfas and sureeee even Duo but those 3 guys are the reason the guild has lasted so long. Somfas wants to trash talk and delete everyone cool. But just know that we arn't going anywhere.
Brainwash has been Gm and he does a really good job of keeping this guild afloat it was really disrespectful for Somfas to post this. Duo does not = HolyCrit. Sooner everyone realizes that the faster you will get on with your lives. Who cares what Duo does? you guys all think hes bad. If hes bad then ignore him. But oh wait.... You can't. Hes obviously not going anywhere but why be surprised? Duo this Duo that, None of you kids know him. Hes a jaja haha hes been jajaing all over that gy then. Sketch the wall is still standing Don't even worry. G-kicking Duo wouldn't have solved anything anyways. Somfas people with Emotional intelligence get the furthest in life. You let people influence the way you see life... Well then you are just killing yourself from the inside out. Let no one take your happiness. I'm sure people make mistakes. No one is different.
You are noob. Excel would mean he did good. So you just contradicted yourself. You just said hes good. This is a futile attempt at trolling.

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