Faction Change

No, it's not possible. No, you can't buy one, at least not without upgrading and then being subject to monthly fees if you want to keep using it. Just make another character on the opposite faction.
Do you mean that the Faction Change is possible? I can't see it under the Account

where the options is on P2P toons.

But it is not explicitely excluded unlike the Realm Transfer (at least I havent read it

anywhere that it would be).

Did anyone successfully faction changed?

I would like to obtain BiS from both factions.

Edit: ok (posted before I saw Aradiels post)
It's only possible if you upgrade your account, pay for it. If you do that, which costs $5, then you can faction change which costs $30 and then pay $15 a month if you want to keep playing. And realm transfer is possible. I've done it. That was a free transfer though.
But then It would be P2P account, and if I wanted to be a fair competitor in the F2P bracket, I would have to avoid doing stuff that F2P's can't anyway...
Yes, then it would be a paid account. Blizz do not currently offer paid services on starter accounts. This is intentional, even though there would be people like you that wouldn't want to have a paid account, but would still want to give Blizz some money. Blizz don't want it that way.
But then It would be P2P account, and if I wanted to be a fair competitor in the F2P bracket, I would have to avoid doing stuff that F2P's can't anyway...

as long as your gear and enchants are good, do whatever you want, get something the f2ps cant get, its all fair
But then It would be P2P account, and if I wanted to be a fair competitor in the F2P bracket, I would have to avoid doing stuff that F2P's can't anyway...

Like Umpteenth said, who cares. The bracket is 20-24, not 20 F2P. I play for free, so I get way more than I pay for. If you are P2P then go nuts.

As far as I'm concerned the only thing that you have to follow as a p2p 20 is the enchants, for everything else your paying for it you should get to use it.
As far as I'm concerned the only thing that you have to follow as a p2p 20 is the enchants, for everything else your paying for it you should get to use it.

are you implying 20 P2P's should go get engineering and grab the parachute cloak as well because i hope not coming from a P2P 20
are you implying 20 P2P's should go get engineering and grab the parachute cloak as well because i hope not coming from a P2P 20

Honestly It makes no difference to me, If they want the chute cloak feel free. The enchants are the main gamechanger.
I agree enchants are what destroy f2p's. What's so great about parachute cloak? a slower fall rate? I see it would be powerful with hunters disengage maybe , but other than that, what's so great about it?

BoA helms on 20 p2p (especially for Horde) are also fine for obvious reasons.
Take BS from LM Airborne Ranger style. Take alliance flag half way down the field without anyone touching you. Less effective when taking horde flag.
ok so ur saying perfect example u wouldn't care if instead of using the LFH on a prot warrior if i took the BoA 11stam 6 str (not completly sures its 6 mayybe 8) 4expertise 4dodge helm you would not care? because i know id get **** from alot of ppl
If you want to be F2P then no guild BoAs. Pretty simple. If you don't care, then do whatever you like. Anything available to F2P is fine, anything not available, like guild BoAs is not.
If you want to be F2P then no guild BoAs. Pretty simple. If you don't care, then do whatever you like. Anything available to F2P is fine, anything not available, like guild BoAs is not.

i would say horde hunters, rogues, and warriors could, cause there missing out on skill patch
Warriors actually have pretty similar stats at the end of the day, and even some bonus expertise if they're orcs from axes. If you want to be a paid F2P then you can't use things F2P can't get. Like I said though, if you don't care, then you can do what ever you like.

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