Anywayz, I'm quite satisfied with my performance on a priest. I do not take your opinion seriously, nor do I think ur gud.
He was def a good rogue, I'm just discrediting the blatant ignorance these kids are perpetuating in this thread. It's honestly just entertainment value for me at this point. I haven't had this much fun since the "Reflexes ownin tyme" thread. The difference here is, I'm not trolling. This is a rare treat from the master angler, you should all enjoy it. I'm being genuine when I say there is no way he was top five at any point. The TI kids getting angry at me, that's a bonus don't get me wrong. But it wasn't my intention
One thing I don't respect is him trying to weave lies out of old threads(HOLY SHIT I'M GOOD WITH WORDPLAY) specifically the initial comment that he made to me. But it's fine, I kind of backed him into a corner and hit his friends with shuriken while blocking the passive comments from others players with my angling shield of might. It's understandable I'd look like the bad guy, 9v1ing these d00ds.
Yo, I'll hand over my #1 cata priest title if maelstrom is playing again. Until then I da best