Somfas. I commend you for the post, for the content, not the wall of text with no punctuation and lack of paragraphs.
This will most likely be my last post here on TI, so I will set it up with some background... you know, because I need to make my post a competitor in the wall of text competition that this thread has started.
Anyhow. My last 24 game was the one that I
posted a screenshot from during the AB weekend where Holy Crit was rolling 10 24s. I am not quitting the game or even 24s right now, but I am taking a break to level a new 90. I decided to roll a priest and I am at 88 1/2 already! I will probably get bored once I hit 90 and get all geared up. I expect the boredom to set in within a month and you'll probably see me on my 24s again.
Also, I was not planning on using TI anymore but
Nesyla pulled me back in and I found myself reading this thread, Nesyla.... check PMs for my answer.
When I came back to Wow after a 6 month break, I rolled a new 19 and quickly realized what I already knew and reverted to my 24s again. I retrofitted the 24s (and 21 rogue) that I enjoyed playing with the new enchants (I quit before that patch) and all and hit the battlegrounds running. My favorite 24s were horde at that time and I got into some pugs with that druid in Holy Crit that streams on Twitch (can't recall name off the top of my head). I ended up queing with him and one of his friends and ended up getting on Raid Call with them... I hate raid call btw. Anyhow. I decided to transfer my priest and rogue to Azuremyst to play with them and ended up joining Holy Crit.
I posted a watered down, diplomatic reason that I left Holy Crit a few weeks ago, but I guess I'll just say that it wasn't the right fit. I don't GY farm and the games I got into with Holy Crit normally ended in that so I quit queuing with them. I didn't enjoy the /g chat much either... too much high school cafeteria chatter. Too many egos from players that were not that good. I was honest when I said that there were some really helpful members in the guild though. There were always a few of the members offering to run people through gnomer and such. Bottom line, Holy Crit wasn't my type of guild but what 24 guild is? 90% of them probably wouldn't suit me and my ideals. After a couple months in the bracket again, I know I wouldn't like many of the guilds. HolyCrit and Sanctuary are pretty much the same thing. Luckily for me, Honeybadger didn't want me in Sanctuary when I 1st came back a few months ago. Saved 50 or so bucks on that. Thanks HB.

Anyhow, I left at the 1st opportunity. That opportunity was with some old Vanilla/BC friends from the Vengeance BG.
@Somfas - Again, I commend you for your post and your attitude. It's great to see others with similar views and conviction.
Thanks Brainwash for allowing me to hide out in your guild for a month or so. It wasn't for me, but good luck.
To all the Twink Info members, especially those that were members when I created TI, Thanks for all the memories. I need to walk away from the site. The overall attitude on this site is toxic and I don't need that shit. I don't play this game to have conversations with the types that have taken over TI. Reading that thread posted by @Khoas made this a good choice for me.
Peace. If anyone wants to contact me, feel free to add me on Realid, but please tell who you are in the request. Torlaan#1210
Again Somfas. Thanks for this thread. I don't know you, but reading your lead post, as hard as it was to read, helped me to realize you are the kind of player I would roll with.
Moral of the story: rolling in the mud will get you dirty.
You should know that.